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Everything posted by magik

  1. Look more "fat"? I mean, if it's FPS you're looking for, I'd recommend sitting at medium settings. Your rig is certainly better than mine, and you should have less trouble holding constant frame rates. Probably going with reduced smoke and fire would be about all I'd recommend, because those are just graphics hogs.
  2. Instead of taking someone else's settings that you're unsure of being a virus or not, why not post your rig's specs, for a recommendation from others? I personally: AMD A8 6600k @ 3.9GHz (2013 Processor) 8GB DDR3 RAM PNY Nvidia GTX 650 1GB GDDR5 (2012/13 GPU) (I think these are the most important parts for your game's settings to be based off of) I'm running settings with no particle effects (smoke and fire) [yes fellow players I can't see smoke or fire from cars... kinda a pain when a car is on fire] Approximately medium-high settings for textures, bloom disabled, and minimum texture settings on npc's, and non-player/civilian cars.
  3. I'm lost... what's going on here?
  4. Might want to request a close before the 10+ page thread is formed.
  5. The animation is buggy, and basically will make it harder for enemies to hit you... or so I'm told... It's been a while so I don't remember how bad it was...
  6. Oh I remember when sprint shooting was a huge thing... I thought G1 did something to mitigate this a long time ago
  7. I have not heard of this, thanks! figured the time I spend on studying I'm bound to miss something
  8. The plan is to do away not with servers, but with threat segregated districts, for cross district matchmaking. Thus, the instances, not the servers. Problem with merging servers, you have the distance to the server to account for. Back in the "good old days" there were two servers in North America, Colby and Joker. One served the NA West, the other the NA East. However, now, the server should be located in Texas, and serves both regions. (ironically, I picked NA West for my main, but living in the middle of the country had it's perks to access both servers with ease.)
  9. I would like to have it back permanently, as Asylum kills my GPU, and I miss beacon. (although, I'm sure if we had beacon long enough, I'd want to switch maps again too) ((please bring fight club rotation))
  10. /offtopic/ feels like I keep visiting threads right after you do... /ontopic/ Mate, how is a GM sympathizing with a cheater? Unless the GM is aiding the cheater and treating them "above the law" or differently from other players, (let's be honest, all players should be treated equally, only when someone is breaking the rules should they be 'punished') And even though the GM does have powers, one of those isn't banning players. Like it or not, to prevent accidental bans or favoritism as much as possible, Little Orbit has implemented these rules, and conditions. (remember that thread about the GM that abused his power on a streamer? and the fallout from it? Little Orbit handled everything accordingly)
  11. I also hate to say it, but it seems you have also been ill-informed. The first amendment prohibits the United States Congress from "... prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech ..." This means that no government official, bureau, nor branch of government can implement and/or execute a law that would breach this first amendment right. This only applies to government. A corporation, or private party, (in this case, you're implying GamersFirst/Little Orbit) can regulate their own rules, on their domains. What this means, I can go out, and mouth off in public like an insane bat, threaten to kill people, or all around spread 'hate' (hate speech in itself is subjective, but let's leave that story for another time), and my employer can very much fire me on the basis of my 'humiliating' actions that I took in public. They don't want the repercussions and targeted press on themselves, that they'd rather ditch me, and leave me for dead.
  12. Haha, no worries, I want the old login theme back too. My neighbor has a 2011 Ford Taurus SHO, god that thing is awesome. It’s no police car, but definitely could be faster than one.
  13. Couldn't have said it better myself. One of my colleagues at uni gave a speech today about reasons why governments should not create laws governing hate speech, as they are subjective, and can't be interpreted accurately, given both examples from the left and the right in the U.S.
  14. Since it seems we're getting on the topic of it: Hate Speech APB Reloaded does not allow hate speech on their servers, forums, or software. Problem: Hate-Speech is subjective. What offends you won't necessarily offend others. I don't get inflammatory, nor up in pitchforks and torches when I see swastikas, hammer and sickles, or anti-christ symbols. However, my family came from ex-soviet states, and I tend to have fun with communist symbols. Truly defending something is different from ignoring it. Wibsey chooses to ignore others on the internet. He/She holds a "Sticks and stones my break my bones, but words will never hurt me." mentality pretty close. Is this wrong? No. Once again, he/she isn't defending the nazi symbol. Quite contrare, the title of the thread clearly describes the inverted symbol... Have you played violent video games? Do you have an increased tendency to be violent in real life? Yes? Then you're one of very very few. Scientific studies numerous times have shown that violent video games have little to no affect on real people's real world [violent] actions. In fact, much research has shown the opposite. Actually, it's because in Germany, it is very much illegal to publicly (internet or otherwise) display a swastika. How is his opinion privileged? or how would he not understand? Congratulations! Do what you see fit to benefit the betterment of the game. He didn't but I did...
  15. Richard small .... wait, gotta keep it PG-13... Baby small heart.
  16. People don't play with their tongues on a trackpad? Wow, I must've been doing it wrong...
  17. I want to get another Altima again, or import an old Silvia, or '89 Skyline GTS 4 Door. However, plans with the Isuzu require some repair, she doesn't like to start, or idle in Park. I'm thinking the fuel pressure regulator is bad, as if I disconnect the hose that cycles fuel back into the intake manifold, she starts and runs like a dream. I'm considering either replacing the regulator, or finding a route for the hose to cycle back into the fuel line/tank. Only issue is getting access to take the fuel rail off. There's a 6 or 7mm hex head that my allen wrenchs couldn't get off. Probably gonna have to invest in a pair of vice grips. Let me know how that dual headlight conversion goes! I'm wanting to do some work on the front end of my truck, mostly with retrofitting projectors, or multiple bulbs into the headlight housing. If I can't do that, I want some daytime running lights added to the assembly to at least give me some lighting in the day.
  18. Thanks! I was driving at ~35mph (~56kph for you not U.S./U.K. drivers), my seatbelt kept me from having a headache, concussion, and back pain. Good luck on finding that Nova, my uni's wifi isn't giving my access to imgur, so I can't see the photos right now, but I'll check when I get home, curiousity has me, what are your plans for the Nova? restoration, restomod, or something else?
  19. Tried to edit the strikethrough out, but it wouldn't let me remove it, and I don't want to retype it...
  20. Come on, where's the image posting spirit? Do you have the traditional, or black trim level?
  21. Oh I miss beacon, hope to see 'er soon. on the topic of district phasing/matchmaking, hopefully by that time, the game's been updated, upgraded, and revived to at least start working on those again.
  22. I've run the game on Windows 7 Home, Pro, and now Windows 10 Pro. I did an upgrade install, had no issues, but I've done a clean install since, and just used the Windows 7 Pro key on the 10 installation disk, still works fine. Which, is why I've made the switch for my non-gaming machines to Linux and OS X/macOS. However, Windows 7 is still my favorite in terms of aesthetic.
  23. Is your volume maybe messed with? that or you have other things playing... like music, music from the cars. I can hear them in quiet spaces, when you're supposed to... I think the sound of an idling car would make it harder to hear the footsteps of another person...
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