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  1. It’s also against the rules to buy/sell accounts.
  2. Valentines Marksman Bundle (Account lifetime) - 45,000 36,000 G1C Bundle Includes: STAR 556 LCR 'Love-Gun' OSCAR 'Sweetheart' OBIR 'Heartache' Valentines Marksman Bundle (Character lifetime) - 40,000 32,000 G1C Bundle Includes: STAR 556 LCR 'Love-Gun' OSCAR 'Sweetheart' OBIR 'Heartache' $450 and $400 for 3 lifetime reskinned guns? Someone asleep at the keyboard when they're creating these marketplace items for sale or what's going on? lol Game matchmaking gets broken so gold's can't even get missions and sit for 30 minutes or longer not to even play, and now this type of extortion. The Quality control for this game is unreal, first a new car Mirage S-24 gets released broken, put on the marketplace for people to purchase, then the same car gets injected into the game's regular civilian cars to use, screwing people who bought the car out of their purchases. Does anyone really think about their decisions before pulling the trigger on this stuff, or is QA just out the window?
  3. So your email got compromised...and I assume you get an alert for login from a different location...but you do nothing to prevent further damage? But say you don't, lets dive into the possibilities. There's a data breach somewhere and Attacker gains credentials for your email. Attacker logins, finds out you play APB and decides put APB account credentials on marketplace. Are you telling me they went through every service to check the password? For hundreds or thousand of people? No...it's time consuming. - If your email and APB re-use the same password, Attacker would either have to change the APB's email or password otherwise whoever buys the credentials for APB may get access to your email....Attacker doesn't want this. - if your APB account credentials are different from the email, they still need to change the password so they can put it on marketplace. But here's what YOU said you realize something is wrong after you login...This implies the password was not changed because if it was you would already expect something to be wrong. So password WAS NOT CHANGED. Huge red flags in your story. And t hat's only the story, we don't know what bogus you have said to support Press F to doubt.
  4. You would be suprised. I got hacked full time on my mail, Steam and the only real thing I could determine was that hacker tried to use Steam APB to access my account (bypassing G1 (at the time) login but running into 2FA). I found later that I got my password leaked for mail and I didn't realize it's the same one for Steam. Somebody used that fact. Not a single thing was gone but it seems it was close call. And it wasn't long ago. 5-6 years? It was already at low pop then.
  5. EAC DETECTS RTW SHADER FILES AS "CHEATING" Ya EAC doesn't detect aimbots, smooth aim or teleports. But targets Legit players for things that nobody ever thought was cheating or hacking. So I don't pay any game that uses EAC, not to mention that any two bit hacker can bypass EAC. GIVE BACK KERRY'S ACCOUNT U BUMS. and Merry Christmas to All.
  6. Holy shite, wtf.. For the last time, I don't hack. Never have. If my vegas flies out of bounds, that's not cheating, that's a design flaw. EAC banned me, so the problem is with them. The owners/designers of this game have no control over bans, legit or not. That is the problem. They can't even fix their own crappy game. Mack, get better dude. Not worth the time or effort to waste with these inept customer support, matt, whoever else. They are not addressing simple problems within the game, just giving a lot of empty promises.
  7. No. My suggestion would be giving them a unique 3-slot gun (I would do the N-TEC) variant with its own skin, named something like a Joker CR2-XB & CR2-PS. It'd work similar to promos other games do - taking Warframe as an example, where players who logged in on Xbox got rewarded the skin below. I assume making two skins for one gun wouldn't be too difficult of a task. Plain-ish black and white or whatever with some sort of glowing green/blue design elements, doesn't need to be over the top. Licensing shouldn't be an issue with copyright-friendly designs and naming. But if you want me to be blunt, I don't think LO has any obligation to give anything to console players beyond account migration. It's G1's mess. /shrug
  8. For APB to survive, LO needs to wage an all out war againts cheaters. If they don't, the game will fall. Good matchmaking does not mean much when you get repeatedly curbstomped into quitting. I do hope that the new matchmaking takes into account stuff like accuracy, precision and other factors. So if a player is deemed "too good" he will be matched againts others who are "too good" These players who are god tier will be closed off into their own little matchmaking pool, away from the majority playerbase. I don't see any other way.
