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  1. Game isn't worth the cheats to beat the oligarchs they let hack. I mean its not even a game anymore its just a sand box. LO destroyed most of the game by letting golds that mostly hack or have to hack to get gold, letting them into bronze district because they cried for it. Then instead of fixing the problem they caused by letting golds into regular servers, that messed up mm, and instead of fixing it, they make it to feed said golds. So thats how they fixed what they broke by letting golds in, so they tweek mm to suit the golds and feed them, they never banned any hackers only a couple of legits. So eac never detects anything, which i think was on purpose. They let friends call people names in chat. Golds and it seems staff hate legit players venomously. Report is out because matt said eac was not a version we could use, and that it is being taken out meaning the report wont be handled by the eac company if read at all. And LO manually reading reports wont happen for years because of all the tickets they are behind on. Be years before this other AC will be put in, and years more after that to put LIGHTS ON THE CAR. But no we gonna help the hackers n put that on the back burner while we help golds with mm first. LO's threat system is a scam, they let hackers hack so induce legit players into buying said hacks. So they can ban the accounts like mine where I've spent over 3 grand, they figure i have to start over n spend another 3 grand. I got news for U crooks, I aint spending a dime now. Ive changed all my character names so none of you LO Gold Hacking Sociopaths can call me names now. All of you belong in Prison for Wire Fraud, You Reap What You Sow
  2. Hello and welcome to the Overseer's ordinance! Today I am introducing new Balance Changes with Forum Boss patch 1.0: Get your barrier cream ready! Colby .45 AP: We're gonna be really transparent with this one! We've decided to grant invisibility when the .45 is equipped. You may also now purchase the primary variant and utilize the newly added green, akimbo character mod to use the weapons in tandem. With this change, we believe that other aspects of the game, i.e., creativity and customization, will really shine through and into your gameplay. DMR-AV: When equipped with the Colby .45 AP, Thanos becomes available as a summonable ally. This maintains the natural balance of forces, ensuring that the akimbo playstyle does not overly dominate the streets of San Paro. Twerk Emote: We heard your concerns about getting killed while trying to type /twerk on your enemies (and glazing like an old man standing frozen at a credit card terminal when that infernal beeping noise, wearing the namesake of 'nothing', persists), especially when your teammate crashed and the stars aligned against you, with the moon casting an ominous summer shade at the supremely worst possible cosmic moment. So, we've added this emote to the game! You'll also get 5 seconds of invulnerability to show off your moves and have fun. This emote costs 576 G1C and will be available in the Armas Marketplace. Decision-making update: With the recent implementation of Brightcycle's logic 2.0 algorithm, the code malfunctioned and caused 1.000 player(s) to disconnect precisely when their teammate made the decision in their mind to ready up (default: K). This crowd has recently become very vocal about the distress an impromptu solo mission caused, so we've added 10.0 seconds of delay to this function (decision-making) for everyone! — in order to capture that special moment like a dream where you really have the time to think about thinking. We hope to see this improve the flow of the mission districts and reduce the frustration of... A note on fun and other emetic doo-higgies: Our team noticed that APB had videos from the dark ages dating back to 2013, watched by millions, where players ramped cars, explored areas designated as 'out-of-bounds', and used other gimmicks that defiled the charm and playability of APB: Reloaded for others! We've decided in the tradition of heroes past to also remove instant teleportation into vehicles, Vegas-4x4 backflips, ramping in the skate park, and also added a barrier for vehicles preventing them from traveling above heights that exceed 50 meters (barrier cream anyone?). Vehicles shall be used only for driving, as intended, and not for flying or other hooliganism. Silly criminal, you aren't Superman y'know! Any players found to be expressing themselves in violation of fun-clause (ordinance #1397), whereby the game is hitherto reduced to shooting at the Invisible Man with akimbo .45s will immediately be subjected to a violently twerking, 680 x 480 wide .mov of Thanos irremeably covering their field of view. We take these changes seriously and expect the player base to act respectfully; as you would towards the funerary rites for any dying thing. Anyways, my room has now reached the melting point of chocolate and I cannot pretend I care. We hope these changes serve you, the community, well!
