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Everything posted by magik

  1. Oh I wasnt insinuating anything.. Just made me remember those days... good times. I miss the days of max rank 195
  2. There's an old video that I remember about how to improve your gameplay. Not to like just be god at the game, but to suck less. Part of the problem with comparing APB to a game like Counter Strike, or Rainbow Six is more than just the game mechanics. It's the environment. Small maps, short time limits, ~3 minutes per round. Your entire strategy is based off of you seeing your opponents and the major audio ques you receive from your opponents interacting with the environment. What the red crosshair assists in, is telling the player that you have a clear shot on an opponent, regardless of where on their body. Remove the red signs of seeing a player, their name, the crosshair, etc... Okay... how do you tell someone is an enemy on the other team? You shoot an unaffected player. Okay... say the name of a player remains... Then this still defeats the purpose, because the trigger bot can still analyze the part of the screen you tell it to... If a red name pops up, then they fire... still the same issue... FairFight is still implemented, and is still statistically analyzing gameplay. That will help weed out these players. BattlEye can prevent these triggerbots from running blacklisted software. I forget the name of a macro creating software creative professionals use that has been black listed...
  3. Well... teamwork... soo.... idk... the teammate should just take a chill pill... K/D doesn't matter anyways.
  4. A good start I think would be to interface support into the game. Return a quality in game video recorder with at least 480p (I'd prefer 720p, but right now, that might not be possible.) Make the support interface easily accessible in game similar to how armas can be opened in game (And I don't want to use steam's web browser, after the ui update, steam lags like crap) let use the built in web browser you guys have Since the system needs to sort through the tickets, have an AI system sort them not only by the user's "trust worthy" section you place them in, but while it reads the ticket itself. All this of course should be done after the unification update.
  5. Are you able to login with a different or alt account? If not, maybe a networking error with your system... If so, try your normal account again... If that doesn't work, contact support, tell them what you've tried.
  6. magik


    Tis 9am... and I’m between classes for another hour... not really eating or drinking... stressing out about physics. How’s your day?
  7. Someone should buy it, and send it to Little Orbit/BattlEye to ensure that it remains "down"
  8. You even read the CoC? Half the stuff G1 had before litterally disappeared from it. I still never got replies about breasts as peoples images in a forum topic asking if they were okay or not. Most of the toxicity isnt even that bad, offensive? yes, but completely /ignorable. I remember MattScott said in one of the threads that they are going to go on to the old G1 point of reference: Anything above the waist, a-ok Below the waist is not ok Resuming from above: This is the game's End User License Agreement, EULA, (You click accept on it without actually reading it when the game is first installed, or updated) Taken from: https://store.steampowered.com/eula/eula_113400
  9. magik

    Thank you mod

    I do not even have close to a magnificent enough beard to hold that position Just wait for Leif Erikson day, you'll get one in hours.
  10. magik

    Thank you mod

    Should we start the ABC's?
  11. im a professional forum goon, dont take it personally Best signature for that moment too
  12. Handing out an API won't give the coding to everyone. It's like a tiny reference for game files, thus allowing coders, and players who wish, to implement ideas into the game. (much like how TF2 and CS:GO allow for guns and hats etc. to be made by players, and uploaded to the workshop. You can't actually play with them online, but you can still develop them. If enough people like it, then thus, it gets implemented into the full game.
  13. you also forgot "*insert player name here* is a hacker" "team watch *player name*" "why you hack bro" "teamkick *player name* he's hacking" ah crap, beat me to it
  14. Very happy to see a positive thread. inb4 people complain about their names not being on the list.
  15. An API would be based on the new engine - An API would also require actual knowledge and coding experience to create - An API would also reduce the total "spaghetti code" - On top of that, you didn't understand what I said, because I agree, APB has spaghetti code in the current engine, on the current build. What I talked about would be an API, which would provide a more cohesive, and integral method of adding in and changing pieces of the game. Regardless if it was only kept in house, it would allow for the engineers to ensure future code remains untangled. If it were given to the public, then ideas and suggestions for the game would be easily integrated into the game.
  16. If they were mods, we wouldn't have the issue. In addition to the random rewards, make those something else of equal or greater value. (I wouldn't mind being given level one or 2 weapon/character mods, which could then either be sold, or used.)
  17. Welp, finally can update and play then, since I've been to busy recently. Looking forward to this weekend. <off topic>Oh sweet man, love your new profile photo.</off topic>
  18. I can't get a null rep either ;-;
  19. magik


    pretty sure they don't... and pretty sure they're working to fix their error, not worsen it.
  20. I do. Also, an API isn't spaghetti code, it's not something that updates the servers, nor a way for a hacker to get our info. API's are used as a toolbox to create ~x~ product. They give developers the ability to implement a task or object to mesh with the code of the API they're being taken from. (like Google's VR API for people to produce apps and stuffs for Google Cardboard) It would be beneficial for someone who wants to create something for the game, design it, and suggest the finished product for the developers to modify and implement without having to start from scratch.
  21. magik


    The dime a dozen "repeal weapon balance" thread. LO knows, they've admitted to it, continuing to request this isn't going to be productive. Suggest actual changes instead.
  22. I don't even bother allowing vivox to run on my pc. end task as soon as the game starts, better to waste that on more frames than useless voip that doesn't work. If something else that can compete APB's discord, or discord for group sessions, please lmk.
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