  9. I have recently logged into my apb account and it has given me an error code 10008, i have no idea why my account has been banned as i have never cheated in this game. remove post if its not allowed in this thread also.
  10. Get better Mack.. Got another useless email saying the same dumb shite. Fix my account, or just transfer my stuff to another account.
  11. We reached a settlement with PLAION to end the *current* versions of APB Reloaded on XBOX ONE and Playstation 4. Both versions of the game are plagued with severe performance and gameplay issues. There is very little we can do directly. Most of the updates have to be done through PLAION. The XBOX version has already reached a point where several items are no longer supported and the system cannot be brought back online. Unfortunately, there is no way for PLAION to transfer the games to Little Orbit's control where we can better troubleshoot issues. There isn't even a way for us to directly message the console players due to GDPR rules. We're just hoping this announcement reaches as many people as possible, so they can explore migrating their characters if they want to. This was the only way to reset things. Just so I answer Skitty's question clearly. Little Orbit is clear to republish the games at any time under our own publishing account. However, we have a pretty full plate at the moment, so I don't see that happening any time soon.
  12. Can someone please explain to me how this works, so if I (an ex average silver player) gets teamed up with 1 bronze, 1 freshly new player(still in their T stage of life) and another silver, thats 4 none golds, 2 inexperienced players and 2 semi experienced players, how is it that we have to face a full team of gold's, sometimes legitimate and sometimes questionable? With no means of winning or even enjoying the experience of playing? Like in what world does that make sense? And then if you choose to not play you're then considered to be "Griefing" and risk being banned... Like what are the choices in that situation? Play and have a very miserable time and not want to play again? or don't play and be labelled a griefer and get reported and banned? Or find a way to get kicked purposefully(I've been told that's also not really allowed so again you risk being banned)... Or do you call backup and get another less experienced player who now has to suffer alongside you? And even when you get a gold they can't carry the entire team and it's not necessarily their job to do that it's a team game, but what do you do when your team is consistently handed stacked opponents and again remember, sometimes it's a skill difference which MM is supposed to manage but doesn't and sometimes it's a suspicious advantage, macros, potential cheats etc... what do you as an average player do? Cause all the options seem to end with you risking your account or just feeding them kills, no middle ground. I personally don't need my account back as the game won't be any different if I were to return but I'm just curious on what they wanted me to do, quite? Cause that's all that's honestly left, a lot may not relate to this which is fine but for us average players who used to enjoy the game when there was actual balance I want to know what's meant to happen? You have players who shoot through glass, know where you are no matter where you go, don't miss shots and when I say they don't miss I mean they'll jump up over a ledge or something and still hit that sniper shot effortlessly, you can't tell me that you're expected to enjoy games like that? I mean that's effectively what the TOS seem to want, they want you to stick around for every game, including the illegitimate ones which to me doesn't make sense. A new player used to face similar skilled players about 4 years back but now regardless who you are, you'll potentially play the most try hard gold to ever have set foot on the game just cause you pressed K at the same time? My first ever game on a new acc was literally me as a T, a silver, a bronze and a gold(who didn't even want to play cause he had me... a T, a silver and a bronze vs 3 max rank gold's, to an extent I don't blame him but that then leaves the rest of us to do what? I just don't understand the logic behind punishing those who don't want to and can't play against people who have about 100 times the experience and or they're cheating... Like what do you do? I guess according to TOS I was rightfully banned... to which I say, it's been a fun 9 years for the most part, I hope the money I spent did some good for someone, it is what it is at the end of the day I guess...
  13. Don't worry you'll get your account back when they upgrade to Commandor64......
  14. That's what I was thinking. There used to be a Market for the black market for apb, back when the prices were much higher, the pop was much higher. Back when legends only came from random J-Boxes, n then they would pass the key code around. But now legends can be bought. The hacker has much less marketing opportunity now, than in the past. I mean look at me. Everyone hates me, i have lots of legends and a full whale boat full of stuff. Nobody has ever hacked my apb account. I have never D.L. any hacks, because not only is it Lying to myself, but I learned from facebook games that script writters/Hack sellers need to put a cookie on your pc for it all to work. That means that he can worm his way into your pc, Gee I wonder if thats how the EAC By-pass works.
