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Everything posted by magik

  1. Aww... sad face but, gonna go read it now, thanks for the hype tho
  2. Wow, how did I miss that thread. Now I feel disheartened with what happened. Bullshoot sucks. Although, it's reassuring hearing what MattScott had to say at the end.
  3. If others aren't having a problem, and you're in the minority, then maybe it's your internet connection, or your hardware?
  4. I don't play competitively, mostly just for fun. It's part of the reason why I abhor 1v1's. Sums up pretty much everything with matchmaking, and the competitive v casual mindset. We need a way to match-make players, even if it's "casual". although, the open conflict is a side-effect, it was originally intended to collect data on missions, and gameplay.... it's just overstayed it's welcome. With the new gamemode proposed by MattScott, I hope it becomes the more competitive play. Most people though don't want to play open conflict, as apparent by the lack of players in open conflict. Remove threat segregation districts, remove visual threat, keep matchmaking, and move players into "open conflict" with better matchmaking, eventually cross district matchmaking, and there we go. Eventually, over time, from just playing, and reading, browsing forums, etc, you learn how to get better. So, you do learn, just not instantaneously, or extremely quickly.
  5. Idk if you remember that thread either this morning, or yesterday, but there was a 2 minute video of someone explaining why he thinks his opponent was cheating. The video was 2 minutes long, and only explained a 5 second portion where he was killed by the supposed cheater. However, the end all be all of the footage, for one, the OP of that thread, there isn't enough evidence, and the actions by the opponent were explained by fellow posters. And while some people might have still thought he was hacking/cheating much of what was addressed could be explained by the engine and gameplay of players in the game. There is still a stigma, although reduced, by players who still think most of the people who play are hackers, while that's just not true. If you're from the U.S., and have read the news and are an informed citizen, you should know that there are plenty of people who have been given the death penalty, and then subsequently, 5 years, or 10 years after their death, they were falsely accused, tried, and then imprisoned. Flawed system right? Would you rather have someone killed by the state, cost hundreds of thousands times more by the state than life in prison, just to be killed for their actions, even if their actions are then found to have not been theirs? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wrongful_convictions_in_the_United_States Threat means nothing on the basis of knowledge, and opinion of in/out of game politics. What threat does thou think I am on the basis of my posts? On top of that, age of accounts mean nothing, as someone could have played the game for years, and only just now join the forum. During talks of racism in the United States, people have stated that we should judge people on the basis of their interactions, words they say, and the person as they are now. When you judge people by their look, and their past, you're misrepresenting them. Judging someone on their threat, is basing it off of their looks, when you judge them off of their past, you forget they can change, and that the human mind is a beautiful thing that changes constantly.
  6. I think you meant to say unbanned. The "better than thou" mentality, and toxicity was only slightly remedied by the the removal of broadcasting bans. Really, the only way to get rid of the mentality that Gold threat players are better than Bronze players is to remove the visual associations with threat, and to fix matchmaking. Human nature is just bullshoot sometimes. In most other games, FairFight is used in conjuction with another client side anti-cheat, much like APB now does. For the time before, we had PunkBuster, which your McDonalds of anti-cheat didn't work so good, and G1 decided to switch to FF, which in it self was a good decision, but to not have another client side ac was not good. I've been playing every day and have only experienced minor toxicity, mostly harmless jeers and jokes. Still, plenty of people are rude, and ---holes. If your ignore list is at full capacity, I'd suggest looking at it, and removing anyone who you don't remember why you added them to the list, likely they're not playing or going to bother you again. Telling silvers to go to bronze district is bullshoot too, as well as the golds dethreating is all hurting the community. There-in lies the issue with threat, which has already been addressed, and needs to be fixed. However, the engine upgrade, which is due in short time is higher up on the priority Understandable, and I can agree with that. Yes and Yes. ?!??!?
  7. Keep sucking shit, you will see nothing will be changed and cba to read your text off wall you ejaculated too. Sure thing, don't know why you're pissed with me when I'm merely countering your argument? Things already have begun to be changed What? I don't understand what you're trying to insinuate.
  8. It's not magically ok, however it was a bug that wasn't discovered, which was likely to happen from human error with the code changes. Since they are fixing the bug, it's due course, they didn't intentionally degrade the game. Unlike the un-banning, they knew exactly what they were doing with the population, and they weren't unbanning just hackers, but anyone who hadn't committed a cyber crime. So, anything from pissing off tiggs, to blatantly breaking the ToS under G1. With the extreme number of cases that were unjust already discovered, it was apparent that they didn't want to go through and find every single case of a illegitimate ban, so they unbanned the masses of players. Which many people in the community were against, and they understood that. People who were legitimately banned would now be able to play, and enjoy the game, whether or not they would repeat their mistake. With the un-banning, they knew the consequences of their actions, and proceeded to deal with them.
