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Everything posted by Lign

  1. The problem with your idea is that everyone will just switch to obir instead of suffering from less versatile. Obir is another pretty damn good weapon that can meme in cqc with good accuracy at jumpshooting or cornerpopping with its burst style when you need only 3 times or even two times if enemy is not full hp to peak from the corner and do full burst on him. QS should stay here but lowering the damage per shot from 850 to 750 and increasing equip time will make it more challengeable
  2. If obir would be 4 burst to kill than it would be a shlt gun, I think they need to reduce the speed of bullets per burst or reduce accuracy by increasing default bloom. What about Yukon: It's op yes and needs to be nerfed but in apb almost all secondaries can make you feel as safe as you do with a primary. Fbw/45ap/rfp, all these 2ndaries can beat most of primaries if not all of them
  3. Quickswitch should stay but be nerfed by reducing damage per shot by hvr. 700-750 should be the best. N-tec should get reduced accuracy and increased bloom by 2%, that will make it more challengeable. Carbine needs to get accuracy buff a bit, it's still good weapon in my opinion, one of the best, but sometimes rng makes me cancer. Atac is fine, I don't want to see it as a laser gun again as it was before the nerf. That's only my opinion
  4. The only guns need to be nerfed are hvr, oca and ntec, especially ntec. Right now, about 70% of playerbase is using only ntec because it's a great weapon for all situations that can beat literally every weapon in the game. I mained n-tec and I know what I'm talking about, these cornerpeaking and jumpshooting can easily outplay close range weapons such as jg/pmg or oca. On the mid-long range there's insane accuracy at tap firing. The only weapon can be compared to ntec is obeya 762 but playing in close range with this gun is a challenge
  5. The copy of the old guide from old forums by Arvie Okay so as some ppl apparently feel it too, I decided to write a guide for this. Credit for the Original UnrealTournament 3 fix goes to Aco24 from the ProUnreal forums. Sadly that forum has now dissappeared. With these settings your mouse movement will not slow down anymore when you get low FPS. You can even run vivoxvoiceserviceprogram while playing APB and your mouse will still feel the same. Ok this is what you do: Find the folder: APBR\Engine\Config\ In there you open the BaseInput.ini file. Find these lines and replace them: [Engine.PlayerInput] LookRightScale=0.000000 LookUpScale=0.000000 bEnableMouseSmoothing=False Bindings=(Name="MouseX",Command="Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX Speed=2.0") Bindings=(Name="MouseY",Command="Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY Speed=2.0") Bindings=(Name="LookUp",Command="Axis aLookUp Speed=+25.0 AbsoluteAxis=0") Bindings=(Name="LookDown",Command="Axis aLookUp Speed=-25.0 AbsoluteAxis=0") Bindings=(Name="GBA_TurnLeft",Command="Axis aBaseX Speed=-40.0 AbsoluteAxis=0") Bindings=(Name="GBA_TurnRight",Command="Axis aBaseX Speed=+40.0 AbsoluteAxis=0") The GBA lines do not exist, just add them manually. Also, while youre editing, it says Speed=2.0, divide your sensitivity, but not marksmanshipmode sensitivity by 2 to get the original sensitivity back, or you'll do 720's instead of 360's. Also in your userconfig.ini file of your character (APB Reloaded\APBGame\Config\Account\xxxnumberxxxx\Server Name\xxxxx) is now a bEnableMouseSmoothing command. Change that one to false as well. Even tho it already should be set to false by default. PS The files do not get replaced by the launcher unless you delete the clientfiles.xml, so make a back-up incase you're too used to the UE3 Dampening/Acceleration. Yet another fix for Mouse Input Delay is this: Go to your APB\APBGame\Config folder and open apbcompat.ini in there you'll have multiple "OneFrameThreadLag=True" lines, set them all to false, this will reduce the input delay a lot. Sadly youre gonna have to do this everytime after you use the launcher, I always copy pasta my file into the folder after I launched it before I press Play. Incase you still experience Mouse Acceleration after this fix, Windows might be the cause of that, some have that problem, some dont. The fix for that can be found here Thanks to kimiko(bakageta) and dreamss(mexican) for the heads up.
  6. I'm not asking to release tomorrow or the next day after tomorrow, I'm just asking for approximate date. I understand how it's hard to work at apb and I know they just started to.
  7. I hope it will take only a month to implement new anti-cheat. I know that LO just started to work at the game and it's pretty hard, but cheaters don't wait
  8. Next patch in apb is relative concept. The last big patch I remember was in 2015
  9. I think they should allow to sell customized armas clothes only to ppl who have it bought in armas but they don't have enough experience in customizing.
  10. The problem with JMB is that players want to control the market and be able buy/trade these guns. If they remove jmb or make Legendaries untradeable than they have to offer something in exchange because it's the only actual trading. Cars/clothes are not that valuable because most of players buy this stuff in Armas and can't trade it, only theme market is as actual as legendaries
  11. Just insteresting when you're going to introduce the new anticheat. Right now they're many low rates with rage or speedhacks running around and FF can't detect them for some reason. There're also few max ranks with strange gameplay movements at the moment.
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