  3. I can tell you already from experience that even if you provide name email toon names IP adress and legit anything under the sun LO will go "nope your 100% trying to steal this account" and then will make threats at you such as banning your other accounts. And pushing it? well they just close or make more threats. i already know they can check who logs in on what ip and such and have many other ways of confirming if your lying or not. it's just a fact that LO support is a bunch of lazy kids who do not want to do there job they want a paycheck and thats it
  4. Watch out Kids, This ones a Biter. Mr. Falcon: First let me say that none of us like support or their policies. You snapping back at Cookie who is only trying to help you, and laying out this sob story bashing support as the demon. When you say that you've lost or had various social media acc's compromised. This would mean that your Emails and soc med and gaming acc's and their Account Recovery Questions and particulars have been compromised, yet you still seem to have access to or have recovered said emails and various game and soc med acc's all except APB, which you were able to log into but are missing weapons. and you're laying all the blame for this clear conspiresy of wire fraud on support. has lead me to believe that You are full of it. Your Story doesn't add up, You could very well be the person who hacked the account for one thing. So support is only doing its job. We know support will ask you for a valid picture identification from your municipality or government, which can then be used as proof if brought to court, in the case You yourself faked this act of identity theft and wire fraud, which is covered under the 'False Claims Law' a form of fraud. We also know from many years of playing apb and time spent on this Forum, that quit a few people have gifted, traded, sold weapons to alternate accounts, then came in here claiming they were robbed. Trying to get support to give them ledgendary and armas items, Only to turn around n sell, trade, said items. Your stories time line doesn't jive. So You say this all happened 2 months ago, and 'A few weeks later' you came to apb to see the new 'features' and noticed your stuff was missing. We've had no new features only one new item a car released bout a week ago, So how would you know there were any new items or Features if you weren't here, and how someone would hack your account and then not change the passwords and lock you out. Because it would take them a little time to transfer the items or moneys, and often its the whole account that is hacked and then sold. So the proper account owner would not be able to Log in at all. I find it hard to believe that they got all of your particulars on several accounts including emails, social media, games. But only stole from your apb account, also you seem to have been aware that your identity was compromised yet you wait a 'Few Weeks' to try logging into apb. And here it is a month more or less from your Few Weeks after 2 Months. That You come in here saying this all happened. Now I'm not calling you a Fraud, but I'll say maybe what support or staff can't say, n that's that your story doesn't add up, it fits into a known pattern of M.O.s that many of us have seen before that looks like Fraud.
  5. I've seen the couple of requests for controller support. I'm adding that to our "todo" list. I know it will help console players who are transitioning, and it will make the eventual port of 1.30 back to console easier. @apdnoo asked a lot of good questions, so I'm going to try and go through them one by one here. You can merge multiple console accounts down to a single PC account. We even raised the f2p cap on the PC account so that you can merge in more than the default 2 character slots. There are account theft / security issues involved in merging PC accounts which is why we dont current allow that. This is an active conversation internally, and it's something I want to do. We just haven't come up with what the reward will be yet. Stay tuned. We tried to pull across as much as is technically feasible. These are still older systems on the backend, so there were a couple limitations. I honestly have no idea if the spending from console counts towards PC loyalty rewards at this point. I'm checking on that. In theory, all the symbols should work. However, we've noticed in the past there were some distortion issues between console and PC. My guess is that the 2.0 console code had slightly different math for projecting the symbols. So there is a decent likelihood that there will be some rework necessary. Honestly, I would love to get your feedback once you log in and check things out so we can get a sense how things came across. This entire process had to happen relatively fast for business reasons between PLAION and Little Orbit. We didn't get to test things as much as I would have liked. Generally, we've been stuck recycling events due to the focus being on Matchmaking and Cross-District play. But I'll make sure to highlight this for the event team so that we make sure older rewards are offered as we go forward. I'll go on record saying that I would love to release a clean, updatable version of APB on console. The 2.0 version from Reloaded was a mess. I've said it before, but it bears repeating, I have no idea how Microsoft and Sony approved it, because any changes we wanted to submit required a full "resubmission". Ignoring all of that, the current district setup for APB is problematic for low populations in general. We've seen that with both Xbox and Playstation 4. The gold, silver, bronze threat system really breaks down if you can't fill even a single district. Having said that, the 1.30 64-bit upgrade was a big step in supporting modern hardware. All of our upcoming matchmaking changes are aimed at fixing some of the backend issues. And cross-district matchmaking will take that a step further. If we were to add controller support at that point, then there wouldn't be too much left to do in order to resubmit back to Microsoft and Sony.
