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Everything posted by Sayori

  1. Yep, this is why he had to post a walk-through, "just get the barrels to the point and win". the "git gud" philosophy in a nutshell.
  2. Event is bad but people on the forums love their rose-tinted glasses and the echo chamber. It's boring, "over-complicated", very unintuitive to the point I had to read Matt Scott's walk through for something that should be basic and simple. Even EvE Online is less confusing when you are a newbie and that's the game with highest learning curve. Poor visual hints, nothing to really tell you what you should do next and the end-stage is "Eh?" Got 2 full districts on day one, now it's 2 district, each at below 50% for a good reason. Why not something like 2-3 simple capture points in each corner, which are like "labs" producing chemical supplies, with timers, each tick generates resources/chemicals/toxins, once a faction gets a certain amount of points end-stage kicks in and it's some kind of payload escort where 1 faction will need to get to X location, while the 2 other factions have to work together to prevent it. In first stage factions will have to fight over their capture points. Or anything similar to that. Thanks for the effort though, LO. But if that's how Riot will work more or less, I can already foresee how it will go.
  3. And yet doesn't happen in other games. So maybe try to find other explanation than the "you" argument. Not nagging or anything but for example gw2 and overwatch are notorious for their friendly communities, how odd I have no one blocked. Meanwhile in APB its enough to look at EU /district chat for few seconds to get the mental image who is playing this game.
  4. Meh, I don't see a problem. It's a different 3d model that can't be obtained outside Armas, sort of exclusve, I can see why would they add extra to the cost. I won't mind if prices were equal but who cares.
  5. Hate to say it, but if it was true than I'd have hundreds of people blocked in Overwatch or any other games. It's clear as a day that APB community is really toxic.
  6. 15k hours, about 15 bans. Clearly people who have played for that long do not need to cheat. /s And cheaters are not players, they are very early version of NPC Wojak. Always the same prescripted answers and the d0t exe
  7. > Matt makes IR3 changes. > People don't like some weapons are not ez mode and whine on the forums > Matt decides to revert > People whine he shouldn't revert > Matt gets new possible ideas Matt, you are the CEO, stop changing your mind everytime. People will quickly get used to it.... Get new ideas, maybe ask for feedback, tweak accordingly and settle in some middle ground where you are happy and players but don't 180 after few complains. IR3 changes aren't even that bad, I'd say keep tweaking but don't revert, it's a waste of dev time.
  8. Among those topics, the only one that matters is cheaters. I don't expect perfect weapon balance or better matchmaking with a tiny pool of players. I really would like to hear how many people you have permabanned since the BE's implementation because it feels like cheating is rampant as before. And while we are on cheating, there's something that costs nothing and will benefit every game - start looking for cheat providers, contract their hosting providers and demand them to take the site down as it violates it's DCMA violation. + contact PayPal and also demand them to shutdown their "business" accounts. It will not weed out that garbage entirely but it will greatly reduce it. Almost nobody will use their CC directly or pay Bitcoins for cheats. Recently Rockstar and Paypal closed the account of some cheat site. So it's possible because for example Cloudflare's ToS forbids copyright content on their servers and cheats are DCMA violation.
  9. I have the same issue without any Windows updates. Marketplace "add" button also grayed out and can't place anything on the market. Nice! $APB compensation when?
  10. Oh, I don't know. Could it be that RL casinos require licenses and that all the machines are "sealed" and controlled by government agencies that inspect casinos regularly? That you know your chances of winning in blackjack, roulette and etc. Who controls gamedevs though? Nobody lol
  11. Low-quality bait although with a good potential if OP's butt wasn't trashed a dozen of times by FF in the past. Guess the sore faded away and decided to show up and try to downplay the problem? Classic.
  12. "He can track better than me, he's cheating! If I can't do that it's impossible" And how is that related when I'm talking about the ruski who's afk, OP runs in front of his crosshair, fbw fires...No, not a triggerbot at all. Why is that russian still not banned when it's obvious he's cheating? I'm sure LO have been this video, it was up for awhile. And if you don't know what I'm referring to, just sit down and shut up. Here, have one worthless internet point for being an absolute tool.
  13. You can just forget about LO going to do the highly needed ban-spree. With the dropping population they are not going to shoot themselves in the leg by banning those morons. Unfortunately Even those blatants ruskis posted here on forums don't get banned and keep playing AND streaming. Was just about to spend money but now on second thought...I'll pass.
  14. How so? I used to have solid 75+ fps with 3rd gen i3 and decent graphics. Now with i7 I could easily have stable 140 if I bothered to remove the 100fps cap. If you refer to netcode I don't think it's bad unless some scriptkiddie is ddosing. I'd say population dropped because... BlindEye and the meme weapon balance.
  15. every theme scene in a nutshell. zzzzzz
  16. Epeen. It's the "I'm broke in real life, but damn look at my pile of virtual money" mentality.
  17. Nearly sure developing malicious code in Russia is illegal. And most of those stupid cheats are ran by russians however law is not enforced because I can imagine is difficult to prove. Another thing is sites are not even hosted in Russia. EU needs vote some new directives that hosting cheats is illegal and service providers are obliged to shut down those sites. But useful things are never done. Instead they are about to break the Internet with Article 11 and 13 this week.
  18. I haven't noticed it too but that should be engine-related. Maybe we have got some other engine improvements too but it was never mentioned. http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/double-buffer.html before someone asks.
  19. Good old EvE online tactics. Can't feel bad for you, next time count the zeros and don't rely on other peoples good intentions. No, it's not hard to read them. You were careless.
  20. Um, no? If you look at the steamchart during the whole period of tracking, the population in August always has a boost. APB players going out? Work at their houses? APB players are addicts and not normies. APB all day, errday. And some even dedicate their life to cheat. Maybe in other games people go out to have a break. But not this one I mean..there are normies such as you but you are a minority. 60 posts since 2012. Yep..
  21. Forum warriors say there are not cheaters, you are wrong. : )
  22. When you say earrape, you mean those cookie-cutter "lofi hip hop" themes? But yes, we need an option to disable them.
  23. Maybe a slight drop rate boost and guaranteed apb cash/joker tickets but that's it. And you know what are you getting into. Expect nothing and you won't be disappointed.
  24. lmao... that's just a downright lie.
  25. I've seen 3 or 4 times LO's GMs on Cheatel. The moment they start to talk in /district chat, some people's amazing MLG skills disappear and only appeared once GM's has left. I think lsass's issue in Windows must have been fixed already so that will kill few cheats for some time but not too long.
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