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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. BlatMan

    RFP-9 Balancing

    Reducing the RFP's sprint capabilities would put it in it's own niche. Currently it's just better than the FBW in most situations. It's like the OSCAR of the secondaries.
  2. Having it always displayed would work. It should work the same way mobile spawner is displayed.
  3. If I remember right it was Heavy Barrel 3, Muzzle Break and Mobility sling. It's not even listed in the DB. There is a test version with piercing instead of MS, but I can't find the in-game one on the DB.
  4. "Bolo" was suppose to be an unlocked version you get from the Christmas events, but G1 somehow got the names messed up so we have two versions. One with preset garbage mods, the other open slot on Armas.
  5. You don't really need the mobile spawn exploit (it is an exploit, it bypasses the spawn distance rules) when you can already see players through walls. Even then, if half your teammates have radar and the others mobile spawner, you can keep a spot pinned down easily without exposing yourselves. I think the only R195 mod that is even remotely balanced is fragile, because it reduces the ttk on many weapons used against you, and you can't heal right away due to lack of CA. That's a real downside to gaining a tiny bit of speed.
  6. In those cases it's because their GPU is downclocking due to the horribly implemented turbo/boost function on modern graphics cards.
  7. I was unaware of this. G1's kits in general are poorly done compared to RTW's kits. G1 didn't try to match the body lines so different kits would work together.
  8. Whatever it is, it was added when G1 changed the shaders to the current blue tint.
  9. You probably get more input lag from your monitor or GPU upscaling the lower resolution. I am unable to get APB to even launch at lower resolutions than 1024x768. It defaults back to it regardless of what I set in the configs. APB does not support lower resolutions anyway. Some buttons are cutoff in the UI. The crashes you experience are most likely from your hardware or software config and not APB. If you swap districts a lot it can cause memory leaks and crash, but other than that it should be able to run for hours without issues.
  10. if we're going for broke, i'd like to see any paid item - cars, clothes, guns, whatever - come with a slot for its respective category At that point, change the "byte limit = X" to "int limit= 4294967295" The reason there is a limit is because the entire player's inventory is loaded server sided regardless of which district they join. There was a long discussion on this on the old forums on how to possibly optimize it.
  11. The cap should be raised to 255 for all inventory items. It doesn't make sense having a cap. It prevents users from using purchased items.
  12. Disabling dynamic shadows does not disable shadows from clouds. Steps to reproduce: Join a district. Look at the dynamic shadows produced from clouds. Open Options. Uncheck Dynamic Shadows. Look at the dynamic shadows again. Notice they are still rendering from the clouds.
  13. It's a bit OP, but I feel like they should balance the other weapons around the CR762 instead of the N-TEC.
  14. obeya has always been pretty strong, realistically the extra 5m isn’t going to affect it that much I think the extra 5M helps put it in it's proper place above ARs and carbines.
  15. Some sounds still haven't been properly fixed since that patch. The master volume still doesn't control everything.
  16. APB ran like crap on 2010 GPUs due to the massive amount of particles used, then Reloaded disabled many config options to remove them.
  17. BlatMan

    Suddenly crashes?

    How much free disk space do you have?
  18. I didn't find this gun to be super OP on release. The unmodded joker store variant felt great. They should have removed HS3 from the trouble maker and left it as that.
  19. Sniper silencer also sets max range to 85M. Bullets disappear mid flight. I blame G1's spaghetti.
  20. Premium. Yup, bonus random rewards + ranking up faster means you unlock consumables more often. I still have roughly 500 emails on one character that I don't feel like going through.
  21. Enable XMP in your bios. This will set the RAM to it's rated speed. It's stupid that most motherboards don't do this by default but it's the way it is.
  22. It would also help shorten the gap between ranks. Consumables are unlocked through random rewards, so new players are less likely to get them since they're competing with other random rewards they haven't unlocked yet.
  23. Weapons with the sniper silencer attached cannot shoot past 85M. I do not see this in the description of the weapons or the mod.
  24. APB slowly eats through disk space because it does not clear the old log files. Please automatically clear the old logs on startup or exit. A maximum of 10 day hold should be good enough.
  25. BlatMan

    Suddenly crashes?

    Check the logs to see if they have any useful info. "APB Reloaded\APBGame\Logs"
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