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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. How about... Only in fightclub? Make it a beacon ruleset.
  2. You know what really grinds my gears? 1. People who use med spray with Clotting Agent 3 2. People who get out of my car too early when i'm parking it right next to the objective then Complain they "had to walk all the way there" 3. ANYONE who takes my car and doesn't realize Only i should be the one driving. 4. People asking me to give them a gun (only legendaries are tradable mate not giving you my Anubis just for an ironic joke) 5. Whenever i use a rocket and it goes To the right because im behind cover and hits my teammate's car which then starts a chain reaction of car explosions and kills me. 6. The same enemies complaining about "Your running lol noob" Who lost to me the previous mission with the same tactics when they tried to run (We just used their cheap tactic against them only better) 7. ANYONE besides me doing the objective when i have Mark 4 Equipment and we have to wait for little Timmy to finish hacking an objective that takes an eternity 8. The fact there's objectives that literally says "Plant Bug" like apb doesn't have enough problems (hack objectives too ug) 9. "Vandalize" objectives that are impossible to defend (see page 26. in "Teammates with percs How To Punish Them") 10. Trying to survive an alig (or a second osmaw trying to reload and fire) by repairing with blowtorch while under fire
  3. Just a problem with using the same animation but Faster interaction time. (unless you mean he already looks arrested the second you press F in which case Post a screenshot below.)
  4. Well to stop people Both finding out how to do it and exploiting it. Post it Directly to support not here on forums. With details on how to replicate it (helps to fix it faster)
  5. Zolerox

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Since my post on their youtube page was overlooked it's here. If you pause the end of the trailer at the right time. First piece 2nd piece And me doing the work for you (Spoiler)
  6. "Discount for items you already own in the pack" good idea?
  7. Zolerox

    Cyberpunk 2077

    That Easter egg at the end of the trailer though
  8. Nerf's for 1 weapon should stop. Entire system of weapons *murmurs intelligibly about ntec* Need a rebalance (Talking about you anoobis) (little orbit you moved my post into the wrong topic)
  9. What is love? (still is a question.)
  10. This is going no where. Either somebody close it or let's just accept the irony that "Console" players have to use a PC to even access their forums. Game Set Match.
  11. Didn't even know i remembered this show (but of a mind F*uck) Good work btw.
  12. That's why i did a couple of "time machine" backups of the creation topics.
  13. You honestly just sound like someone who lost to an "Alt" that was 100% a gold that was "lvl 13"
  14. Yeah Trans i know but WTF is a trap (Put's on Squid head) Moving on. What does Little Orbit plan to do to decrease the toxicity in the community?
  15. Small suggestion Change the outfits in jokers store (some even repeat instead of showing outfits that aren't on display) And maybe a movie Theater. (cause that went so well the first time....Starscreen Cineplex...)
  16. Not so sure I was losing a match and I just won. The entire enemy team "disconnected" Or they all got banned at once This was with fair fight BTW. But people just disappearing from missions are not as normal as a rage quit.
  17. Automatic leaning Consoles in a nutshell "just play the game for them"
  18. Want to see the controller user Lean.
  19. You mean this? https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/topic/107820-tactical-advice-from-seasoned-veterans/ (MOD Team. The original posters are long gone can you guys copy and paste it the topic)
  20. I play on han But sure if im online when you do it. I'd hop over
  21. Your not the first person to start a thread like this. the "undectable by anticheat" Threads are not new . https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/topic/370600-undetected-how-to-cheat-and-bypass-punkbuster/?hl=%2Bhipshotdot#entry3898862
  22. Where was i when this butcher event spawned.... If i recall it was removed due to FPS issues for the rest of the district and the "no one is playing missions" thing cause butcher's so fun.
  23. Still confused. Sure LO is loving all these "questions"
  24. Guy? Where in that picture? I'm seriously lost
  25. "Controller will beat a mouse and keyboard"
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