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Everything posted by Lign

  1. I usually just kill random guy, happened often times when I killed the guy who was doing the point during overtime on their mission, lovely words were filling my pm afterwards
  2. You might be right if the matchmaking gives bronzes against vets. But I would make these type of finals 10mins. Enough for many opportunities to retake. For now, it's stupid when you retake the item and opposition just needs to press f on it, they should be moved in the same situation that you were while retaking. See, attacking is so hard if you play against the same skill level opposition. When I'm on defend side, I always predict, meet by spawns my enemies and don't forget there're a lot of imbalanced places that is so hard to attack without proper team play (german fortress hello)
  3. In my opinion missions with final stages such as item hold and points hold should not have overtime but should not have timer for the stage as well. It should be ended when someone reaches enough points, 120/120 points for item hold stage. It would be the most balanced way, imo
  4. ‘Cheaters everywhere’ disease is out of control. I haven’t seen a single cheater for months Is he reworking the entire game on the new engine?
  5. me either, hope it will stay like that, I don't want any change to it. It's just a useless system
  6. bounty is one of the these useless systems that don't add anything into the game. Even if we're talking about fun, non-competitive experience, I had no fun when some random silver comes to me and kills me with his nfas while I'm focusing at my opposition
  7. Bro, if you're saying that apb is not competitive, we don't need a proper matchmaking at all, make newbies running against vets, no need for weapon balance, vehicle balance. We don't need threats and threat segregation either, it's not a competitive game
  8. Why do the game gives me opposition consisted of new players, first of all.
  9. Wow, mario kart, it's a pvp based shooter, wow. Nice comparison
  10. I don't understand why some people think that it's possible to have pvp base and not-competitive game together. Even browser pvp games are competitive and have some sort of tournaments. Minecraft pvp servers are so competitive as well with all this youtube videos explaining to get faster cps. Any pvp game is competitive by it's nature
  11. You won't notice any loading. If you played modern World of Warcraft, you will understand how it works
  12. Basically, it's cross district matchmaking. When you're playing, for example, in Financial-1 but the equal skill opponent is playin in Financial-2, you will still be able to get him on mission
  13. It's too much, no any other game, even dead games have such a stupid scratches. As I said, the only fix is phasing that will be hopefully released after the engine update
  14. when everyone joining the most populated server, you'll be sure there're good players to compete against. and what to do if I want to join empty district to play arranged with and against my friends. What should I do if I joined fresh copy that is empty? Ram raiding?
  15. So, you want to add even more rng to the current matchmaking, so when you join randomly you have to pray that you will have good opposition on the other side, because you will still match against 40 rng joined players, for now at least you know that in silver district there's high chance you gonna meet good opposition
  16. You can, with phasing system. For now, no matter how you're tuning the current mess, you still match against 40 players in instance
  17. Silver district is basically only for silvers and golds. For everyone it was open conflict that g1 released that none played
  18. Separating low population is not a good idea. G1 tried to make districts for everyone by releasing open conflict, none played it. There're basically districts for everyone, it's called silver district
  19. What do you suggest that can potentially fix that issue? Turning threat off didn’t work as many wanted. I was getting low lvl bronzies constantly as an opposition.
  20. Feels a bit underpowered to me, I couldn’t two shot the guy who sits right at front of me without moving hitting him at center of the body. Sometimes I had the feeling 'I hitted him perfectly in the center how is it only 38 assist'. I like the idea of shotguns being unforgiving at two shotting and high skill ceiling comparing to what we have on live but I feel like it’s too much unforgiving. A bit better accuracy for jg and csg and maybe higher damage for csg and it will be good imo. P.S. just make nfas 4stk with bigger magazine capacity. Just do it
  21. I found out by playing with or against my friends that we all get micro stutter at the same time when server ms jumps. Not sure if it caused by server latency but all the time we get stutters literally at the same second according to our stream VODs. To be clear I didn’t have such a bad performance issue during Xmas patch. Only the default stutter every 60secs
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