  9. Your graph, if you read it, APB had an increase of 47% then 28%. The population decrease of ~7% isn't a majority of the population. You have to take into account different variables when reading statistics. APB hasn't had a content update for a long time. The hype train can only last for so long. So, in fact, not a significant amount of people have left. The next content update, and new information regarding such will be released this week. (Hopefully, as MattScott has stated, there's a post coming this week, and due to a last minute bug in the update, it was delayed from last week, probably to this week) FairFight bans, excluding Fraud bans, (all of them, not just hackers) were unbanned because of a lack of procedure, and proper documentation was done by G1. Little Orbit was not happy with how G1 handled it, so they unbanned everyone, instead of going through the thousands of bans and determining which were just or unjust. (AFTER BattlEye was implemented.) Bring back cheaters? What? The population has soared, and cheaters are at an all time low, if even passed through the client side anti-cheat. L.O. is still banning cheaters, and hackers, but on a more fine tuned basis, not mass banning. FairFight is still working in the background, and BattlEye prevents anyone with a script kiddie plan from even launching the game. Starting to leave? I have yet to see people leaving. It's July, most people are on break from school, and are probably on vacations, out of town or otherwise, thus not playing. Some people are also working more, and trying to get income for the incoming school year. The netcode was an accident, of course, and a side effect of re-configuring their network and servers, to resolve the lag from the netcode in the first place. I'd list this as a pro, with the netcode bug as an accident, that even they are asking players for the information from their experiences getting d/c'd They didn't remove fairfight. They didn't "add all hackers back" they reversed what they felt were unjust bans. BattlEye is the current leader in anti-cheat? so... it is good? I see no issue here... They lowered prices because the price gouging done by G1 was sore in people's minds, and LO wants to reconfigure their pricing so that they aren't going to make people think the game is P2W, (which it isn't at all, people are just dumb, and don't understand mechanics, and blame skill on money) They did that by permanently lowering the prices of Armas by 20%. This is the first stages of them "fixing" Armas. Free Premium is a cash grab? How...? they're literally giving it away for free?... You completely misunderstood everything MattScott, Lixil, and the community has said. Good job. Statistics tell me that, people are slowly but surely starting to leave the game, because #LO is slow at fixing the issues. Statistics are numerical representations, and interpretations of numbers, and patterns. What you see as "statistics" can be manipulated to fit whatever narrative you want. For Example: If you view this image of the United States 2016 Election, you would think that a majority of the citizens of the United States who voted (considering only 1/3 of the citizens vote *side note, that's piss poor, let's vote people <end sidenote>* But you fail to understand how the election actually turned out. A majority of the people who actually voted, voted for Hillary Clinton, while a minority actually voted for Trump. Hillary had around a million more votes. Statistics can be manipulated to showcase a specific outcome, like the election. In order to read statistics, and understand them, you need to understand the context.
  10. BattlEye was probably the best thing Little Orbit has done to date. On top of that, people still think there's a lot of cheaters, due to the number of x person is cheating, please support me forum threads. However, it certainly would be a good boost to their advertising that they've helped begin the revival of APB.
  11. While I wholeheartedly believe hackers should receive punishment for their wrongdoing, I disagree with one piece of evidence. As the Jury in U.S. Courts, there can be a statement over a lack of evidence, ... the lack of evidence. You only gave a 2 minute video explaining, and context of a 5 second fight. That's just not enough. I don't side with hackers or hackusators, I want to make my own decisions, and based on what you presented, there's not enough to: Convict. Understand the situation. I don't see how I was being toxic, or others?... Aside from ZombieBiscuit that is, they're an exception.
  12. Click the big red button up at the top then read the last of the bullet points that reads: No Naming/Shaming If you believe someone is cheating please reach out to our support or to our GMs No talking about bans This is private information to the player itself, you should not be giving this information to other players. Please reach out to our support if this happens These are the two that pertain to your case. Don't forget the fact that the aim of the 3rd person camera allows you to see your surroundings much more than that of an FPS.
  13. If you play it at .25 speed, you'll see that the player in question after he hears the door open, a split second, he fires 1 shot, and then realizes the door next to him opened. He then fires at you. Not suspicious at all? Plus, Forum rules, send anything related to hacking to support, don't name and shame on the forums.
  14. You are talking to a man, so, no kiddie. I don't know a man that would spend enough money to buy 2 Nissan Altimas (family cars albeit if you're a man) on a digital game. Most of the men I know, they all save their money, sure they'll spend maybe 100 or so maybe more on a digital thing, but thousands? Yeah right. If you're a man, you're just not smart with your money, at all.
  15. @Signarly I really like your profile photo, a good version of Ela.
  16. LO doesn't have a means to detect "detheaters" vs. "skill flip-floppers". Unless you want them to go off user submitted "evidence". Aside from players reporting, a computer can't train itself much to tell the difference. Which is part of the problem, users are abusing an exploit with the system.
  17. I've lost count of my income sent to G1... (I spent roughly $50 since LO took place)
  18. Some missions I barely get any kills, but I always play silver district, as I can be of the silver threat. Only time I ever pick bronze is when silver's full, and I'm not gold.
  19. Nope, all /report did was flag the user to FairFight, so FF can prioritize that player over others. Anyone with a functional slab of meat between their ears knows those reports collected dust in a folder, completely ignored by the old team. Yeah, /report didn't really do anything, or even feel like it did anything. They have already stated, they're fixing it, and working on it as we speak...
  20. I've run into at least 2 or 3 each play session, each day. And they blatantly state it. Soo... if that's not deliberate, I don't know what is.
  21. Just... how. Did they wipe their patootie with 1000$ bills or something? The game was in development since what... 2005/6? EA was publishing it. And if you don't know, RealTime Worlds, the original developers, created Crackdown, you know, that Xbox game that got a ton of praise, and is supposed to be expecting a third game, (not from RTW of course) And APB was originally going to be on Xbox, not PC... but they changed their tune.
  22. For context, to anyone who doesn’t know, apb cost over $100,000,000 minimum. That’s equal to or more than Battlefield 1 including dlc.
  23. Under any circumstances, people complaining APB has a free version, or BattlEye isn't turned on yet, are: lying unfounded Since BattlEye is now working as intended. Yay!
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