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Everything posted by Sayori

  1. Well, I haven't seen yukon for a long time, probably have missed the patchnotes with the nerfs(if there were any)
  2. In terms of meta...fbw(which everyone has), colby .45, act44 marksman, obir, obeya, pmg. But what would you like is something nobody here can tell you.
  3. I don't have a console so I'm unaware what's happening there but you seem to be. How's the yukon on console ?
  4. Legendaries are mostly balanced. Yukon needs a nerf, UL-3s and Anubus need to be buffed and that's all. But before this can we balance the main weapons? Right now it's obeya, pmg, shotguns everywhere. Funny there are people who say shotguns are not as good while you can kill someone from across the street with a supposedly close range weapon. And maybe we need a marriage system in the game because there are quite a lot of people who are so desperately in love with their cars and they can't get apart from them. Fun meta /s
  5. I do, because already acknowledged they get renewed because of what you said? So maybe I'm not the one who's not reading, maybe it's someone else
  6. I'm talking about the redeem codes you get for the weapons, ffs. Not the weapon itself once redeemed. Kinda obvious, don't you think? But seems like codes get renewed once they expired, I always had to redeem them the last day just so they don't go for a waste. Meme totally makes sense because it's related to the new 30 days of premium.I went to the store to get some crayons so I can explain it to you as simple as possible - The premise is that by giving everyone premium, a large amount of apb cash is generated, therefore causing devaluation of APB dollar. Of course it's exaggerated and compared to real economy to make the joke float. There.
  7. And yes, loyalty weapons DO EXPIRE. Last time I got my Euryale there was an expiration date, sadly can't find the screenshot and I'm really not going to spend money on the other account to get a weapon just to prove you a fact. And about the image...It's a f.cking meme, it doesn't have to make sense. It's....a a joke. Maybe you have heard about them. edit: talking about the codes, thought was really obvious....
  8. Currently they expire faster than canned food. They are digital items, they shouldn't expire. Even the loyalty weapons have expiration date. Why?! Don't know what would take to rework it entirely but I will be happy even with bandaid solution like a script in cron that runs once a week and updates all entries in the database. P.S. Thanks for the another 30 days of premium. You have given the players more than what AAA publishers have during the pandemic.
  9. The Oxford Dictionary calls terrorism "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." As far as I know, civilians are not specifically targeted in APB, it's two military-style factions opposed against each other. And even if there was - it's fictional. That's not a justification to promote real terrorist organizations. Lets not forget Che Guevara. So many clowns wearing shirts with his face.
  10. Those people play the game just to be able to match against or with the streamer. Not to actually enjoy the game. How is Sea of Thieves doing now when summit ain't playing? Or I shouldn't ask? But ok...big streamer? Did LO contact summit to showcase the engine update? Would have been far better pick than anyone on the list(no offense to you personally, I think you are a nice guy) I was going to try Sea of Thieves but the windows 10 only put me off, then the game was shambles. A streamer won't make me touch any game if it's garbage.
  11. Lmao...some people on the list. Like 50% of them never heard of, and 1 of them doesn't play the game , just run her mouth all day on APB Discord. What exactly is her purpose on the list? Not to mention some of the names have a dubious "reputation" to say the least. But I know..we don't discuss bans that were handled under the previous management! Good luck with your "beta"..which essentially is like a window shopping for us.
  12. Ah, yes. Just as expected. Lots of people who don't even stream APB or play it or have an extensive ban history. Classic. edit: And can game companies stop treating "streamers" like some privileged class and deities? They don't make your game more popular. The work of the dev team and the marketing team do it. All "streamers" is do is latching onto the gaming industry and leeching. Basically like parasites.
  13. I only play fc these days so I'm out of the loop. There are npcs on the street that will yell at you "de puta madre". I'm really not bothered by them, they are fictional. The problem is the actual players. Title seems fitting considering the above mentioned because it truly has no essence in it...
  14. Could you try to overreach even more? It's obvious what the context is here. But no, pvp doesn't necessarily mean it's competitive, otherwise you won't hear people say "I play xxx competitively". And when people do, the game has something that makes it possible. APB doesn't. End of story.
  15. As if APB is a competitive game. Maybe to a certain circlejerk of people who try to outcheat each other for several years already. Dislikes printer go brrrr
  16. I mean....there are lots of mentality unstable sociopaths in this game who would try to set up someone like that but I really doubt LO is so gullible. Another episode of "The dog ate my homework"
  17. No official source, just my observation after years. And knowing the sloppy work of RTW/Reloaded, I find it hard to believe someone did it..but also why would they? You are limited to 40 people to match against and that's best case scenario which never happens. Even in solo'q sometimes it may take awhile to get opposition. But if you know lots of bored people who wanna be labrats you can run tests. 2 4-man groups, 8 soloq players queue at the same time for like 20 times and see what happens. Of course everyone must be at the same threat level. Or Matt Scott can confirm whether this is right or wrong... or a dev after getting permission from Matt Scott to do so:)
  18. Pretty sure he means "soloqueue", not solo game as a singleplayer. And that's really how you get most fair matches when your team and opposition are soloq'ing. The system doesn't even try to find you opposition that consist of a group of your size, the logic is not there, it simply tries to find you ANY 4 people...and you end up against soloq players most of the time as that's how most people play. And lets be honest - with the current population(and future, this game is not going anywhere, more news at 11) this is the most "versatile" way for matchmaking; all those soloq players are like small lego pieces that you can put together anyway you wish. Cross-district matchmaking might help but not a lot. Best way to play this game is solo or duo que, that's it. But I can understand people who want to play with friends. As for the cheaters - nothing has changed. Same people, same clans, going 30-1, others stream and think it's really not noticeable, some get banned then buy new R255 accounts and the shitshow continues.
  19. Can't you just run the valentines weapons on armas til the end of February? Probably lots of people haven't got their pay cheques yet. Surely that won't hurt you, no need to suck at making money. And bring back gifting. Why do you even waste dev. resources to implement things like razer gold? Who is using this ?!
  20. So far I've only seen "benchmarks" that run "ok" on i9 9900ks and 1080. Surely someone who tests the game has somewhat average hardware and can share performance..the fact they don't means it's probably far worse than on 9900ks and 1080 You don't need swap/pagefile with 16gb ram for gaming but you can still allocate 2-3gb just in case(preferably on a mechanical drive)
  21. Oh, sweet and innocent, you really have no idea of this "community" yet.
  22. And it doesn't end here, there's more! I still vote Tiggs, if she doesn't want to deal with mentally unstable children then I guess you are alright for the job.
  23. > screw up the servers > launch the holiday event anyway > EU can't earn the rewards > add them on armas I know it's not intentional but seriously...
  24. Hopefully next GM will get LO out of that discord and make official one. Also bring Tiggs back. inb4 triggered people with 10+ bans
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