  6. Honestly, I think it's going to come down to someone who loves this game to spend some of their free time as an in-game admin without pay but maybe some account benefits. This would have to be a VERYYY transparent player who even streams so that other players can offer their opinions. People would either be ousted if need-be or rightfully defended if the right scenario arises... I'm sure EAC gathers the data it needs but between the game having a low player-base and the game being a free-2-play game, they would lose money if this combination of things didn't happen. The transparency would potentially increase the player-count while some of these players inevitably start buying some real-cash items which would need to happen for the small dev team to continue down a better path where they can act on the data that EAC gathers and then out-right ban the players that need it, and those harassment claims that get players mass reported and falsely banned could be defended if need-be by the admin that's streaming and the viewers acting as a type of jury. I know there's plenty of people that love this game and would potentially do this but it has happened in the past and when it did it was a very horrible time due to the lack of transparency.
  7. Oh right! Our Xbox weapon skins and “Xbox One Founder” titles will be gone :,( I really hope we can get the loyalty rewards stuff with what we’ve already spent on the game on consoles, I pretty much own almost everything from the Armas store and spent a ton on Joker boxes. Least to say I’ve probably spent at LEAST $2k on this game. I want to transfer my accounts already but fear I’d lose something on any of my characters, I’d want to wait until issues are fleshed out.
  8. What was changed recently? They nerfed the CR762's damage and range a while back. I felt that was too much of a nerf. It dropped it's damage to the same value as having heavy barrel 3 on the pre-nerf version, but without the bloom reduction. It's obvious this patch was going to go poorly. Tests had 90% of the system disabled. You relied on the players to test it, when you could have done all the testing in 1 day with a single workstation and a dozen APB instances logged in with random accounts and random threat data. It's obvious it's not matching threat properly. I got multiple matches with 2 golds vs 2 bronze. Those matches don't happen on the old matchmaking. It would match in a 3rd player for the 2 bronze team.
  9. I believe you, and although I say some crazy things, I don't want to blindly hacusate any gold or other players not using combat hacks. I'm trying to make a point. We asked for an Anticheat to stop aimbotters/smooth aim, teleporting ect during combat. Not a program that banned for artists n layering programs, not for peps using a vpn to limit latency. It appears from speculative postings that this person may have been banned for being out of bounds. But we don't know, nor does the player in question. Now if thats what happened then i can see some punishment but not a perm ban for a first offense. If you're out of bounds then the game made it possible for you to be there and is then a game programming's fault. Not the player exploiting a spot, unless its done multiple times. You should just be kicked from the server or match. In any case EAC still doesn't seem to effect those with perfect aim. So You can see where I'm coming from here, everything else is on a learning curve, But fighting those with aimbot or smooth aim is not, there is no 'Getting Gud', no learning from a mistake. This is why the Game is no longer tolerable to some, there is no way to win against an aimbotter. You can surprize him, trick him, out maneuver him. But when it comes to the gun fight he will always get you. When word gets out that a particular game is hacked out, new people don't come, old people go away, financial backing and profit go out the window. What is left is the handful of hax complaining the game sucks and the pop is so low, after they hacked it out n ruined it for so many. As I've always said, You Reap What You Sow.
  10. I submitted a ticket because someone hacked my account that is 10 years old with well over $1,000 spent. They stold over 30+ legendaries and countless mods themes and symbols when I submit ticket their only response was a barage of questions to prove the account is mine. All questions answered no matter how irrelevent they actually are in proving anything and they take the day off and then send me more ridiculous questions. The e-mail is in my real name all credit cards bank accounts and paypal accounts for 10 years my real name they were given a copy of my actual drivers lisence proving my identity. They are putting me on trial to prove acount is mine instead of handling the problem days later. Now they will no longer even respond to my ticket and it has been several days. Not only do they support hacks and cheaters but they also support and defend theives. This game has gone to total shit and it should just be shut down. You buy a game from a company and make promises to revive it and do absolutly nothing but run it into further into the ground and claim you have no funds to run the game. So why did you take it over? Hiring or taking volunteers that cant do their job is no help to the community. May as well have no support at all. So little Orbit I hope like hell you are not paying these guys LOL Further more if the account wasnt mine why the hell would I submit a ticket saying someone stole my stuff from it. That makes absolutly no since at all. I prooved for a fact the account is mine and no support or response since.
