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Everything posted by Lign

  1. It’s like comparing wow with dota. They’re maybe mechanical similar but they have much more differences than similarity. Apb is more similar to cs than gta, I agree with that. But there’s the reason why valve stopped adding new weapons in cs after releasing revolver that turned the game into clownfiesta for a week until they nerfed it into abyss and everyone still chooses deagle over it. Valve actually can’t balance the weapon roaster they have now. Year ago they buffed a bit krieg and aug. So, everyone moved from ak and m4 to using these weapons. And what they got? Pro players started whining in Twitter and asking to nerf it because ak/m4 is the most balanced meta since 1.6. And they nerfed it. And apb has much more weapons than cs. Merged. The idea to make missions instanced is a good idea but again it requires the new engine. Porting the game to unreal engine 4 or even 5 is nearly not valuable. They literally have to make a new game. While 3.5 is basically the same engine as apb is being ran with few updates that supports x64 libraries and much better optimization but even this takes a lot of time for LO to port. Again it requires a new engine I don’t even want to discuss that subject because it was discussed thousands of times here.
  2. Comparing gta 5 with apb is the stupidest thing I usually see on forums. GTA 5 is pve based adventure game when apb is a competitive arcade pvp game. We have unbalanced weapon system because of the stupid players who had been asking for new weapons for years during g1 era. We have over 100 weapons. It’s just impossible to make it balanced. That’s the reason why big companies that producing pvp competitive games do not add new weapons or add it super rarely. I won’t be surprised if suggestions you make are something like: we need a new district, new hairstyles, a racing district and we need it right now. The only thing that the game needs right now is the new engine that will let LO get rid of matchmaking per instance, having only up to 40 players to match with and making cross instance matchmaking instead.
  3. The last thing what the game needs is a new weapon. We can’t even achieve something familiar with a good balance with the current amount of weapons
  4. The funniest thing here is some ppl who circlejerks in apb discord arguing that the game is not dead and some districts are empty because people don’t want to play here. We have reached a point when nothing will save the game including engine upgrade. Recently, LO introduced a new patch with a good balance changes but such changes had to be done year ago when there still was a part of community who cared for a game and took it seriously. Everyone left, and now it’s a bunch of whiteknighters, 255R silvers and 3 streamers, who plays a game once a week
  5. It’s actually not really hard to do. It’s just so time consuming because after unpacking the files there will be thousands of sound files named by a number and only one of them is the right one. Use a part of that tutorial where it describes how to unpack files then try to find that sound
  6. Russian guy named Daruma had over 300k kills in 2015. There’s another Russian guy who doesn’t play anymore, but he had multiple 16 roles on different character. His name was something like ‘unquiet’. Me personally have over 300k kills among all my chars
  7. They probably just don’t want to. It would cut a part of already small community who likes making themes in the game or collecting it. That exploit is known by 90% of vets who doesn’t have a small pistachio instead of a brain(sorry 255r silvers). Even kemp accidentally showed the exploit on his stream once
  8. Ye, there were better chances than now but still not enough, I doubt that many players were jumping from instance to instance to find a proper opposition because it takes time and it's exhausted. It's just a terrible system that needs a rework to make matchmaking working around all instances. No matter in which instance of financial you are, the matchmaking gonna give you a proper opposition from other instance if it exists.
  9. Relying on issr b stats it should be a very strong sniper rifle but that bloom increase after a 2nd shot makes the gun feeling so unnatural. But if they buff its accuracy on 3rd shot the gun will become the strongest long range weapon in the game. It either needs a little bit of rework or keep it as it is. As all other sniper rifles in the game, it's mostly a teamplay or a weapon that requires a usage of utilities such as covers, long distances etc. Yes, you can't overshoot obeya when you both start shooting at the same time but you also can't do it with hvr/dmr/scout. That's how sniper rifles work in the game
  10. Even with 1.5k pop the game had problems because of limitations. When you join any district instance, you gonna match with other 40 players and there's quite low chance that other side will have the equal skill players like you.
  11. Anti vehicle gun with an ability to shoot from a car window shouldn’t exist. Dog ear is still a very good gun. They just made it like it should be
  12. I’m more concerned of LO developing and then releasing that piece of fart named RIOT instead of working on tiny QoL changes or balancing the live build. Everytime someone makes a suggestion that will improve live version and can be done on the current engine Matt responded: ‘good idea but we’re busy with the new engine’. And then they’re releasing this mess
  13. Another topic with important things that apb needs right now
  14. According to the hate to valorant for being too empty and for having some problems DURING CLOSE BETA I feel like rushing 2.1 with all its problems might not be a good idea
  15. Had 145 in full asylum, now 110-120
  16. Will see on beta how it works. I had a really bad experience with windowed borderless. Tearing and huge input lag into my mouse movement in AAA games. Not that bad but still not good was an experience in online shooters
  17. Oscar meta, pls bring it back
  18. I tried to play cs and fortnite back in the days windowed, I felt like my mouse movement is not synced with the game movement. There's a reason why popular shooters still allow to use exclusive fullscreen.
  19. Lign


    If you're talking about public missions, yes, mostly you don't need to pay attention what weapon your opponent is using. But if you would play arranged missions against high skill players daily or if you're a streamer and gets streamsniped by top tier players you begin noticing on missions where every decision matters, every kills matters that some weapons perform better than other and doesn't take a lot of effort to play with. You can miss 3-4 bullets or even spend the whole magazine on one enemy on public mission with pmg and pretend it's an op weapon but if you face top tier player who uses jg, 1-2 miss and you're dead because shotguns scale much better with higher skill level.
  20. I would nerf blast radius of opgl nades a bit other explosives are fine imo
  21. Because it's not a cheat but an exploit of the game client. I'm not sure if LO fixed it, might try to test it today
  22. There're no weapons that completely broken like old troublemaker. Nerfing it only because new players matches with low golds can affect other aspect of the game. Anyway nerfing certain weapons won't fix its problem and low golds will find their way to ruin new player's experience because you don't really need strong weapons to kill someone who doesn't even know that he's on mission and have enemies.
  23. No, I mean a full group of low tier golds shouldn't be matched with new players and balancing weapons and players equipment around that problem instead of fixing is not a right way
  24. I don't think that it's a good idea to implement such crutches into the gameplay artificially limiting player's game experience. Just wait for new engine
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