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Everything posted by Lign

  1. Good to know that you begin to realize how the game works
  2. Just increase the radius, it’s not a big deal
  3. Put it in asylum ffs, or make the radius 300-400m at least, or make two points at the same time in one district
  4. Small radius, I have to come to 10m to be allowed killing, 200m spawn, 40-60fps, so random.
  5. I like apb for its intensive gameplay, I don’t want another cs’s style gameplay where everyone just stays or sits to get the highest accuracy because the game is designed like that
  6. ATM there’re very few ppl who has cheats(I don’t count these rus color based triggerbots). If you look into all popular cheat providers, you will see all of them still have no cheats updated for apb. So, it’s all about self coded and private cheats for small groups now.
  7. Indeed. I hope LO’s next target after engine upgrade will be the introduction of the new phasing system because apb needs it asap
  8. The phasing cross district system is the only solution that can fix matchmaking imo. Neither old threat system nor other matchmaking changes will fix it, you will still be matching against 40 players.
  9. I don’t understand them. They admitted their mistake but keeping doing the same again
  10. I mean, it will be so op. +15% +3m is so much for obeya
  11. so, obeya and obir will be broken. minttk 80+m is coming
  12. yes, but as far as I know they want to keep percentage
  13. Obeya and obir with ir3 are going to be a new meta with 82m of effective range with percentage system and ntec with 60m range is so huge for the most popular gun in the game
  14. Weapon balance is good and bad at the same time. Ppl didn’t ask for buffing shotguns, rifle range, making cooling jacket working on burst mechanic guns. Overall g1’s balance wasn’t bad, only few things such as ntec meta/oca/hvr were an issue. At the same time they did small hvr nerf that’s actually good. I think, they should make small changes like hvr nerf without accidentally making mistakes by implementing big patches at the same week it was implemented on otw.
  15. The problem is that it's nearly impossible to make new and good weapon for the game cuz we have all variations of all type of weapons. Cosmetic things, at the current state, is the best thing can be implemented in armas imho.
  16. The discussion is about trigger bot based on pixel color that you don’t need to inject into the game exe. It’s fully undetectable and works perfect if you set bloom off in settings
  17. Yeah, meta ntec before ir3 nerf was a beast in all situations. Ppl who’s saying oca and Oscar are stronger than ntec base on statistic and numbers but not on situations that usually happens in game. I’m not saying Oscar is not op, but for most ppl it’s more enjoyable using ntec, not everyone wants to dance, keep a good firerate and control oscar’s recoil at once if they can just use ntec the gun that doesn’t have recoil at all at low resolution
  18. Fo real...Where have u got this information? By playing on otw maybe
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