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Everything posted by magik

  1. Hey Lixil, Selali, Matt Scott, or whichever Little Orbit Staff that happens to be reading this. I know that @Lixil started the Forum Thread to request our Forum Titles, either new ones or changed ones. This: And Lixil did get the ones all the way up to Page 6. Pages 6 through 10 have yet to be completed. I understand that you guys have still been busy, and that the Titles aren't at all the top of your priorities, I just was hoping that we can get some more addressed, or an estimate on when they would be looked back upon again to get them. Thanks for any response!
  2. /report does nothing except flag a player for FairFight to watch. I don't know if it's been worked into the BattlEye, but yeah, reporting anything other than hacking won't do anything. Not at this moment in time. Matt has stated that they want to implement it into the game to report any form of ToS breaking, but alas, that time hasn't come.
  3. A better method to tax should be based on the item. For example, if someone buys a theme, the tax is taken out of the sale price. The market should take 20% for anything that can be created without the need of purchasing a product to edit. This would include themes, songs, symbols, and maybe legendaries (Because legendaries by default can't be edited...) The tax should be lowered for a reasonable amount the car was sold for. I think having a 10% tax on vehicles, clothes, modifications, and equipment (Yeah there are some people who've never heard of these in the game... at least those I've spoken with). Refurbishment is a pain in the rear. I think that unless the vehicle/clothing/etc. has been worn outside of the Social District, there should be no charge for anything to be refurbished. However, helpful hint for the time being while this is being discussed. In the marketplace UI, if you select an item, and click the magnifying glass on the top right of the screen, you'll get a preview of the item. I understand some of the issues that the game brings with it, and some people claiming that the tax hurts players with no premium, and new players who've just started. I'm not going to say that the market shouldn't cater to you, but everyone has grown up with this market, and dealt with the money sink. APB$ has not significantly inflated. Imagine how much legendaries would cost if that were to happen. I see billions of APB$ just hurting the economy. The biggest components that help keep the value of our enshrined currency from sinking, are your ammunition purchases, weapon lease purchases, vehicle spawn purchases, and marketplace taxes. (Not in any specific order) There have been people who've complained about vehicles costing money to spawn, some people have complained about the need to purchase ammo, and some have complained about the cost of leasing weapons. What these people don't understand, is similar to people that don't understand the effect taxes have on society. Your government runs because of taxes. Your street you live on is maintained because of taxes. Your local police are paid by taxes. Imagine having to get your and your neighbors to put out any fires near your house with garden hoses and buckets without your fire department.
  4. This merely states the changes they wish to make to prevent scams... There's nothing here stated on tax. Yes, taxes suck, and yes, Taxes are necessary. Keep it how it is. If you want to trade, use the implemented trading system. Imo, APB needs more money sinks, because Statues in any District aren't really that well used.
  5. I'm fine with threat becoming invisible, although I still would like to keep the shiny rank symbol above my head. Although that's just me fortifying my internet-ego... maybe...
  6. Sooo.. as far as the Official APB Blog Posts have detailed: EU is on SoftLayer (Maybe NA Too, I didn't read anything about the North America servers being moved from "OverKill") NA is either still on OverKill, or it's on SoftLayer too. Either way, a server upgrade for Europe should be in the works, the Cloud Based servers are just that... cloud based. North America should see an upgrade, and the re-networking worldwide that Matt Scott has mentioned. Here's the links: https://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/2015/02/new-apb-servers.html#links https://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/2013/02/optimization-magic.html
  7. They played Strat Roulette, once one dies, one more leaves spawn, and proceeds to B site. Wait I think that's the wrong game...
  8. I think they look the same as the frag grenade logo/emblem.
  9. tons of threads already about DDoS mitigation, and server lag. Well.... let's look at what you posted in your OP. Looks like something about an AFK bug? Oh... hold on, you weren't intending to make a report. However, bringing this up in Bugs and Tech Issues would certainly help you find information regarding... bugs and technical issues...? Lookie there...
  10. magik

