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Everything posted by Lign

  1. I don’t see any problem with it. Many popular streamers play pubg and csgo on the lowest settings with eye bleeding toxic colors with vibrance turned on maximum. And they get thousands of views. Plus, the most famous streamer of apb plays on high settings and the most famous apb youtuber plays on ultra settings in 2k resolution. And, most players who play on low settings usually leave a character customization in high quality.
  2. We weren't talking about character customization but about being able to configure the game cfg as you want
  3. I’m sick of modern homogenization in games. Every game company tries to make everything equal and fair for all players, make players a gray mass without uniqueness. It’s not fun. If people wants to mess around in config then they have to be allowed to do it. If people want to play on lower settings, why not? Many csgo streamers play on lowest settings with toxic colors because of 100% vibrance and everyone is happy to watch them
  4. CSG was twoshotting everyone from 40m when it got released
  5. I don't want 5stk fbw back. But 45ap 5stk makes sense because of low magazine capacity and big recoil with random XY pattern it has
  6. People has been asking for ir3 rpf nerf since the release. No point to make another super meta secondary. If jg/csg would have the same range as pmg, what's the point of all mid range guns such as carbine, oscar, oca and pmg, when you can just two shot everyone from 40m and stay full hp because of corners. Shotguns are already op because how it benefits from corners and 3rd person camera, make it even stronger is the dumbest thing. On the other hand, if pmg range gets matched to jg/csg then what's the point of using it when you have oca that perfoms better
  7. true, but the problem with act44 and rsa is if it gets even a slight buff, it will be too strong. Imagine a secondary that performs as good as obeya or obir
  8. I'm talking about your stupid idea to match ttk of fbw and 45, not about act44
  9. Weren't you talking about fbw and 45ap instead of fbw vs act44
  10. That feeling when ppl think jg is undertuned when it's op and easily outplays oca in most situations. At corners it's literally unkillable, how I suppose to kill the target when I don't see it, when it can twoshot me easily. How can people say it's underpowered when I can kill 4 opponents and stay with half hp because I cornerpop them. How can people say jg can't overshoot oca when at the best time you spend 10+ bullets with oca to kill one target because how bad accuracy and shitty hitreg are. I haven't played shotguns for 3 years, tried it a bit and I got a question. Why am I allowed to two shot everyone by missing half of shot everytime by hitting targets at left or right side instead of the center
  11. You're right. But, if the russian database wasn't that corrupted with some non-public items such as unique taggers, legendary mods etc then G1 would transfer all the stuff players had on innova before on Citadel
  12. by what terms you want to give a compensation? if someone bought stac 10 character lifetime for 500rubles then how are you going to compensate it? Give them 2.000G1C or provide the equal amount of g1c for 500rubles?
  13. Ppl look at dust2 for 15 years, still the most popular map
  14. because you gonna destroy not good players, mostly newbies
  15. I really hope it’s not the BR event. First of all, if new players will come to try it out, they will see how bad it is and never touch this game again. Most of apb events are so cheap and bad made comparing to other modern games. All of them look like bad coded plugins for csgo community servers. And it’s not a fault of developers. We all know that the game are on crutches now and how limited the current engine is. That’s the reason why we don’t need another cheap made event. Just focus on new engine
  16. Lign

    Missing hud information

    Rejoining asylum from lobby causes missing some names of your team, object points or item
  17. You're not able to change a color of nameplates, only killfeed. However you can use sweetfx or some kind of shaders for example making the game full grey except nameplates Ask Tobii, he can help you to configure, he's a good guy
  18. Don't know where you got these prices, let me know, I will check it out if it's in Moscow. I pay 20$ to get my hair done. Also all technics are more expensive in Russia than in euro. That's why 2 years ago most russians were buying all pc components on computeruniverse. 30% cheaper, but our russian government decided it's huge and gave us a limit 300eur maximum to order something from europe for one id per month.
  19. Don’t know about your country but in Russia the average salary is 300$ per month
  20. You don't need different clients to connect separate database
  21. Did you contact Innova for database? Most people will just stop playing if you don't transfer innova purchases. I'm pretty sure most people didn't even buy any gun after migration from innova UPD I'm blind
  22. Create female character if you don't have Take here clothes off Go to the 2nd floor of the main building in social Jump onto the mailbox /dance ez g1c
  23. I may not like Tigrix for his toxic sayings in game chat but I agree with some thoughts he provided us. It’s a shame for LO that speedhackers who run faster then 2x the maximum speed of Vegas and being able to hit every shot have been staying unbanned for week. And tigrix is right it’s not possible to do 50-1 or 70-1 on consistency in asylum but I’d say 60-13 kdr or more are possible to do consistently but it depends on who’s playing on opposite side.
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