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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. (my idea of formatting suggestions) Problem: The longest amount of time you can post an item for is 24 hours (and display points don't show the correct time till expiration/bid is over) Example: Suggestion: We should be able to sell items for 30 mins , 24 hours or 7 days (and display points/items should show the correct time) Submitted this on the older forums never got so much as a Hi-Diddily-Ho! . I got plenty more suggestions (with pictures)
  2. The best we can do is make their job easier Be kind to one another.
  3. Zolerox

    Testing Area

    I was testing how many images you can put in a single post (i will be adding more believe me i got alot more.) Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis (near season 7) Aired at the same time so you could be watching an episode in sg1 season 7 that is discussed in season 3 in Atlantis. And Origins 2nd season isn't on bluray (1st is). Im obsessed with video quality, Shading techniques x265 etc. Here's a comparison in Stargate sg1 video quality. (season 4)
  4. This is an old bug but i still have it the problem is Battle Eye might pick this up as "cheating" But without this fix i can't launch smoothly. The fix is below for anyone else that has it
  5. Here's my playlist I still add to it whenever i find a song i like. Also into 80's. Pertubator That 80's Guy Carpenter Brut Scattle Gelber Lueur Verte And Neon Indian.
  6. Here's actual help. Pledge to a contact that's already Finished (you get more consumables if your not unlocking stuff) ALSO consumables are sent into your inventory first so you might not even know when your getting them. They only get sent to the mailbox when your full (500 of them) After a mission just check press Tab to check the "mission reward" box.
  7. Prefer if volunteers don't have any actual powers Myself included Just a tag to say "Hey Im dedicated to helping" harsh truth that dealing with this community can delay Actually making this game better.
  8. He's back. Be grateful. Also Name and praise comes to mind Tember_The_Legend "Banned for a meme" still laughing.
  9. This is for Newer players or players that got the hang of the game but have joker tickets and dont know what to do with them also for the max ranks that farm tickets and are not sure which joker store item to buy (As you can't preview some of them) and don't know what to buy with them. PIN THIS? Simple put this Topic is a Preview of The joker store outfits and Vehicles From Speedball and Ophelia this took me a while to put together and is all up to date. Certain Outfits purchased Can Be Traded and sent to other players. Also ALL items from "Wilde" can't be traded. P.S The Last picture (.GIF) of Each Outfit Vehicle/Kit Are what you actually get I took screenshots after buying the outfits. Credits and Change Log APB Reloaded Joker Store Guide <-- STEAM I felt like making it all over again for steam cause pain feels good. And Something to play with 3D Model Editor for cars Raw Images and Everything else used in this guide Can be found at my Imgur CopyPasta Sit down and have some. Enforcer's Outfits Ophelia Customs [Trade-able] C.S.A. Sting [Not Trade-able] F.U Fighter [Trade-able] Ninjette [Not Trade-able] Both Faction's Outfits Barnham College Uniform [Not Trade-able] Bruise Tooth [Not Trade-able] Joker Cheerleader [Not Trade-able] Joker Hipster [Not Trade-able] Criminal's Outfits Asylum [Not Trade-able] Gang Gorilla [Trade-able] Villainy [Trade-able] Anger Management [Not Trade-able] Vehicles Charge Mikro 'Newbie' Packer Ceresco 'Newbie' Pioneer N54A "Airmech Bomber" Varzuga Rally XS 'Newbie' Enforcer Sirens/Criminal Accessories Car Kits Weapon Skins Now all i gotta do now is do another photo shoot of the car kits.
  10. Zolerox

    Testing Area

    Anything goes. Here's ALOT of images. Music. -78 images- TV Shows. -45 images- Raid WW2 Cards (Full resolution 1426x2048) -42 images- 165 Images in total (Testing the image limit old forums end at 30.) Lixil This is madness. WHAT IS THE LIMIT?
  11. Does that mean the previous otw testers (me included) Won't be able to use the OTW server? Also you had to have premium to use the otw server.
  12. Some people are book smart But I'm Street Smart.
  13. If they really did get everything I have some interesting questions for them... For example what happend to that second "vehicle" that never got released after the growl came out. Quote for good measure. "Therefore, in the next few weeks we will be unveiling the first of two new auto manufactures and their vehicles" from blog post LINK
  14. Like this? Cats rule you do this. [spoiler ] then your message here or images [/spoiler ] (no spaces in the [ ] Brackets)
  15. 5/10 It's aight my taste in music is more chill though. Think given the fact Little Orbit has taken control this is a song i wanted to put here. Never gonna stop playing apb.
  16. Our solar system is lifeless we are the only living beings in our solar system But there is other life in our galaxy. But it's mortal weakness is water.
  17. Fallen earth (said this a million times and i will probably say it again) Is my most played G1 Game even after i stopped playing in 2013 and i play apb daily since then. Glad to hear he (unlike some people) realize apb isn't the only game we play. And old forums deleted in 3 months. (or was it weeks no idea)
  18. Would like to praise ShepardHS (who still hasn't joined the new forums) Waiting for you buddy. He's the one from the "Scaleform UI" Suggestions in the old forums The image below if you still have no clue. and this too I just think he's great.
  19. How do you move topics from the old forums (or can only staff do it?)

    1. Lixil


      Hello Zolerox.

      Moving topics is by copy/pasting.

  20. Actually laughing, What meme was it? now i wanna know
  21. Posting this again for the new forums Got something bigger planned for later. (The Color Palette Zoomed in)
  22. Aletta lost a fight with gumball and her eye is in possession of gumball (hence his nickname)
  23. Glad your back never really knew why you were banned. Been following your youtube for a while.
  24. It's in the game just not used for the daily activities. Hi Daily Nano/stac10 expert here. And i got a nano recently under Little Orbit's control of the company so yes, Recently.
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