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Everything posted by Sayori

  1. What do you expect ? We live in a post-truth world. And there's a guy saying that there are 50-60 people in so it's not a fail? Yeah ? And how many people are trying to get in? This beta wasn't decided yesterday, had plenty of time to prepare including backup plan but here we are again - convincing me that UE will be a giant flop. What I'm supposed to do? Enter my login credentials every few minutes? And this is the result of my 3 attempts to get in social
  2. Most of the time can't login, if I login, then I can't connect world server, and I connect by some miracle then can't load in Social. Sorry, I will pass.
  3. Yes and none of them was LO's staff. I don't want to play guessing games. The blog page doesn't explain it clearly, it seems like overly complicated system, things could be much simpler. But I'm sure this is going to benefit new players soooooooooo much ...because they read blog pages and forums /s
  4. Someone needs to elaborate. Does this mean 5000 JT pack is 10% chance? And can I choose the weapon or it's completely random because if that's the case then this update is horrendous.
  5. Sure, they have QA... probably like two people and of course there's you...who test for a bit on the weekend and still have reported a lot of things. So just imagine all of us getting access and start discovering new bugs.... You are kinda proving my point though, there's already bottleneck at LO's side because there's not enough work force. Thank you for explaining how software development and bug management works. Totally haven't been involved in such things /s I know, right? I crash too so it's like I'd like this to be fixed too? Actually don't need UE to fix this problem. Just so you know, it's not entirely nvidia's fault. https://www.seas.upenn.edu/~cis565/LECTURES/Lecture2 New.pdf http://homepages.math.uic.edu/~jan/mcs572/mcs572notes/lec28.html
  6. No, I have no idea how many but I know 20 people who do this part-time, unpaid and not professional are not able to finish this at decent completion level . So yes, I really doubt most bugs have been discovered, it's most likely just on the surface. Will see soon ™ anyway
  7. There are like 20 people testing, not that many bugs reported and LO is still struggling(I don't blame them). Guess what is going to happen when thousand players get access and start reporting. Not the mention the performance is not that amazing considering the hardware people use in the tests. The best part? Nobody is going to buy and save APB this time because there's no IP attached to it, it's just the source code.
  8. Nothing wrong with buying new hardware if you are going to use it. Many people play on 1440p or 4k, so yes, you will need latest gen gpu for stable fps for something like Shadow of the Tomb Raider in 4K. And if you are doing a big upgrade leap there's no point going 1000's series unless want to save money. I don't know how widespread is this issue...can't find anything else other than APB.
  9. If you hate it and can't handle not getting what you want - DON'T F... BUY THEM. You know the the chance to win.... Just go and buy armas weapons instead of joker boxes, buy premium, play missions, save up money, buy the legendary. Unlike other games where loot box content can't be traded, in APB can be. Oh, no! Won't somebody please think of the children! This is 18+ game, kiddos shouldn't be even here, if they are - the parents are responsible. Not LO or other game companies.
  10. So basically there's not . We are speaking in context of APB not vpn security vulnerabilities and infosec
  11. I got gtx 1660 super last week, no crashes while playing FC for an hour a day but maybe that's not enough playtime. EDIT: scratch that. Now I'm crashing... Can't tell if Battleye or the GPU but looks like gpu issue to me. Like something to do with the rendering symbols. m_VertexBuffer->Lock(m_nNextVertexData, Size, &pData, VertexLockFlags) failed at Src\D3D9DrawPrimitiveUPWrapper.cpp:293 with error D3DERR_DEVICELOST History: 14:57:34 - Log: Log file closed, 10/06/20 17:57:34
  12. Sounds like lag switching. There's no such thing as "vpn exploiter"
  13. That's a problem for a lot of people. The only advice I can give you is next time not to for that fanatic or he will tank the turkish lira even harder.
  14. If he means Bullsharks, then yes, maybe, but definitely not 5.56. But even 40-50 bullsharks would require a lot of accounts. Hundreds.... There were a lot of bullsharks on the market, price was like 1 million, who cares anyway, it's bullshark. FFA 5.56 price never dropped, guy is talking out of this a...
