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Monthly subscription

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what would you think of returning to a monthly subscription to avoid the return of people who are a nuisance to the game, and / or prevent those who take advantage of free games to pollute the game ,  the time that LittleOrbit can do are technical work?

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Whilst the idea would actually work in getting rid of the troublemakers, the downside would be less players all around. The game would die a death fairly fast.

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Certainly not, especially with the current state of the game.


It didn't stop anyone back in RTW, it certainly won't stop people now.

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I can't afford most necessities let alone a monthly subscription. 


What I will do however, is play a free game and put money into it when I can.

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Just no, agree with others.

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32 minutes ago, Occitan said:

what would you think of returning to a monthly subscription to avoid the return of people who are a nuisance to the game, and / or prevent those who take advantage of free games to pollute the game ,  the time that LittleOrbit can do are technical work?

this game has been F2P for years, whatever stereotypical toxicity that could potentially arise out of a typical F2P community has already brewed within APB's community. Make it P2P, and nothing will change. Only thing it will do is demotivate older players from coming back, since they would have to pay for a subscription to a game they may not spend more than 2 hours on, and drive new players away since they'd be turned off by the low player count, and feel like their money would be best spent elsewhere.

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It would hurt the game way more than it would help it. I have wondered if it should be buy to play though.

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We already have a low enough pop as is, we don't need that.


There's a reason why games that have subs or you need to buy to play go f2p sometimes, look at CSGO and TF2.

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2 hours ago, Occitan said:

what would you think of returning to a monthly subscription to avoid the return of people who are a nuisance to the game, and / or prevent those who take advantage of free games to pollute the game ,  the time that LittleOrbit can do are technical work?

most of the population are free to play

Think of it this way , the current population is guessed to be around 1,000 people

however any given month a small percentage can afford to buy something from ARMAS

if APB  became pay to play I can speculate that maybe 10 percent would be here the first month by how they spend money on ARMAS

the rest have no means to pay to play and would be gone.


Now that means 100 people in the entire world play APB

3 servers for 100 people = 3  server deaths in that first month

there would most likely be no second month for APB  then

No one would want to pay to play APB in its current state and regardless of that most games are free to play for a reason.


That reason is simple

more players = more fun

repetitiveness sucks


what i think is based off of this ^^^^^

pay to play  = no more apb

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Going from free to play to pay to play is probably a suicidal decision.



It would make sense if you went from pay to play to free to play, but doing it the other way around would require either...


new game, like apb 2-3 or some shit


or a new game.



because this idea is literal business suicide

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It'll just lock out way too many players and I think the heyday of subscription based games is over. 


The only real way to stop the "hackers" from just creating endless accounts apart from the actual effort it takes to make a new email and account would be some sort of DNA test via samples sent directly to LO HQ that way our accounts are bound to our biological identity and can't be spoofed. Also it limits the amount of accounts hackers can make they'll max out at around 6 or 7 billion and we'll feel slightly better knowing that those who somehow want to make it their hobby to create APB accounts just to get them banned have to go through various means of retrieving DNA samples from non-APB players and I'm going to assume that means poop. So let them sift through other people's poop to play APB I'm fine with my single account.


But seriously on the topic of subscription I'd prefer to see the Premium move to a Time Played model than a Calendar Month model because I'm a filthy casual.

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you can go from pay to play to free to play , but going the opposite route is  usually impossible or will cause instant game death .

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11 hours ago, KnifuWaifu said:

It'll just lock out way too many players and I think the heyday of subscription based games is over. 


The only real way to stop the "hackers" from just creating endless accounts apart from the actual effort it takes to make a new email and account would be some sort of DNA test via samples sent directly to LO HQ that way our accounts are bound to our biological identity and can't be spoofed. Also it limits the amount of accounts hackers can make they'll max out at around 6 or 7 billion and we'll feel slightly better knowing that those who somehow want to make it their hobby to create APB accounts just to get them banned have to go through various means of retrieving DNA samples from non-APB players and I'm going to assume that means poop. So let them sift through other people's poop to play APB I'm fine with my single account.


But seriously on the topic of subscription I'd prefer to see the Premium move to a Time Played model than a Calendar Month model because I'm a filthy casual.

You had me at ‘other people’s poop’.

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2 hours ago, AsgerLund said:

You had me at ‘other people’s poop’.

I'll test your DNA any time.



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I wouldn't be able to afford it. I wasn't able to afford 6-month premium recently despite my wish to have some spare money.

And I imagine there are a lot of players who don't spend money at all here.

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Don't like it there's the door, Might as well hammer the final nail in the coffin if you make this game a subscription based game, This isn't WoW if you want that play that instead.

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