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About LuddeBoii

  • Rank
    Rational Swede

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  1. Well good thing we can buy 7 day leases of the wepons in the jt store to try them out before we buy them on armas marketpl.... oh, right. you can still try them with the armas try for free function, if you haven't already. altho I think you need more than just a few hours to make up your mind if a gun suits you or not
  2. The reason you don't get any response it because they are far behind with all the support tickets. as you can see here: there is nothing that can help you on the forums unfortionally, so you have to wait for a response from the ticket. (17 days roughly)
  3. LuddeBoii2 Citadel https://imgur.com/BVfchbq https://imgur.com/4zLGJUX An appreciation to my old clan Smiling Demons back in the days. With an even more halloween'y twist I wanted to post my Darth Maul, but I was too late for the party so someone had aleady made a really good looking one. (Shout out to Darksider/Cold8 Very nice!)
  4. LuddeBoii

    FBW Reskin When?

    there are so many wrongs in this post I had to read it a few times
  5. https://imgur.com/FEhRXC4 4 max gold vs 4 new players these guys had just installed apb
  6. @Kewlin great post! I hope @MattScott and the LO team can use this as a guideline when they take a second try to balance the shotguns
  7. The autumn skin looks so much better in-game the picture showen here doesnt do the skin any justice
  8. Any news or updates? Or just a new picture?
  9. GTX980 Ti 6GB i7- 3820 @ 3.6GHz 1600MHz 16GB 50-90 fps average and dropping down to 30 30-60ms lag spikes where it jumps to 120+ ms I can confirm everything OP is saying
  10. I dont think Fr0g it’s a faster .45 Since they have the same ttk. But it sure is more reliable thanks to the extra two shots
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