  15. So what I'm about to say is not aimed at you directly. But as a whole its reflective of many people. Don't take it personally. To be fair it's not BE or EAC fault. People have become to ignorant (I say this politely) to the fact that "PC's / Computers" are all different. Be it house to house, and even country. They make a game or application to work to a set standard. Os version and hardware. Which is why they publish a "required minimum spec" to play a game, even at this spec there is "**" due to the minimum spec that the game was tested too. . It would be impossible for a games house (Devs) to test a game to every single possible variant of hardware and then again with every variant of os with updates and then all over again with every variant of antivirus and again with every.. . You see we're that's going.. it would be millions of variants to test. This is were if you as a person that doesn't want to bother with trouble shooting fixing etc to your own pc then get a console. That really is the simple answer. By all accounts any game launched on console should work on the console 100% with out failure and thus if it doesn't a refund should be awarded as its faulty. With "pc" this isn't so as you are knowing buying or signing up to a game what is not guaranteed to work for your sole "pc". Pc gaming community is and has always been about: knowing, understanding or learning the computer you built or bought and trouble shooting to correct or fix an issue. Educating your self and getting a sense of pride/achievement. Some people don't want to which is totally fine. Doesn't make it the companies fault. To many people now expect something to work or for someone else to find/make the fix and expect it to be over night. I would 90% of the APB players have no issues relation to what you do. So that says LO BE or EAC has no issues.
  16. unfortunately LO supports cheating, they unbanned cheaters and let cheaters play on stream even after being permanently banned. (one streamer has been banned over 40 times permanently, and still just makes new accounts and continues cheating and playing with cheaters) they only care about banning people for crashing their cars into people and blocking objectives (even though its literally an open world game where that is supposed to be a thing). the GMs are all weirdos and the dev too, they don't actually care about the game or know what they are doing with it. they are just happy to have a badge and power over this dead game. similarly SPCT has cheaters in it. and the "APB community tournament" has cheaters and cheater supporters as both judges and casters... pretty hilarious. but they all just circlejerk and pretend that they are legit, even though all the legit good players have already quit apb years ago. so now this game is just cheaters vs cheaters, and devs/admins are just all weirdos playing it for powertrip and passive income from ARMAS sales pay2win guns/cars, and overpriced clothes.
  17. Hi everyone, I'd like to start by thanking all the players who threw out suggestions about topics they would like to discuss. The point of this discussion is to peel the curtain back and attempt a two-way conversation with you guys. I'm going to make the disclaimer that while I strive to be as transparent as I can, there are some things I can't share for any number of reasons. If I point an area out that is off limits, please do not assume that I'm trying to hide some evil intention. My hope is that we can use this discussion to help inform my team to some of your concerns, needs, or wishes, and then we can try to take those into account as we move forward. I saw a lot of comments on threat / matchmaking, so we'll try to tackle that one first. For most of these, I'm going to start by giving my opinion/context on the subject. Again, I'm going to make the disclaimer that I am not an expert on APB. I have employees who are that design these systems. Instead, I am the final vote. So it's important that I be as current as possible with the game and the players. The purpose of me exposing my knowledge (or lack there of) is so we can have a discussion on common ground. If there is a concept that I'm missing, then I trust that you, the players, will point it out and fill me in. So.. IMO: 1) Why is matchmaking so important in APB versus other games? APB is somewhat unique in requiring PvP conflict to progress through the game. Any time someone wins, someone also loses. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with losing matches. That's how we learn. But in an ideal world, those matches would be close, so that both sides get an opportunity to learn and get better. 