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Everything posted by Lign

  1. I know. I support this idea since matt told about it. But forum guys who don't play the game and just sit on forums thinks that shotguns undertuned currently. Literally, one of them wrote a post in suggestion to make jg 20m drop range. At the momen, it's so easy to land 2shots and corner pop with it, especially when they nerfed oca.
  2. Noticed after the last patch I get freezes. During Xmas I didn't have any lag spike or freeze
  3. I showed that vod just to show that we’re playing in prototype district. There were much more broadcasts. Basically, everyone who plays arranged thinks that jg is strong even on live. Buffing its ttk doesn’t make sense due to corner camping or car gameplay. Usually, if you push a corner without knowing that there’s jg sitting behind you barely even hit that guy for half hp before getting two shotted. Also, don’t forget about rng, you have to be so lucky to be able to minttk jg by oca or pmg. Just remember the moments when you faced jg. How often do you kill him before getting a 2nd shot from jg even if he doesn’t two shot you.
  4. First time I'm totally agree with you
  5. It should be good but not the go to choice. Basically there's no point to choose any other cqc with that ttk of jg. If you didn't realize, usually shotgun always make a first shot and practical ttk always faster than any other cqc weapon. And don't forget about terrible accuracy oca has. Even now, with current jg, everyone on arranged picks jg instead of oca because of impact it can do
  6. We have been playing arranged matches for the whole time while threat segregation is turned off. Basically, 0.68 jg is too much. You get instant two shot without realizing that some peaks you from the corner. Everyone on arranged matches saying if you have a choice between oca and jg, you should choose jg Removed video. - Azukii
  7. Would be nice if they at least fix time on some missions. We can provide every mission name if they need
  8. I understand what you mean, but at the same time it can make more other player to make their own events if they get a support by LO, turning into more community interactions.
  9. Oh yeah, I can easily come to the point, bait you to lose your nades on me and easily make it neutral and you gonna lose it pretty quickly, so balanced. It should end up when someone reaches the score cap.
  10. Time Merged. Every event LO made died in 2 days. The only one event that was fun is xmas gungame made by g1 that for the whole time it was up had at least two full instances. The last xmas event in prime time had 10 ppl only. So, what's the point of keep doing when they can fix the main gamemode
  11. Fortune Runner: nOt uSELeSs sYsTEm
  12. It doesn't make sense when the opposition have only half points before winning the mission and you're trying to comeback and they have at least 3 opportunities to make one of your two points neutral to win on overtime. The mission should end up when when one of the side gets the score cap. The same goes for item hold stage. It doesn't make sense either when you're doing a comeback when the opposition has 60/120 score and it's overtime already and they have a lot of time to just press F on the item. It should end up when someone hits 120/120. It sounds like you're trying to defend little orbit who made a 3 useless events and one major joke RIOT on that spaghetti mess while they could fix the live with small changes like mission balance, fixing bugs etc. If they can't just for example add time for some of the last stage then by that logic they shouldn't be able to add events or making a weapon balance. Merged. How it's not useless for you? Killing some random guys and getting +20$ for it or what? Do I need to say how many times I lost mission just because exactly that system. The last time happened just two days ago when on the VIP stage random silver came inside our point with nfas and killed my VIP that ended up for my vip getting farmed by car gameplay. Are you really that dumb?
  13. Russians daily playing arranged in prototype districts including me, few of them know english pretty good, ask them. It seems they're only players who is actually testing things there.
  14. It's such a joke, servers are crashing. Matt is a clown
  15. I'm getting warping exactly in time when the server latency goes up to 40+
  16. Server latency jumping and I'm getting warps
  17. by that logic when I had 20mbit/s in 2011 I had to have 300ms to germany because now with my 300mbit/s I have 60ms
  18. check how much it downloads during the game in full district (13.04KB/sec)
  19. Download speed doesn't affect your connection, you can play on 10mbit/s and have 10ms if you're close to the server
  20. Strange why did you ban 45ap if even russian mixes are played with allowed 45ap afaik
  21. I had 60ms on Citadel EU, I started getting 300ms with packet loss because of wrong connection path. Instead of connecting me to the Citadel through europe and atlantic ocean, it connects through the Asia. So, I have to use vpn to have 120ms
  22. I don’t want jg being 0.68, it’s too much for the gun with 2stk where you don’t need to track with 100% on the enemy. Guns that have low stk shouldn’t have faster ttk than guns with big amount of shots you need to hit to kill. It’s like if hvr would be faster than dmr. Theoretically, dmr should be better than hvr on long range, but practically only few people use dmr and a lot of people use hvr and hvr indeed much better than dmr
  23. What have I just read? the point was that asking someone to do something better if he criticizes it is the dumbest argument. By that logic regular people are not allowed to review all movies saying it’s good or bad because they are not attributed to cinematograph(not producers, scenarists or actors) and obviously can’t make a better movie
  24. Asking someone to do it better is the worst and the dumbest argument I have ever seen. By that logic you can’t criticize anything in the world if you’re unable to do it better by yourself.
  25. But will you compensate kills that I could make
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