  11. I used to have some account like 10 years ago too. 2 weeks ago I posted support ticket and yeah they asked me bunch of questions that I can't remember answers to (of course I can't even remember when I was signed in that acc, all I can remember it was before 2015). They dont't even care about the fact that I still know password for that account. I just ate the loss.
  12. Can we unlock more character slots? there was 6 at my old account, 1 for each faction.
  13. So someone committing crimes punishable by prison takes their time to see what games you play because maybe there’s something in the games he can sell for real $ and then they played APB enough to learn that there actually are things you can sell? Exceptionally unlucky. By the way, what questions couldn’t you answer as far as proving account ownership?
  14. Dear Little Orbit Support Team, I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to you with a sense of urgency and genuine concern regarding the recent trade lock imposed on my account in APB Reloaded. As a dedicated player who has passionately engaged with the game for over a decade, I find myself deeply disheartened by this sudden restriction. One of the most rewarding aspects of my gaming experience in APB Reloaded has been my ability to create symbols, outfits, and share them within the community. The trade lock has not only stifled this creative outlet that brings me immense satisfaction but has also transformed my gameplay into a challenging, solitary experience. I now find myself in a situation where I am forced into a hardcore ironman mode, making the acquisition of weapon modifications an arduous grind instead of the previously accessible option to purchase them from the market. What exacerbates my frustration is the lack of transparency and information regarding the alleged violation that led to the trade lock. I am certain that I have not knowingly breached any rules, and the absence of clarity on the matter leaves me feeling helpless. I have made numerous attempts to seek assistance from the support team, but unfortunately, my pleas for justice and information have gone unanswered. I understand the necessity of maintaining a fair gaming environment, but I implore you to consider the impact this trade lock has on my overall gaming experience. I firmly believe that there might be a misunderstanding or an error within the automated system, and I am reaching out to you with the hope that a thorough review of my case could shed light on this situation. My appeal is not just for the removal of the trade lock but, more importantly, for transparency regarding the alleged violation. I am more than willing to cooperate and rectify any unintentional mistakes on my part. I cherish my role in the APB Reloaded community and am eager to continue contributing positively to its vibrant ecosystem. Your assistance in this matter is of paramount importance to me. I kindly request that you reconsider the trade lock on my account, providing the necessary information that will allow me to understand and address any issues that may have arisen. I am confident that a fair review will reveal my commitment to upholding the standards of the game. Thank you for your time and understanding. I eagerly await a swift resolution that will enable me to once again enjoy APB Reloaded to its fullest. Best regards, lRush Removed non-PG13 content. - Azukii
  15. Past few days, I had a post on my account being banned. Now that thread has been deleted. Forum moderators must have been told my topic wasn't any good for them. I guess my account being banned was wrong, and now they want to cover that up. Pretty petty and embarrassing to whoever is deleting the post and banning my character account. Bye Felicia!
  16. It’s also against the rules to buy/sell accounts.
  17. Hi all, about two months ago a hacker broke into one of my email addresses and was able to steal an enormous amounts of personal data out of that, even going as far as being able to buy stuff with my money. I won't go over how horrendous on an experience it has been for me, it wouldn't accomplish anything. Long story short, a few weeks after that I log into APB because I wanted to see the new features. The moment I log into my character I realize sometthing is wrong: no weapons on my hands, no legendaries in my locket, no mods, no cars, no money. Anything I had that could be traded is no longer there. It's obvious the hacker sold my account's access information to someone who used it to trade a lot of my stuff to themselves. At that point I'm feeling more desperate than ever. I've been playing since around 2015/2016 and all the stuff I had grinded for all these years was gone. I decide to open a ticket to at least see if LO had a log of trades done on my account, and maybe it was possible in some way to at the very least get my legendaries back (and the pleasant fellow banned). I am answered with the endless routine questions (your characters' names, email adress, ...) to which I answer as accurately and exhaustingly as I can. The answer? We're sorry but we couldn't determine that's you. I try asking what went wrong, the ticket gets closed. Man, what a fucking pleasant fellow. After this experience I'll (obviously) not ever touch the game again and hope it takes them all under bankruptcy. I fthis is the service you provide to your users I really think you don't deserve running a gaming company lmao.
