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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. The mission system and progression. This includes the spawn system. There's too many missions that are impossible to progress due to all players spawning within range of the objective. Mobile spawner adds to this, and the spawn waves means the whole team can spawn in the same location, at the same time, next to the objective, immediately after you finished wiping the last team member. For normal spawns, they should be placed 125 to 150M distance from the objectives, and at least 75M from players, which should include final stage item holds and VIP players. Mobile spawner should also fall within these spawn rules. With the low population, players are unable to rank up their character because there is not a waterfront or financial district populated enough to start an opposed mission. This means they cannot unlock the higher tier mods and vehicles which can be essential to winning and progressing even further. This severely hurts free-to-play players, the core playerbase who keep the whales around. What I suggest is allow players to rank up contacts on all districts, including fight club. Premium should double the standing earned to make it worth purchasing.
  2. I've seen multiple players with the speekhack over the last month. All of them still play. I find it kind of ridiculous that the servers don't instant kick them. I doubt it difficult to detect a player running as fast as a Vegas. They don't keep it enabled all the time, they just turn it on at some point when they're losing, and then instant quit the game the moment the mission ends.
  3. APB uses more than 2 cores, therefor a quad core or better is recommended. You can easily see this viewing APB in task manager and resource monitor. The latest dual core CPUs will work, but it won't be optimal. The reason I recommended a GTX 960 or better is because the particle system causes fps drops. You can use the advanced launcher or your own custom config to negate the issue. Those recommendations are to keep you near the fps limit. If APB kills your SSD, it was faulty to begin with. The whole point of using an SSD is to get fast read and write times. I've done tests with RAM speed and APB, although I haven't tested DDR4 yet. There are noticeable gains in average and minimum fps when increasing the RAM frequency. You also need tight timings, but 1866 is the lowest I would run it. 1333MHz will kill you fps. The only thing a RAM disk would be OK for is putting the Assetcache folder on it, but even then, a small SSD will be cheaper with near identical performance in loading times, at least with APB.
  4. It's the damage dropoff range I'm suggesting to increase, not increase the accuracy. I find it stupid that weapons stop dealing damage even though they are still reliably accurate. Currently, you can land 50% of your pellets reliably yet you're only dealing a third of the damage per pellet. It makes no sense, and to a new player it just looks like bad hitreg.
  5. Bumping this incase the devs missed it. Here's a workaround for those who have this issue. Open the file "BaseEngine.ini", located in "\APB Reloaded\Engine\Config\" Change the line MaxSmoothedFrameRate=62, to MaxSmoothedFrameRate=121 Launch APB using the APB.exe. Enable smooth framerate in the graphics options.
  6. Teamkill, suicide, and VIP ignore spawn blocking.
  7. The SNR was intended to be the starting sidearm, but G1 changed it to the FBW, which is superior in most cases. I agree that the SNR needs a little better accuracy. If you need more range atm, us the ACT44. It has the same ttk with higher accuracy. The downsides are it's draw time and moving accuracy. You could also use the .45 if you want more damage per shot.
  8. The minimum sprint delay is 0.25s, and the max is 0.73s. Looking at the db, weapons with a firerate under 0.2s have a sprint delay of 0.25s. Higher, they have a longer sprint delay, and it increases as the firerate value increases. I don't know the exact math behind it. This was explained by G1 on the old forums, might even be in a blog post. Shh. Let them zig-zag back and forth through my crosshair.
  9. This is what I recommend for the current game. CPU: 2nd Gen i5 quad-core 3Ghz or better. RAM: 8GB min, 16GB recommended. 1866MHz or higher DDR3, 3000Mhz or higher DDR4. GPU: GTX 960 (1080p/100fps), GTX 970/RX580 or higher (1440p 144fps) Storage: Separate HDD for APB, or an SSD. OS: Windows 7 64bit If you are good with tweaking your hardware, you can get decent fps with an older gen CPU. For example, the X5690 in my sig gets 140+ fps on average and rarely dips below 100fps. I still have the garbage collector stutters, but that's unavoidable atm. Also, due to the latest security patches and useless hardware features, you can actually get worse performance with the latest hardware and software. A few more tweaks: - Use Nvidia GPU driver 388.59 if you don't have a GTX 2xxx series. Some new games may require a newer driver. - Disable HPET in the BIOS. Make sure your new motherboard has this option before buying it. - Do not apply the spectre/meltdown security patched BIOS to your system. Obviously a security risk, but it does reduce performance. This mostly affects new hardware.
  10. The last update was only 600KB. If you want it to stop updating custom files, close the launcher when it says "scanning." You could probably write a script to check APB's servers to get the latest patch too.
  11. The sprint delay is based on the rate of fire, so it only affected weapons with a low rate fire,. It didn't do anything to address the teleporting issue. If anything, it added one more element for you client to miscalculate.
  12. It's a netcode issue and it's always been in the game. The servers don't send enough player movement updates so it has to often correct the player's position. Your client attempts to smooth this out, but it ends up looking like the player's moving faster than normal. Now, if the player is consistently moving like this, even when out of combat, than it's most likely a speed hack or intentional lag switching. Reloaded tried to make this bug less obvious by nerfing sprint shooting, specifically on weapons that didn't take advantage of sprint shooting, instead of actually coming up with a proper solution.
  13. They've been banned multiple times and still support the game. That's some dedication.
  14. Are you running a 32-bit or 64-bit OS? If 32-bit, you will need to apply the 3GB switch. The out of memory error you got was from APB, not Windows. APB is a 32-bit app. It can only access up to 2GB RAM on a 32-bit OS, 3GB with the switch applied, and 4GB on a 64-bit OS. APB's original developers created a lot of memory leaks, and G1/Reloaded didn't really do much to help it. The way to avoid this error is to not switch districts often, and restart the game after long gaming sessions.
  15. Myself had two characters with the same name. The oldest with the most hours played was forced to name change. Tiggs even claimed that they went by the last month or so for character activity.
  16. There's a lot of characters that still have not finished merging. There's also many players who cannot sign in because LO broke the password reset function on G1's site. I wouldn't want those players to lose their original names. It's bad enough that G1 forced veterans to change some character names because they didn't sign in for that 1 month before the server merge.
  17. APB's max range is so low nothing can be called a sniper. This and the overly open districts makes it tough to properly balance and separate weapons. In other games you don't even need a scope at 100M. I'd be fine with Reloaded's shotgun stats with the current pellet scaling. It would make shotguns feel the most consistent, while still providing enough rng at range to keep the OCA and PMG more reliable.
  18. I don't get why game devs think shotguns should have 45 degrees of pellet spread. Your suggestions are way better than the current stats, but I rather have shotguns have much tighter spread but with less damage. Also, 30M should be the minimum damage range for all lethal weapons.
  19. BlatMan

    Inconsistent hitreg

    This last week or so I have been experiencing very inconsistent hitreg. It often takes 20+ what should be hits in cqc combat with the OCA, PMG, Nano, M-1922, etc. Sometimes blood will be displayed, but not hitmarkers are given. Ping is 50ms, 0 packet loss. I don't have this issue in other games.
  20. This is for a friend. They cannot login to their G1 account because their password has expired. They have tried multiple times and have not received an email. They have tried contacting support over a month ago and did not get a response. Here's one of their characters on the account: Luberness
  21. I think OP's account was phished off another member. There's only 2 new posts since LO took over, then all of a sudden is active in a single thread about an app that needs your email and password.
  22. You still have your STAR right? Just shoot them. It's a shooter, you can do that.
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