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Everything posted by magik

  1. I just go play Cities Skylines, CS:GO, Netflix, Need For Speed, etc... Enough stuff in my steam library, and PS4 to keep me busy
  2. I'm sure it was fine, sometimes there are bugs... like the 1v1 missions >.> Besides, you won!
  3. When was this? I remember seeing them archived not to long ago searching for stuff in the old forums...
  4. Ah, I also love the shiny car bug... gotta go find a picture of it now... Edit: couldn't find a screenshot of it, maybe I'll get one soon... but I found this one:
  5. I just watched the video, whole thing through, and after the endless buffering... There is no prevalent issue to be seen? Only two themes played, and they both seemed normal. Not over the top loud. Maybe a little annoying, but isn't that the point?... I mean, they were made for a reason, to tease your opponent when you killed them...
  6. Well, since Lixil replied, just sit tight. They've been on a backload with the large number of tickets, and they've been making great progress. All we can do is be patient for our Little Orbit Overlords to present us the new APB, and to get through the support tickets.
  7. If I don't feel the need to talk with a player because they wish to troll me or someone, you can /ignore them, and if people keep doing that, boom, problem solved, person's screeching theme is gone. I rather like my nice themes, and the cool music that my friends have made. I enjoy sharing the work that I've done. I like hearing a meme song, or some good beats when I'm killed in fight club. Don't let one bad apple ruin it for the rest of us ;-;
  8. I rather enjoy fooling around with all other 79 people in the district. Makes the game much more dynamic. Other mmo's don't have the same sort of interactions with chat, as it either gets too cluttered, or no one uses it. APB has the perfect balance, whilst enabling free speech. With freedoms like Free Speech, you can't have the right to free speech, and the right to not be offended. It's one or the other. However, harassment isn't offending someone, that's you intentionally abusing someone, albeit physical or verbal.
  9. It doesn't run on my PC, and at the time, GPU prices were insane to even consider upgrading... I was gifted a PS4 for Christmas, so I've used it. Makes a great Netflix box. And analog controls are superior to keyboard mouse when it comes to racing (I do have the 2015 installment PC version, just runs like doodoo on 1GB VRAM)
  10. the new need for speed (payback if any of yall don't know) is the Battlefront 2 of racing games. Worst. Racing. Game. Ever. The 2015 installment was better than Payback, and that's saying something. if any of you wanna 1v1 race me I got that PS4. Otherwise, just really APB.
  11. They angry because new company is actually doing good things for us.
  12. Scout is a good sniper. CSG is basically a JG, with less overall damage per shot... I don't know much about the spearhead.. LMG, just don't get the ALIG Sunfire or whatever it's called... that thing is bad.. BAD
  13. As everyone says... It's not your rig, it's the game's archaic engine. From what I've read, older dual core systems with a decent graphics card for 2012 works better...
  14. I have one, and can say that the driving feels worse than driving a Jericho through lagfest waterfront. Got it from a Joker Box... can't sell it... can't trade it... and I never use it... pls help me
  15. 4x4 is the Jalopy Yugo of APB, just get the RWD Vegas... Or if you have class, either a Mikro, Fresno, or Moirai.
  16. They did, and the game's full name is: APB: All Points Bulletin (as of RTW). G1 changed the name to APB: Reloaded, so I'm going to assume the original name remains available.
  17. Before creating a new thread, use the search function. Before you ask: Top right Enter idea or topic Refine search details ??? Profit
  18. make money up to 2k, and turn in. Mug some peds, until you're N4, and then ram raid again It'll be 'safer' Or just suck it up, and play like normal...? This! Thank you!
  19. Pretty sure it's old enough, and Atari's lack of existence would prevent a lawsuit... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APB_(TV_series) It's newer than RTW APB, which holds the name All Points Bulletin, I think everyone just calls it APB because it's easier...
  20. I'd rather not be shot from inside a car, and I'd rather not be shot while inside one either. Pls leave the game's mechanics alone ;-; Also, cars in this game accelerate slowly, like... sooo bad, look at the bishada, and try escaping combat with it, 9/10 it'll blow up...
  21. I'd just say, "You're welcome for that donation of x amount I overpaid." You wouldn't have bought it if you didn't see value in your purchase. Same thing as going to the store, buying lemonade, drinking lemonade, and the next week, you see it's on sale... are you going to request a refund? If you do, your store won't give it to you. (unless they a bunch of suck ups that don't care)
  22. BattlEye keeps any known cheat from being loaded and bans/kicks people with fishy software. Tis a client side anti-cheat. FairFight is still very much enabled, and is still working. I'm sure it's being tweaked, and will work a lot better as time rolls forward. Soo.... I see no problem here...
  23. Why did someone decide to revive this thread? Pls no. We all know and agree that client side driving is bad. Let's leave it be. And if you disagree, just stop. And reread every post here. And don't reply until you agree /sarcasm
  24. OP thinks that the Volcano Legendary shouldn't be available to a R11 Silver... Although I'm probably quite sure they're higher than R11 on their alt character...
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