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Everything posted by Lign

  1. They just listened to this guy
  2. it does require tracking but it doesn't require controlling its accuracy like ntec
  3. And it has the fastest ttk among all laser guns. Doesn't make sense to me. You either have slow ttk but insanely good accuracy or you have fast ttk but with the accuracy that you need put effort in to make kills like ntec. Don't get me wrong, ntec is easily controllable and it needs nerf but comparing to atac where you just need to hold lmb for easy kills it requires a bit of skill
  4. Your comparison doesn't make sense. By that logic LO can add every unintended and stupid feature that can ruin the gameplay completely just because apb has a customization that other games don't
  5. Yesterday I found out that I have permanent aces rifle and decided to try it out. God it’s so bad, with that ttk it has a huge downside as horizontal recoil. What’s the point of that weapon when you can take laser gun Atac with 0.7ttk
  6. So, if I spent more time to get better why am I not allowed to be better. None of the modern games have a feature that diminish your skill.
  7. It doesn't lock your pc, just wait 5mins, I have the same problem if I keep apb as active window during starting
  8. There must be a reason why I began noticing them. Before I was fine getting freeze each time the game collects garbage but now it feels like I get freezes x4 times more
  9. First of all, I know that the game has problems with performance, everyone gets freezes every 5mins, including me. But after switching from the halloween patch I get them even more often. Sometimes the game can freeze 3-4 times in a row in 5 seconds. It is running on SSD with 16 gb 3200 ram and 7700k@4.8ghz. I noticed that I started getting freezes in the exact same situations when someone picking me from the corner with a shotgun shot or when I get naded. I had it before but not contstantly as now
  10. just a random. Most people have at least 4 max ranks where they daily check for the mission. Anyway nano is not a best secondary, don't know why some players want it so bad
  11. Tbh, playing since RTW and I thought it has a simple backstory for crim vs enf thing as in cs T vs CT to make it sense
  12. Just, people are tired of the current meta and weapon balance made a small good kick for the game that made the community discuss it a lot. And what's the point to start doing something and not finishing afterwards. If they have no resources and time for weapon balance, don't start it then
  13. For that moment, recolored existed model is not a good way to keep players happy
  14. That's not a point, It's all about priorities. for example, RIOT was a failure, it took the high priority upon doing something for the live version during its developing but it doesn't mean that mapper that were working on changing financial has to work on weapon balance. Same here, 'No weapon balance but hey we made a cool mask for you, just watch our official channel on twitch and participate in giveaways'
  15. AFAIK, they're not going to merge servers into one big world before engine update, so they were fine to release balance patch while working at the new engine. But instead we got new masquerade mask and fix for it during last 2 weeks, yikes
  16. Thought it will come up after the Halloween event. It’s been 1 month since the last patch
  17. Who needs such changes when you have masquerade mask
  18. Why use oca/pmg/jg/CSG if nfas does full damage in time as shaw. The problem with nfas as it has too fast ttk for a gun with 3stk. Low amount of shots that requires for a kill with that firerate makes the gun so forgivable and no skill ceiling at all. The reason why I made that comparison between pre nerfed hvr and nfas because it both takes a lot of effort to beat it. Nading, outsmarting etc. you have to try so hard to kill these two weapons while their users can casually and lazily performing good with that weapons. Don’t you notice that the most popular guns among newbies are nfas and hvr?
  19. It depends on what you have, I'd suggest to get Wisp especially when it's cheap for one of the best primary weapons.
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