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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. Zolerox

    Weekly Maintenance

    I know han but what's a Jericho?
  2. I just want the Goggles from riddick (or at least the goggles already ingame but sold on armas)
  3. Now we need more filler for these forums. Thread about the Ammunition specialist role Thread about getting osmaw at rank 85 And memes of course
  4. Just please for me , When new players start Flash a Big Red TEXT box in the middle of their screen (THERE ARE NO DOORS IN SOCIAL DISTRICT) Admittedly on my first day in apb i was so lost i had to google where social district was. (at rank 154.....)
  5. No. Just a way to force the game to "Prioritize" The gun you need ammo for
  6. Done my own testing (while ago never published my findings) But there is an actual way to "resupply" faster But having ammo already does nothing (unless someone with concrete facts and prove me wrong)
  7. @Kaejer1337 "Unlocks" Means you have the clothing but you need to buy it yourself in Wardrobe (The place where you edit your clothes)
  8. APB Reloaded - We don't have enough shotguns
  9. Yukon's fine (Canada has the best gun in apb)
  10. They will do it till the government makes "Attacking a specific Individual or Product's Connection" a criminal offense. Heck a few places started making "Creation of cheats" a Criminal offense.
  11. I forgot how much i like the Kris.. I mean the ACES series have to buy 1 myself (the smg variant that levels Pointman)
  12. 4/10 (I have very different tastes even within the same genre) And here's some dubstep
  13. Don't understand didn't every get unbanned Someone tell this dosing kids to stop his mischief
  14. Zolerox

    Weekly Maintenance

    Servers are acting funky (Making me go afk after 13 seconds Of actively moving around) Random disconnects And I heard a new insult today Someone called me a "Payer"
  15. You asked for a mode to tied you over. Butcher can get the job done. A "new" game mode when soo much content is unused seems wasteful to me. And no "holiday" events won't just be switched to be used everyday ruins what makes them special (has xmas in the name for a reason) Im sick of Halloween's event, However i'm still not bored of xmas and Easter (sadly g1 dident enable Easter event on their last year of owning apb)
  16. Queue for social district might not work. Expect them to kick afk's so you can chill with your buddies in populated social. (social would be empty really quick)
  17. Jump out of map - Social District. Now that's a bug.
  18. Did I mention I got this by a bug? Not sure how this makes you feel @a Pair of Socks
  19. @Lixil Gamersfirst Survivor (Still using the g1 logo Let me have that title please....)
  20. It's a visual bug. Whenever it asks you to enable notifications (click the follow button at the top of this thread to see what i mean) It says "email" is the only option However if your settings already say "don't send by email" it wont whether or not it says email is how notfactions are sent. So just a visual problem.
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