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Everything posted by Lign

  1. It has lower max bloom without hs3 than ntec with hs3
  2. I’m with ya bruh i sink LO hez 2 remove oll wepons end keep onli ntek, olso inkreze akkuracy end drop ranje
  3. It’s not possible to balance all weapons in the game. I advice LO to not add new weapons anymore because it will be either op or trash. Csgo is a clear example. After so many years they added revolver that turned the game into a clownfiesta for a week until they nerfed it to the ground that none uses it anymore
  4. While I agree with you that prototype B is big no no, I really believe that ntec needs a slight accuracy nerf to make tapping a bit slower and removed jumpshots. Don’t forget that it’s the most versatile weapon in the game that performs good in any situations. If it’s not a case to nerf it then why did we ask to nerf hvr. I totally agree with you about shotguns and about listening forum players(some of them really believes that shotguns should have faster ttk and longer drop range). A weapon that provides a lot of damage per shot and doesn’t force you to track the enemy with 100% uptime shouldn’t be that strong
  5. The firerate change is completely killing the weapon. Overall ntec is pretty balanced imo, it just needs the accuracy nerf to make the tapping less valuable and remove jumpshots. If you completely nerf ntec, wait for whining about obeya and oscar. If you will nerf them then we will come back to the circle where ntec dominates everything just with slower average ttk
  6. He’s not triggerbotting, it’s just his gamer glove
  7. In my experience how an average russian thinks in english he meant that what the point is of cheating when he donated a lot into his acc
  8. I think it’s false bans because my friend got banned on his transferred acc that he didn’t even play because he has much bigger acc on eu that he plays everyday
  9. By listening to their fire rate, if there's the same delay again and again between shots it's macro. Even top tier players can't keep the fire rate the same without difference less than 20ms
  10. Not fixing bugs they implemented to the game for year (radar tower and UI, huge frame stutters on specific CPU, hiding apb_catcher spamm from the task manager). Implementing useless things the community never asked for (RIOT, RFP range buff). I just feel like they're trying hard for the players
  11. I checked it now on my pc, same issue
  12. Just to make sure everyone knows it. LO didn't fix APB_Catcher spamming. They just hid it from the usual task manager. Download alternative task manager and check it out.
  13. Would be funny if they make hvr 1stk afterwards complaining at players relying on paper stats and not playing in testing districts. Seriously, wasn’t it too obvious that rfp with 65m is too much
  14. Lign

    Latest migration patch

    Got a problem on my 7700k today, constantly dropping fps and stuttering every second, feels like my ssd is dying but it's 100% healthy. I found out that when I don't press movement buttons my fps doesn't drop at all and everything is smooth
  15. At least you don't understand what they write unlike me. LO, pls add language channel based chat
  16. Just if we compare spct and the current high skill level they barely hit mediocre. Not all of them but mostly
  17. I don't want to discuss it publicly but to be honest I don't trust to some of spct
  18. We won't get proper spct. Most of them don't main the game anymore and was invited to the team for being famous in the past but afaik LO didn't discuss the new balance with spct before putting it on live
  19. It's because you set 1:1 resolution when usually ppl play 4:3 or 16:9
  20. To be honest, I've seen only two cheaters last weeks. I know it's not funny anymore especially in 2019 but maybe you have to getgud
  21. Even if I wouldn’t be playing in testing districts, it’s still predictable that rfp will be broken with such drop range without needs in test. Imagine if LO released patch notes where they made hvr 1stk and ppl spammed pages of whining before servers coming online that it will be broken and there’s no reason to even try to test it. Would you say the same about people “giving their opinion on weapons they hadn't even tried yet” as you said in your first comment in this topic?
  22. Bruh, use your mind. It’s not hard to understand that I was talking about testing districts Where I had been playing for two hours
  23. You don't need to be Einstein to predict that rfp with 65m and fang 72m drop range is too much. It doesn't need range at all, I played yesterday for 2 hours, it's so op
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