2) What are my requirements for good matchmaking? - Matching based on skill that goes up or down each match based on an accurate assessment of how you performed as an individual and how you performed in your team - Matching based on latency so that all players have roughly the same response time from the server - Matching across the widest pool of players to narrow the difference in skill as much as possible 3) What are the problems I see in APB's current matchmaking? - Due to Unreal 3's notoriously slow loading times, and the fact that "phasing" or switching to another instance of the same district, isn't supported in Unreal 3 - APB was designed to only match one player against another player inside the same district on the same server. - Working off that limitation, they needed some way to segregate districts based on "threat" or some other skill rating. In theory, with balanced districts, the players are already close in skill to any other player, so that matching can work again. - Exposing the threat levels and giving players a choice on which districts they enter only breeds a way for players to undermine the necessary balance in districts. Is Threat broken? Yes. Is it frustrating? Yes. Here are my current thoughts on how to fix it. "Cross district matchmaking" The concept is to allow players to join whatever action district they want. No spamming servers to get into the one full district. They simply join, drive around and get to interact as part of the district while waiting for a group. Players are matched with other players across all instances of the same action district, so we can ideally narrow the range of skill as much as possible. Once they are matched, the server moves both teams to a different server where the mission plays out. In my opinion, this is the holy grail. We eliminate segregated districts, because it doesn't matter which one you join. We eliminate visible threat levels, because it's not information you can act on. We increase the pool of players you match against for even matches. What are the problems with Cross-district matchmaking? First, and most importantly, it requires us to finish upgrading to Unreal 3.5 which supports Phasing. We need the ability to move players from one instance of a district to another instance of the same district without unloading all the art. Second, we need to add latency to our matchmaking algorithm so that you are all grouped on an instance of the district that is closest to most of the players. Lastly, in an ideal scenario, we would collapse down to a single World with multiple servers in North America, Europe and Asia. Then we can distribute Regional districts in as many locations as possible for proper latency / skill / matchmaking. Thoughts? Thanks, Matt
  18. Nope, Thats what They did, they banned kerry one of two legits in all NA, I'm the other one. Still Golds in Bronze district so EAC don't ban actual hackers. So beings LO never listens to legits and only hax that wanted bronze unlocked. We don't address LO, We simply don't pay funds to any game using EAC. They give back Kerry's account n I'll consider paying again, if the game in question has anything worth purchasing. This also means that any game using EAC is full of hax, based on what I know from this game. They like Why are you always calling everyone hackers in my other game, n i'm like Well isn't it obvious, they use EAC so ya know most players have bypassed it and are hacking.
  19. I'd like to add more to my post if you're okay with this, this is more of a question others want to ask actually. What would happen if someone else already gotten my name for example over on PC? Will I be given a free name change or will they have to change their username if they took it after I did register it on console? A lot of people care about whatever dictionary name they have since that's basically part of their personality over there so they just want to keep it like that. What if we provide transaction IDs for our G1C purchases? I've counted everything I've bought for APB and I have a rough estimate of 350$ that I've spent on the game, if anything what would that even give me when it comes down to Loyalty Rewards? This is also a question that needs an answer since you might already know about the fact that some people like to keep their stuff inside their mailbox, for example symbols and clothing. What if the player that wants to migrate from console to PC doesn't have a PC? Will that mark the end of their character or could there be some attempt by another team for at least not letting that happen? This is pretty much all I have on my mind when it comes down to questions towards migrating accounts from console to PC. Have a nice day
  20. It's been a while but the time wasn't wasted. I assume it would be fair to make an update and talk a bit. Thanks to everyone who replied (even these who was making jokes) - I believe it played a role First of all - my friend got his accounts back! It was indeed a falseban and every my assumption in the original post turned out to be correct. Image ghost remains in the grey area and I would not recommend anyone using it - but EAC wasn't supposed to ban players for such stuff. It was indeed setted up incorrectly and been protecting the game not from actual cheats but pretty much from everything. And yes, cases like "banned for opening telegram" Indeed took place. Investigation and sorting continued until the end of last year. I got in touch with many players with similar cases (image ghost specifically and other bans that looked random at first), and as far as i know, everyone got their unbans. So I'd call this a succes. Thanks everytone once again. Now a few commentaries: This is not "unknown", the oppsite - it is wery weill known in the creators community. Every single APB designer I know persnally used it at least once. About "free software" - image ghost was created in the era on windows 7 and basically had no analogs at that time. And been lying on everyone's harddrives every since. Imagine - creating stuff is the only reason you play