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Everything posted by Lign

  1. Lag spikes have appeared hour ago and keeps happening for the current moment. No disconnection message, packet loss or ping spike when it happens. Everyone who's in the district gets it together UPD: Actually, when it happens Server ms jumps to 60ms and then falls down to 33
  2. It seems I've mistaken unification to the thing where you'll have the server name upon the character like in WoW
  3. What are you going to do when two different persons took the same nickname on citadel and on jericho when it’s time to merge them for the new system? Give it to the one who has the highest time played on that name? Then it’s going to be unfair for other. Server unification? Why do we need it when we gonna have one big server
  4. I would just make it able to take wiped names only on citadel. Anyway the servers will be merged in the future and most NA players chose to play on citadel due to a population problem
  5. And dragons, don’t forget about dragons!!
  6. If you think so, come to the place above double b, every corner is predictable especially when someone comes with the car, each corner is so easy to defend with jg
  7. Because there's situation when you need to push the corner because there's a point, or because you're in close inside building and no matter which corner you choose, jg user will camp it because he sees which corner you're going to push
  8. Your comparison is also a false equivalence, again oca didn't need a ttk nerf, just play safety against it by using corners then
  9. I mean, for example when you face pmg/oca it doesn't take a lot of effort, you just strafe and aim, but when you face the guy who's sitting at the corner with jg, you have to predict when he peaks and makes a shot on you, which angle he chose, how to make him miss etc.
  10. why should there be a cqc gun that takes a lot effort to beat then, you didn't explain this
  11. I don’t mind shotguns get extra meters when they become 3stk, but not now. I don’t main shotguns but when I play jg I feel so sad for those who puts a lot effort to beat me when I’m at the corner and I leave the situation as winner with nearly full hp. It shouldn’t be like that. Imagine if they buff range for the current jg. It just will not possible to get to the opponent’s corner
  12. Then I suppose Ntec doesn't need nerf, it's good in its own range. OCA didn't need nerf as well, it was good in its niche in open place, now shotguns own it in every situation, so everyone switched to pmg
  13. It will have the same ttk, means they gonna buff the firerate. If you still doubt, look at the non legendary version of the 2ndary shotgun and how good it performs Merged. Exactly, if someone faced decent player in open place, they gonna notice how hard it is to track the opponent who randomly strafes, even if you practiced your aim for years. But jg doesn’t need to track the target, you just need to wait when your opponent strafes to your crosshair. I also experienced situations when the guy just cornerpoping me and I can’t do anything because of the bad place or unlucky timing. Some people say to just stay away from the shotgun range. But it’s so stupid and doesn’t make sense. It’s the same if someone will say ‘if you can’t beat ntec, just stay far enough’
  14. I don't know why you think 3stk is a bad idea, it will have the same ttk, just more skill ceiling. The problem with shotguns is that in 3rd person game you can kill opponents and stay with full hp because of corners. Also at open place shotguns can be stronger due to needless tracking with that gun when everyone strafes around, in that situation jg has practically faster ttk than oca itself. I agree if you miss the 2nd shot, you're mostly dead but in 2019 it's so easy to land 2 shots comparing to minttk with tracking
  15. Didn't we have a test patch with districts based on RTW stats and it was a total disaster, so g1 decided to stay with the current ttk?
  16. Don't see any disinformation here because 1.5 is possible in theory but not practically
  17. It's the minimum theoretically possible way if you will get every mission 10jt that's not possible in practical
  18. 6 weeks for 3 16 roles and 12 weeks for 1 perm 3 slotted, don't disinform
  19. In 2015-2016 when the population could fill 2 asylum and mostly consisted of silvers I could do 60+ kills easily per mission for 12 hours a day and I forgot to say that I was farming from 15 to 16, not from the beginning
  20. As I said, only old vets will use or used it at the first day of release that new feature. Newbies even those who is used to grindy f2p games will not grind it
  21. Then there's completely no point in jt system, it exists only for visibility. None will farm it on purpose by completing everything possible. Only ppl who's playing the game for 6+years will use that system because they have that amount of jt
  22. I can't remember any modern f2p with the possibility in farming paid stuff for free that long
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