  15. And what's up with the EU servers anyway ?! /fps shows server latency(tick rate) 33ms, but when I get in my 4x4 vegas the drive speed is like 30+% slower and unresponsive ?! Fake data.... This is on all districts
  16. Nice but you shouldn't have posted a notice on the forums. Just go for it and catch the people who don't pay attention to the updates. P.S. Can mods damn stop giving me warnings for name and shame when I've not mentioned a name? But funny to see how that streamer quickly recognized himself and reported me :^)
  17. Asylum 100% cqc, financial is mostly cqc, and you are in a group with someone with med/long range you can stay jg. Yes it's viable in 50% of the game. Unless you wanna argue semantics. Name and Shame removed ~@mayii
  18. Yes, it was also Tiggs that VAC'd some of them... I used to criticize Tiggs ON the forums and was never FF'd so your children's fairytales don't really go well with the narrative you try to push. So it's viable in 50% of the game? Ok. You know this is bad when I have to actually agree with someone like Flaws :^)
  19. LO better fix this sh.t in the next few weeks. And isn't that "streamer" who promotes the same one who used to run in FC with +15% speed without having Fragile mod and FF'd ? Thanks LO. FairFight was only falsely banning upstanding citizens /s
  20. Strange....Over 25 years online gaming and I have never been worried about losing my account. Probably because I don't cheat ?! And if a false-positive happened I'm confident that I will manage to clear it up. No idea how did you get that information thatG1 didn't pay for FairFight so it was "unmaintained". Most of the ACs you have listed are mediocre at best, the rest are pure garbage. Even the new anti-cheat by Riot is already busted. You have like 10 people developing an anti-cheat system and thousands of others who try to find vulnerabilities. Basic arithmetics will tell you who will get on the top. Sadly there are so many vulnerabilities in Windows and all kind of drivers you can exploit to get around the anti-cheats. People have been widely abusing lsass for EAC for awhile. I don't think it was ever fixed by Microsoft. FairFight was the best thing ever happened to APB even if it wasn't "configured properly". You can't bypass what's on the server-side. It took out so much trash. And a lot of the people who cried out "False ban" had VAC bans too. Wow, must be very unlucky if they get false banned by every anti cheat. What LO needs to do for UE 3.5 is to hire someone competent to implement EAC because right now is just omegalolz. And generally step up their game and be more selective who becomes SPCT(or whatever it's called) or which streamer they work with.(there are spct who cheat and streamers previous hosted on LO's channel who play with modified muzzle brake flashes. ToS? Hello?) And one phone app for verification that binds your phone number and maybe phone's IMEI to APB to prevent mindless rerolling. EAC is doing only heuristics on server side for detection. Nothing like what FairFight does.
  21. Someone's self-confidence must be at a rock-bottom level if they are so concerned that people might think they are noob just because someone else agrees with them. Other than that, I find it hard to believe OP has "studied" UE3 source code but doesn't know why there are macros. Spawns are trash though, reports go straight to the bin, unless you are a certain "streamer".
  22. Symbol is pretty good. But it's funny to see the mean comments from people who had to question their own fragile sexuality and are now upset :^) Nice logic there /s Have you thought that sometimes it's hard to determine what is allowed when rules are so vague like on youtube and other "social" platforms.
  23. Check your eyes, my dude. And even if I insult him, should that warrant a death wish ? But it's APB, this is completely normal. OCA had to be nerfed, it was the dominant smg and now is in a good place. But now PMG has a longer range, same ttk and basically no real penalties unlike OCA. So need to buff it again thank you very much(oca main btw).
  24. Don't call me dear. I'm not your boyfriend, neither I'm interested. But if you are desperate to have your orifices filled just go buy one "toy" from Bad Dragon. Isn't it funny how you don't want insults but at the same time you literally wish me death?! Go see a doctor, something is terribly wrong with your head. But hey, that's APB community in a nutshell. This game will never take off, Engine Update is no tgoing to save APB because it's still going to be populated with people like you. This thread is not about how I would fix pmg. Lots of things can be changed, bloom, recoil, accuracy loss for different modifiers. Range is "ok", maybe ttk can be increased. well, asylum has lots of corners, it's all about shotguns and smgs. And right now JG is god tier and hard carry weapon. Thanks LO, I guess ?
  25. So many pmg abusers in the thread. Disgusting. What's even worse is that they probably sleep with their 4x4 vegas and pioneers too. #cargameplay. This is why LO will never balance the game. They have no idea of the game and rely on "the community" which is heavily biased on all topics.
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