this game. You've been inactive for a while and finally decide to hop into social and make some symbols, what would you do: A) Run the simple program you've been using for ten years that you have on your hands and there is never been a single case of it being bannable or prohibited OR B) For some reason go google the alternatives just becuase why not? I may be wrong, but I never seen any warnings. Just common "don't use 3d party software" is not a warning in this case. But I do agree with you on the "communication" point. This tool does not hook into anything. It does only 2 thigs - make an image above all windows and make the window semi-transparent. It doesnt even work when running the game fullscreen. As turned out - image ghost was just "one of" - many players got banned for other random stuff. Anticheat is not a magic button - you need to work with it. When you eat oranges for 10 years you dont consider sudden death from citrus allergy as a risk. I have like 20 3rd party programs running in the background every time a play, and every and each one of them has as much nothing to do with the game as image ghost. If i'm risking my account every time i dont use separate clean OS without anything but apb installed - i'd rather not play the game at all, you know? Yes, discussion of an existing and serious problem was the perfect place for silly jokes. To be clear - the vast majority of my creations throughout these years were original - i wouldnt be a tiny bit bothered if this tool became prohibited. This topic wasn't about whinning for my friend or this exact program specifically, but about overall incorrectly implemented anti cheat, poor communication, irresponsibility, and development team indifference. In the end all my guesses were confirmed and the problem was solved. But cookie being sarcastic and mocking everyone insted of trying to help is the perfect reflection of everything I was talking about. That's sad and dissapointing. Don't look for a double bottom here, that's called i n c o m p e t e n c e
  21. As a few of us Linux users have discovered in the 1.30 Open Beta thread, since APB’s 1.30 update it has been possible to successfully run APB:Reloaded on the Linux operating system, thanks to Little Orbit cleaning up old code that was causing crashes with previous versions. This also applies to the Steam Deck. This is accomplished with a tool like Valve’s Proton that, to put it simply, translates APB’s DirectX9 API calls to Vulkan and Windows system calls to Linux equivalents in real time. The following guide shows how to accomplish this with a few minor tweaks, all within the Steam client. UPDATE 2024/06/16: Removed the part about EAC Runtime as it is no longer necessary. Also added an experimental new non-Steam method of installation. How to play APB 1.30+ on Linux This guide was tested by myself on several distros (Arch, OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, Fedora, Nobara, CachyOS,, etc.) both Wayland and X11, and an AMD RX 6800 GPU. I have also tested it on a Steam Deck running latest stable SteamOS. It is necessary to do the following steps in desktop mode, however once you successfully run the game it will also work in gaming mode. For NVIDIA users: Make sure you are using proprietary drivers from this point on. If you need to install them, use your distribution's install method and do not use drivers downloaded from Nvidia's site. Step 1: Getting Proton-GE To proceed with the guide, Steam must be installed and started for the first time. Proton-GE is a community version of Valve's Proton containing up to date code and a collection of game specific fixes. Proton-GE 8-5 supports APB Reloaded (including Steam login) without any additional tweaks. To install Proton-GE, the most user friendly option is to download ProtonUp-Qt from your distribution's Flatpak based app store, such as Discover in the Steam Deck's desktop mode. Then, from this tool, select "Add new version" and choose Proton-GE 8-5 or newer. This is not specific to APB so there are many guides on the Internet that help accomplish this task, such as this one. Personally, my preferred way to install Proton-GE is to download the latest release and untar the folder within to $HOME/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/ ($HOME being a placeholder for your home directory). After Proton-GE is installed, Steam should be restarted to recognize it as a compatibility tool. Step 2: Setting up Steam Open Steam, log into your account, and open Steam's settings from the Steam menu. Navigate to "Compatibility" and check "Enable Steam Play for all other titles." Step 3: Setting up APB Install APB Reloaded from Steam's store as usual. Be sure to not run the game yet until everything is set up. Once APB is installed, right click it from your library view and select "Properties" in the menu. Go to the "Compatibility" tab and select GE-Proton 8-5 or a later version of Proton GE, as shown below. If it does not show, verify that it is installed correctly and that you restarted Steam after installing it. You can close the window or press Escape and your settings will be saved. The game is ready to be played at this point. Optional tweaks and improvements Non-Steam installation method (experimental) If for privacy reasons you do not want to create or use a Steam account, or you want a minimal amount of bloat