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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. A Thread about a closed thread asking someone to remake the thread. Maybe the original creator isn't on the new forums yet? "Last Active May 23 2018 03:11 PM" Wish i knew.
  2. We used to have daily events They were called Dynamic events. No chance you played any of those? (The Butcher and Drug Mule)
  3. It's criminals so don't worry about it.
  4. I just sit around for about an hour and think about games i like and make the logo for it (not every symbol i make is a game i like calm down.) I just get a google image And eyeball it try to Disassemble the shapes in my head. Playing in social has given me APB vision IRL (i don't see a logo anymore when i walk around all i see is shapes i could make into a logo in apb) Squares are your friend. Pixelation in this game renders any hard work ultimately lower quality then it should be.
  5. Suggest useing anything besides Photobucket After they started blackmailing people to use their images on forums (pay 500$ a year to hotlink your images)
  6. Make gold harder to get and Drop some threats (under lvl 100's shouldent be Gold you re rolls.)
  7. More free 2 play versions armas weapons ehh i dunno. Maybe some unreleased content (and removed)
  8. "Enable Fun" Option allows team killing and Out Of Bounds (when no enemies) and you get re spawned when enemies join. (Bring Back Vegas 4x4 out of map Shenanigans)
  9. Recognition for helping is what SPCM was supposed to be (Can't believe they were stomping bronzes with that power.) Just be a nice person Learn about apb research solve problems and with what you learn. Help people and teach Don't expect a Badge for it just help this community.
  10. That would be nice. At the very least Tell us what program is triggering battleEye. "Twitchoverlayprogram Is suspecting cheating" Something along that line.
  11. Love how the f2p version of the Case "bolo" was locked at rank 195 when it was an event reward and Actively Had the worst mods possible for ALIG. Meanwhile the armas version was open 3 slot. All this talk about armas hope it leads to giving to the people that can't (or prefer not too) afford 5000g1c for a hat.
  12. Zolerox

    Battlefield 5

    It's another ww2 game that isn't set in world war 2 (realistically) Cough calls itself codww2 and has nothing to do with ww2 story* Game play looks fine i guess but not interested in battlefield since 3.
  13. Popular (new) Memes New logo's for movies that just came out and pretty much anything that's popular Make the symbols sell (games with rng based gameplay etc)
  14. When will the "Mirage" Vehicle be released?
  15. i remember devil dog's voice actor sending me a signed copy of the game (so my memory is worse then yours)
  16. I like it reminds me of the old "APB Memes" Topic "Using Remote Detonator be like"
  17. HOLY Quadpost Batman. You can put more then 1 song in a single post. Here's my entry.
  18. Zolerox

    Apb Gifting Option

    They are working.
  19. /ignore. for now anyway.
  20. There is a fix that already existed.... Take a look at the "Mayor Jane Derren's San Paro First Ever Open Conflict Easter Egg Hunt 2015" When you were mugg..... never mind Just watch. Getting run over while mugging (just pretend he's arresting) But the action continue's regardless of being moved. (G1 I'm still upset you dident switch this event on for 2018 Looks like fun)
  21. crossbows.... They go well with horses.
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