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Everything posted by Sayori

  1. Is this...sarcasm? No one should ever wait more than 2 days for any kind of payment/billing issues.
  2. Dude, do you read or you just pretend you do then proceed to bash the keyboard and see what comes out as a reply? I said tested
  3. Same people who tested Riot. It's going to be good then :^) "Abandon all hope ye who enter here"
  4. Some of the mods* are just a meme. I got 2 days ban for naming and shaming without actually used anyone's name but vague descriptions. Or when I got a post with picture removed but 5 other posts with pictures above weren't...and no picture wasn't offensive or anything and totally on topic. Worse than in G1 times. edit: * - community volunteers.
  5. Thanks for the update but this just doesn't make any sense to me. A couple of months after LO took over, you mentioned the new game mode and everyone called it BR. Now you say you felt you can implement it without spending too much dev resources but still it's been a long time already so this surely can't be the case. And on top of that you guys made press releases to advertise your sandbox for mistakes. Yeah, who cares if our sandbox for mistakes is a flop, APB is already surrounded by negativity anyway, some more won't affect it! /s Btw the 40% who have tried RIOT is still pretty low. I think maybe you need a bigger and better carrot. Waiting for the engine update(decent one) then maybe I can finally recommend this game to others. <Insert "It's okay, we didn't want this game mode anyway" meme>
  6. I don't have any performance issues or at least haven't noticed but have some crashes now and then + disconnects. As for EAC, don't have your hopes up, it's implemented badly, which is just amazing considering they had support from EAC devs as well. But you know, APB has never been better than it is right now :^)
  7. And wednesday is tomorrow. And just because that's "maintenance day" it doesn't necessarily mean they will do anything. Hence why I am asking for some kind of update and announcement.
  8. All APB "streamers" are horrible not a single game dev should ever listen to them. One is a veteran cheater, other is a boor with inflated ego, another is a rageaholic who gets angry at every teammate he gets and doesn't live to his expectation while pretending to be a gentleman and burping on stream. etc etc Great presentation of the APB community and the game itself:) That's all we have to promote the game sadly
  9. It's going to be a week soon and not a word so far. G1 communication skills.
  10. "I sold/bought account on a certain trading forum and got instantly banned" fify
  11. Yep, have played lots of online games, APB by far has the most toxic playerbase. You want this to be addressed and harassers need to be penalized with temporary bans. Good luck, my ticket was answered like2 -3 months after it was submitted just to tell me they are "investigating". Some esports gamers(read as cheaters) thought the gold district is reserved for their arrenged Hack vs Hack fests. Gawd, the amount of rage and insults in district chat just because we decided to play there. Been on the internet long enough to grow a thick skin so couldn't be bothered but don't expect this from everyone. Can't forbid and ban for something that can't be actually proven. Stream sniping sucks though....
  12. Ah, can't make the ruskis happy. Always angry at someone else but not at themselves. It's not the first time a russian publisher plays stupid or downright extorts other companies when data is needed. They did it with Black Desert last year when their license ran out and the devs wanted to self-publish in Russia and migrate the data to their own servers but russians refused to hand-over data for "legal reasons"...ironically also asked for money. Go be angry at Gamenet because they dont provide transaction history to verify everyones purchases...and we all know what GMs were doing on Innova. Btw G1/LO didn't even owe you migration. Be thankful
  13. Nice. Armas store needed some alternative although but maybe 8000 JT for a weapon is too grindy. I'd reduce it but increase the APB$ like 5 times.
  14. auth issues are not "last second issues". this is something that should have been found days before, not doing tests right before release. No they don't look unprofessional, THEY ARE unprofessional. This is just another example. I get it they are small company without any experience with "big" online games but at this point this is just a meme.
  15. lmao, didn't see this coming /s But yeah take the servers off and do what you have to do. Those nerds can go to something else. And "the final test" should have been a week before doing any marketing....
  16. Please provide some sort of evidence to prove I'm wrong because from years of playing I've noticed if I end up doing solo mission I'd be consistently be put against 2 silvers. or 1 silver 2 bronzes, 1 gold, the pattern persists no matter what is my team size. This is of course perfect case scenario which is not always but it always tries to be even.
  17. You are not alone with this problem, there are plenty of people who just don't play anymore because they are tired from bouncing between silver/gold Sadly there's no population to make more skill brackets and fill them so the only solution will be Engine Update and cross-district matchmaking. And to the guy who's saying there are sub skill threats like bronze 1, 2 etc - he's talking with his patootie. 1 gold = 2 silvers, 1 silver = 2 bronzes. So I've had times that I'm solo against like 1 silver and 2 bronze players. Silver district can be hell for some people with all the "high skill" players and cheaters. Pretty sure Matt Scott acknowledged the threat system is partially responsible for the dethreating this is why they don't ban people for that although it's supposedly against the rules.
  18. Sayori


    There are already bypasses just not public ones.. The only thing needed is to implement them. No idea if EAC does anything like FF on server-side. Probably not. edit: So it seems EAC's server-side AC is like FF, additionally they have machine learning team. This is far better than relying on a any client side solution
  19. Sayori


    I'm aware they are from the discord but it's not like most people check it out daily. Especially certain citizens of the biggest country in the world who really like to rush B. There's no need to spread this further more. If I was Matt I'd just delete it although it's late at this point.
  20. Sayori


    Thanks for letting every scrub know that they should be updating their code so they don't caugh. You always looked like a c... to me, now you have confirmed it Anyway this will only give us a rest for a week or two at best then we will be back at where we are right now. Also APB will be Epic store exclusive /s
  21. They can "misrepresent" APB right now too. No need to have access to OTW. And to be honest the only thing that gets misrepresented often is the business model. So I have some doubts about that NDA theory.
  22. I find it hilarious they have put NDA so testers can't share info. Matt, bruv...this game has like 600 players across EU/NA. Why do you need NDA? I won't even recommend this game to a friend even if you pay me. This is how bad APB is right now so I can't imagine that I can get any more disappointed by whatever it's on OTW.
  23. lol. Thanks "god" I'm not that shallow to think that my self-esteem depends on my theme in a vidya game. Nobody likes their stuff stolen, not even the thieves but that's the reality. Once something is made in the digital world it's bound to be copied. And while we are at it, are you sure you don't have any pirated software on your computer? No pirated music? You never listen to music on youtube which is also pirated? ... Thought so And lets not pretend making themes is something very complex like real music production. But you are right, it's a free market, fools can pay whatever they want, but doesn't stop me to point out it's pure stupidity And to be clear - I don't endorse theme stealing, I just find i amusing how everyone is guilty of piracy but cries about others ripping their own work.
  24. Is back? It's been here always. It sucks but nothing you can do about it other than lower your prices and set them to something reasonable so people don't turn to "piracy". Stop thinking they are something special just because you are selling them for a million and only few edgy carbine esports players are dumb enough to buy them. They are boring and uninspiring. I've spotted few "unique" ones that were 90's house tracks before. I don't mean you personally but in general. tl;dr - change your marketting strategy so people don't sail the high seas.
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