if Steam is only used to install this game, you can use my launcher which will utilize umu in place of the Steam client. This will start the official launcher and install, update or run the game as needed. This is still an early version and may be prone to bugs or incompatibility with some distros, so proceed with care. To use, simply paste and run the following command in the terminal and say yes (y) to install umu if required. Note that you do not need to follow any of the previous steps in the guide, as they involve Steam! bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/telqor/apb-standalone/main/launcher.sh) Note that the below tweaks will need adjustments to be performed with such a setup. However, anti-stutter is included which should be enough for players who are fine with the vanilla config. Using configs If you wish to use configs such as removing the login scene, you can create a directory called "apbconfig" in your home folder and inside it, paste your configs as you would in the game's install directory. For example, if you are using a graphics config, the path "/home/(your user)/apbconfig/APBGame/Config/APBCompat.ini" would be a valid path. You can also insert command line arguments at the end such as -nomovies in the example. Then, paste the following script in the game's "Launch options". Do not use the APB Launcher's start button to start the game when using configs, start by closing the launcher instead. %command%; yes | cp -rf "$HOME/apbconfig"/* "$STEAM_COMPAT_INSTALL_PATH"/; $HOME/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/reaper SteamLaunch AppId=113400 -- $HOME/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-launch-wrapper -- $HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamLinuxRuntime_sniper/_v2-entry-point --verb=waitforexitandrun -- "${STEAM_COMPAT_TOOL_PATHS%%:*}"/proton waitforexitandrun "$STEAM_COMPAT_INSTALL_PATH/Binaries/APB.exe" -nomovies -nosteam Reducing DXVK stutters Enabling the following DXVK option will reduce stutters when vehicles are shot, especially by fast firing weapons. d3d9.cachedDynamicBuffers = True An easy way to do this is to add this to your launch options, putting it before other options you already have. DXVK_CONFIG="d3d9.cachedDynamicBuffers = True" Using AMD FSR As with many recent games, we can use AMD FSR to upscale the game from a lower internal resolution, resulting in much higher visual quality than regular display or GPU scaling. This is especially useful if you need a larger UI and don't want to deal with the visual corruption that's caused by the "User interface size" in the game's options. This requires a recent Proton-GE version (I recommend Proton-GE 8-25, the latest as of this edit) Add the following variable to your launch options (either alone or before whatever options you were already using, don't forget the space after though): WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=1 Then start the game, select "Fullscreen" in the graphics options and choose the internal resolution you prefer. FSR will add some oddball resolutions that function especially well with this scaling method. If it is done properly the UI text should be rendering with native-like quality. This works for both AMD and nVidia GPUs.
  22. Lol, you clearly don't know how this kinda things work. The guy whole stole my data simply put my various social media/accounts login info for sale on a black market and those who are interested (i.e. your friendly APB dumbass) can buy whichever they want. The person how got the data prolly has not idea what APB is, the person who bought my login does though. Again, your comment just shows you've never dealt with this event in your life. Good for you ig. Also, I've answered all of their questions are accurately as possible and always mentioned when I wasn't 100% sure about my answer (and why I wasn't). Funny thing is my answers are the same (or even more accurate) as those of an earlier ticket opened like 1 year and a half ago, which was dealt with no issue at all. Funny how double standards work.
  23. EAC banned my account for a third party tool. I have no third party tool, my computer uses AVG anti virus, and I've been playing APB for years with no problem. There is no way for EAC, support, or moderators to fix this problem. Obviously a technical issue for EAC they have not fixed. EAC will not fix a player account if banned, and the problem came from their code/program. There should be an override to EAC's issue, and my player account should be corrected.
  24. Indeed a bruh moment Mfs can just simply make a new account Now excuse me as I go find THE HAND THE FEEEEDS
  25. So i press on the steam login and this error code pops up where it says quote on quote- Error / Login Failed PASSWORD EXPIRED!! Your password has expired, you will need to choose a new password before logging in. Please log in the Gamersfirst website at www.gamersfirst.com to change your password. (error code 11002). And idk what i should do i tried making a ticket but it wouldnt let me submit it and i played the game years ago i just thought back at it and wanted to get back into it but i cant seem to get into my old account where i have my weapons money cars cosmetics and what not.. So i hope one of you can help me figure out getting my old account back..
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