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Everything posted by magik

  1. Do you mean .ini edits? if so, as long as they're editable by the Advanced Launcher, then you can use them.
  2. Same here, played about 4 missions, and got 12-15 ms stable.
  3. Not trying to discredit you, but your two screenshots show your latency only being 44 and 40 ms... I agree servers need to be fixed. They're already working on that atm though...
  4. If your issue is with server lag, then any changes in terms of compression client or server side would not help the game. Server changes, and networking changes help lag. And if you read Matt Scott's post on what they're doing to improve the server performance, they're currently: So to respond to your suggestion... They're working on the servers. They've been working on the servers. They're also working on the Engine Upgrade. And the engine upgrade takes priority over any new content or ideas. Let the devs do what they feel should be necessary for the game to get back onto its feet again. Yes there are some issues, and patches that could be rolled out, but that diverts resources away from what their end goal would be. If you divert resources away, you delay the time it takes to get the goal. If you divert resources, those skills that have been put to use are moved elsewhere, or effort can be detracted from the end goal. Let the road map they have serve as a guide. Anything that modifies the current engine, anything that is implemented to improve upon the current engine, outside of building a new one shouldn't be worked on. It's like pumping water out of the sinking ship. You'll help it a bit more, but it's still sinking. Anything outside of fixing game breaking glitches, or game breaking patches, should be kept far away from. The devs can fix major issues that could come up, but it's not worth it if most of it will be fixed by the new engine.
  5. I wish they would just use the numbers and stats that APB:DB has figured out. Just, display the stats for the weapon in the game, but more detailed Like this... for those who've never seen APB:DB https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_Rifle_JokerCarbine_Perm That's more useful than whatever bar the game has used.
  6. Right now, I'm fine with them fixing the servers while they work on the engine. However, the engine is ... like an engine. If your car drives like crap and can't accelerate as well as it used to, there's something wrong. You can reduce the weight of everything (compression, and simplifying underlying code) You could also try changing the tires, suspension, and fuel lines (patching, and reworking) You can give it better aerodynamics (patching even more problems, and allowing .ini edits in some files) but if you're using a 2 stroke 2 cylinder in your 1989 Ford F-150, it's not going to help your car any better, than getting a nice shiny V6. Maybe after that, get a V8 so you can really smoke your competition. (And change the body into a Mustang)
  7. I'm not surprised if he/she is, but in case he doesn't read or search the forums for the information already available ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. Buddy.... buddy... these things take time. They're not going to give any time until they know they can deliver. Right now, they're still working on it. The game isn't getting any worse. The proper, quick, and detailed communication they have given should inform you that they're doing their best, and really mean it.
  9. I like this, except I'd extend threat to level what we have now, 40, and competitive would be nice, but it shouldn't have to be only for people who are in groups, solo players should be allowed.
  10. I'll edit it to blue, if that's better? My reply to your reply will be in green as demonstrated above. And Response here: Sorry about the wordy response, but I don't quite believe you understood what I was trying to say the first time, didn't read my post in it's entirety, or I didn't get my word across effectively. Edit: here is the post that I mentioned. https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/topic/326688-remove-the-barriers/
  11. People who create threads, when there's already an older thread... that says the same exact thing. There's a search function people...
  12. Can we please not have trash polls like these? It doesn't do anything except troll... Like.. keep it to off topic...
  13. I've requested a few name changes, lol, I think 3 to be exact...
  14. Custom backgrounds that can be uploaded... an image (500x100) that can be added?
  15. I think some parts to be removed could look cool... but you can't really customize the engine bay, or I guess trunk if that can come off... The roof would be the only thing... but... that could be deceiving to new players, why they're not killing people that have the 'top down' on their car. I think a fabric top on some cars as a new body part would look great.
  16. /report in game doesn't really flag a player for anything but FairFight... sooo.... just for cheating... you need to record/screenshot and report to support for any scammers and other similar activities for anything like that to be done...
  17. New audio and instruments would certainly be welcome. I'd like the ability to create 32nd notes a lot easier... currently the smallest you can make is 16th notes..., without increasing the tempo... However, a re-haul doesn't seem necessary for how great it already is.
  18. Can we stop having the same bs repeat forum threads appearing? I know that's its bad to silence people and close threads. But we literally have a search function, and even recent threads... stop reposting the same thing. It's been answered and beat to death.
  19. Sorry to disagree. It would be nice to have a way of knowing that bans are working. But, the issues that arise from publicly announcing bans stem from the toxicity the community has grown around from previous management, out-weigh the positives. Being that gameplay can be streamed, and spread by word of mouth, etc. a private x player has been banned would still be made public, whether it was intended or not. I haven't stopped playing because of the ban broadcasts being removed, and I don't think anyone should leave because of an asinine reason like that. All broadcasting them did was to promote the image that "everyone who's better than you is hacking". Now, that takes a back seat, and the players that I've encountered in the game, none have appeared to be hacking. None of them had made me think: "That guy is cheating, REPORT!" BattlEye was the best first change L.O. could do with the game.
  20. Music editor should allow for more variety. I love transcribing sheet music over for my themes and songs. It's a pain in the butt to double the needed speed, and try to use 32nd notes for some quicker songs, in addition to the two measure limitation on the song editor. (pls gib moar measures) A shooting range is nice, finishing the actual mall at the back (make it the marketplace) a few more places to showcase my cars with friends would be nice. I like the type of housing that's instanced in Black Desert Online. Tis my love. I'd hope for something similar in social... like an apartment complex, one that's instanced so your friends could join. (It'd be a good money sink) And add maybe one for clan housing. oh god, so many suggestions, I've got more too
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