  18. Valentines Marksman Bundle (Account lifetime) - 45,000 36,000 G1C Bundle Includes: STAR 556 LCR 'Love-Gun' OSCAR 'Sweetheart' OBIR 'Heartache' Valentines Marksman Bundle (Character lifetime) - 40,000 32,000 G1C Bundle Includes: STAR 556 LCR 'Love-Gun' OSCAR 'Sweetheart' OBIR 'Heartache' $450 and $400 for 3 lifetime reskinned guns? Someone asleep at the keyboard when they're creating these marketplace items for sale or what's going on? lol Game matchmaking gets broken so gold's can't even get missions and sit for 30 minutes or longer not to even play, and now this type of extortion. The Quality control for this game is unreal, first a new car Mirage S-24 gets released broken, put on the marketplace for people to purchase, then the same car gets injected into the game's regular civilian cars to use, screwing people who bought the car out of their purchases. Does anyone really think about their decisions before pulling the trigger on this stuff, or is QA just out the window?
  19. So your email got compromised...and I assume you get an alert for login from a different location...but you do nothing to prevent further damage? But say you don't, lets dive into the possibilities. There's a data breach somewhere and Attacker gains credentials for your email. Attacker logins, finds out you play APB and decides put APB account credentials on marketplace. Are you telling me they went through every service to check the password? For hundreds or thousand of people? No...it's time consuming. - If your email and APB re-use the same password, Attacker would either have to change the APB's email or password otherwise whoever buys the credentials for APB may get access to your email....Attacker doesn't want this. - if your APB account credentials are different from the email, they still need to change the password so they can put it on marketplace. But here's what YOU said you realize something is wrong after you login...This implies the password was not changed because if it was you would already expect something to be wrong. So password WAS NOT CHANGED. Huge red flags in your story. And t hat's only the story, we don't know what bogus you have said to support Press F to doubt.
  20. Holy shite, wtf.. For the last time, I don't hack. Never have. If my vegas flies out of bounds, that's not cheating, that's a design flaw. EAC banned me, so the problem is with them. The owners/designers of this game have no control over bans, legit or not. That is the problem. They can't even fix their own crappy game. Mack, get better dude. Not worth the time or effort to waste with these inept customer support, matt, whoever else. They are not addressing simple problems within the game, just giving a lot of empty promises.
  21. EAC DETECTS RTW SHADER FILES AS "CHEATING" Ya EAC doesn't detect aimbots, smooth aim or teleports. But targets Legit players for things that nobody ever thought was cheating or hacking. So I don't pay any game that uses EAC, not to mention that any two bit hacker can bypass EAC. GIVE BACK KERRY'S ACCOUNT U BUMS. and Merry Christmas to All.
  22. You would be suprised. I got hacked full time on my mail, Steam and the only real thing I could determine was that hacker tried to use Steam APB to access my account (bypassing G1 (at the time) login but running into 2FA). I found later that I got my password leaked for mail and I didn't realize it's the same one for Steam. Somebody used that fact. Not a single thing was gone but it seems it was close call. And it wasn't long ago. 5-6 years? It was already at low pop then.
  23. No. My suggestion would be giving them a unique 3-slot gun (I would do the N-TEC) variant with its own skin, named something like a Joker CR2-XB & CR2-PS. It'd work similar to promos other games do - taking Warframe as an example, where players who logged in on Xbox got rewarded the skin below. I assume making two skins for one gun wouldn't be too difficult of a task. Plain-ish black and white or whatever with some sort of glowing green/blue design elements, doesn't need to be over the top. Licensing shouldn't be an issue with copyright-friendly designs and naming. But if you want me to be blunt, I don't think LO has any obligation to give anything to console players beyond account migration. It's G1's mess. /shrug
  24. I have recently logged into my apb account and it has given me an error code 10008, i have no idea why my account has been banned as i have never cheated in this game. remove post if its not allowed in this thread also.
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