    Lag Fix

    iirc, Little Orbit agreed some of the prices were milking for money. It was said in the QnA, lemme go look for it. While people may now be waiting for a price drop, I'm happy that they're being honest and clear about how they perceive everything, as well as their outlined goals, and process for the game to improve. I only see them carrying things out exactly as they've told us. Edit/Sidenote: Can we get the Q&A transcript pinned for some people who still have questions related to it? @Lixil
  11. Are you talking about me?... The thing that would take me out of it is the interactions with people outside your mission /d chat, or group members who joined late while you were in a mission. The problem that I wouldn't want to keep switching districts is from the interactions with players in or outside of the district you picked. Some districts I move to get away from trolls, if I'd get put back in from matchmaking, that would be somewhat annoying.
  12. Well... Why not just leave them as they are now since there is no servers merging?... I'd rather have 1 NA server with the combined population of Joker and Colby than having it split again.
  13. Well... Arrays don't start at one... or can they? If I remember correctly, anyone can create their own coding language... and make an array start at one if they want. However, uniformly across all major coding languages Arrays start at 0. I like ArrayLists, Vector, and Dynamically allocated memory storage. Pointers are just so much fun.
  14. Haha... Honestly, I'd rather have a new name besides the older ones. We're not regressing the game back, but moving forward. I love the name Colby, and the memories I have on the server. Jericho is the name of one of the American car models in the game... However, why not use the name of the company instead, that's what the names used to be. Patriot would be a better name. iirc, Charge is the European brand of cars... sooo.... Citadel could be changed to Charge. The Russian Server is using the name Nekrova, based on the Russian Gun Smithing Company. Han is the Asian (Japanese?) Car company in the game. Soooo... yeah...
  15. As someone who learned Russian from my family, and having lived for my whole life in the U.S.... what's the problem? Grow up, and ignore it. If someone is speaking in Russian, likely thing is, they're not talking to you. If you want to make your "server great again", why don't you force everyone to use English? You can't, because of the freedom of speech that people have while in APB. I can type anything on the server in Cyrillic, and it may or may not make sense. Most Americans can't tell, so what keeps me from just chatting with my friends in Russian? Nothing. No one cares....
  16. Soo... my understanding, is that you ahve everything set to "default" values... the default the advanced launcher gives you is below minimum... you need to bump it up. My recommendation is to set stuff to med or high, and base your choices off of that.
  17. Really it was classic shell? I use that all the time, and it hasn't given me any issue. It might be a setting within Classic Shell. Let Little Orbit know that there's something wrong with Classic Shell and BattlEye, so they can hopefully prevent it from causing any issues. If need be, I can share my setup.
  18. As has already been said, there's a chat censor in the chat settings... It's been in the game for years, I'm guessing it's always been in the game. Also, this game is rated M in the states, 17+ for those of you from elsewhere. And as such: Mature games allow for topless Nudity within certain guidelines... Adults Only ratings allow full and complete nudity. The devs created the game, they choose what can be allowed in their game. Same way as when you were a kid, your rules of tag had specific guidelines, and you enforced them, as well as change them if you felt like it. Little Orbit can do the same. They've already made statements, and are likely not to change them. If people keep bringing up this topic they've made a stance on, it's likely we'll end up getting pushed back a step, with no nudity at all. Period. Stop freaking out and complaining about every little thing like it's the end of this game. It's not, they're here to bring it back. Calm. Down.
  19. Ignoring these two, implying you're not running any cheats, then you should just go through the list, and ensure anything not necessary for the complete operation of your computer, and make sure they're disabled. Not much else you can do with your software. Now, if you're cheating, it's obvious that's what's being blocked, and only someone who's dumb wouldn't know... So, it's probably safe to say you're not cheating, you wouldn't ask a question like that if you were. If BattlEye isn't letting you start the game, and it's pointing you to a specific folder of what's blocked, find out which program's folder that is.
  20. maybe just when I use it, I become useless... edit... something buggy is going on too... you definitely didn't post that 2 hours ago...
  21. Not a new one, but a replacement for the useless firework launcher.
  22. There was a teamkill event? Sign me up! No one will see it coming, Vegases, Vegases everywhere.
  23. magik


    So... I take it that the thread is done then?... other than having your question about support being answered... As for a test if you're drunk... I believe we call them reCaptcha...?
  24. I would certainly welcome the idea of a server for character information, as account information is, and the ability to play in other servers. This can allow for some people to move about if they change regions themselves. I'm wanting to live in Europe for a couple years, while my account is North America based. Not a bad suggestion. Only roadblocks are the way the game is instanced on the servers currently, and the character storage. I can have two characters with the same name, on different worlds... if someone already took my name in Europe, or Han, even though I made the name first on North America, I wouldn't want to lose it. And I'm sure that people on other servers that have only stayed there have never heard of my character names, and made them themselves... just the chance of luck... Either way... those need to be talked about if that does happen.
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