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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. It's 0.8s ttk. 5 shots to kill. FBW is 1s ttk 6 shot kill.
  2. I wish it had recoil data because some weapons had theirs changed.
  3. In game chat as a feature works fine. Can't help what the players do with it. If it bothers you that much, uncheck district in the chat options. It could use a language filter, but I don't think district pop is large enough to justify it. I would like an option to disable the click/ding sound when you get certain messages. For example, when someone decides type in /s instead of /d. I would also like to remove the "you are not ready" message. It's bound to Team and System, it pops up if either are checked in. It's useless spam.
  4. Better idea, make consumables a normal mod and get rid of the email spam.
  5. The current minimum sprint delay should be what all weapons use. Having it linked to the rate of fire is stupid at best.
  6. Unexpected update that has nice feature? I'm scared.
  7. As long as it still runs on Windows 7 I'm fine with that. I run APB in border less windowed. It's under 50ms input lag. Don't know what people are doing to cause such high input lag. Fullscreen optimizations under Windows 10 only causes problems for games, It usually recommended to disable it when troubleshooting performance problems. I doubt this is going to change. Side thought, the current version is running in DX9 mode. That's probably why the input lag is lower.
  8. They should remove the red mods and have 3 open slots, like the PDW-57 was suppose to be. Stupid that G1 changed a weapon to be another OCA because a few players got them for free.
  9. Which is what I did. Other weapons apply to all 3 options.
  10. BlatMan


    Horse + Swarm will be the new meta.
  11. BlatMan

    Colby M-1922

    The way the M-1922 handles it's closer to the 'Manic' and ATAC. Both weapons out perform it in accuracy and max damage range. Manic has lower ttk and 1 less shot to kill. ATAC has higher ttk but 2 less shots to kill. Neither have excessively high recoil.
  12. Only thing the N-TEC needs is it's original skin restored.
  13. Hitreg is server sided so it still takes time for the server to register the hit. On east coast I'm currently under 30ms, which means I'll be able to shoot and then receive a hit marker before their game updates from the previous frame.
  14. If you used the small taxi sign it's restricted to crims only.
  15. 25fps is 40ms between frames. Many players can shoot and see their shot register before you know you were even hit. That's a pretty big advantage. APB is also far from stable, so idk what you're getting at.
  16. On non programmable mice you need the software to set the DPI and USB polling rate. Rust has recoil patterns rather than random recoil. It's like playing Simon Says with the same pattern every match. Most players remember the pattern or script it. Only took me 10 minutes in a deathmatch server to get the AK recoil down. Besides triggerbots, macros for APB only do what a player can achieve by pulling down and tap firing. If it makes the weapon OP, it's the weapon that needs to be looked into. For a compromise, I'd make every weapon automatic but keep their rate of fire the same. Still takes skill to maintain accuracy on high bloom weapons, but then the fake golds can't scream macro every time they die. I'd also get rid of the absurd recoil like on the Colby M-1922.
  17. It works well firing in bursts. You could also wait until you're close enough so accuracy doesn't matter, or use a weapon better suited for the range.
  18. In PUBG Battleye gets bypassed within minutes of the patch going live. Than again, PUBG has over 100K players a day so there's bound to be more cheating efforts. Their dev team also can't get something simple working like the ready button. Hit boxes are significantly different than the player model, and players have drastically different height and weight settings. If the crosshair didn't turn red, players with smaller characters would have a significant advantage. In Rust it was an issue. Tall players couldn't take cover properly, and short players could shoot over walls without exposing their head. Some dedicated players were repurchasing the game to try to get a short character.
  19. Weapons blooms after shooting. Normal people: I'll wait for the bloom to recover so my next shot hits. This thread; TOO MUCH RNG REEEEE!
  20. I have yet to found a mouse that fits the human hand.
  21. In ideal conditions, the only weapons I consider RNG are shotguns. You can't tell how many pellets hit because the visual effect is client sided. I say ideal conditions because the visual bloom can desync between the client and server. Maybe the SHAW could be considered RNG with the heavy horizontal recoil, but at the same time you shouldn't rely on it to min ttk. Pick fights you know you'll win.
  22. Ya, you had to accidentally bumpy your vehicle into summit1g.
  23. I think it's their anti-ddos service. Similar things would happen in US central when mitigation was enabled.
  24. For west it's constant. East for the most part is fine, but other players seem to have issues going by district chat.
  25. Routing is screwed up in NA. West coast is unplayable. It says 90ms 0 packet loss in /fps, but the real latency is much higher and there is packet loss. For example, it takes at least 3 shots fired with the CR762 until I see a hit marker, and often I don't get a hit marker even though I killed the player. Occasionally my character does not respond to pressing F to do an objective. Strangely enough driving and camera switching have minimal delay. I tried running a tracert but the IP addresses in resource monitor do not route to the server's real location, and I get different routes to same IP address. US East I get about 20ms to 30ms. Running a tracert to the listed address, I get 80ms. Also, if I join an empty district or Fightclub my in game latency is 1/10 of the real latency. Joining an empty US West district my ping is displayed as 8ms, but the slight driving and camera switching delay are still there.
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