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  1. i missed this game, i played since 2011. meridean here, if anyone remembers me fondly or otherwise, i still miss you. not sure if theres any of the old devs around still..... but i made some of my best memories pvping in middleschool almost 11 years ago, and then many more. its been a long time..... cheers to all, and its open again to all... i lost my account, all my friends and all of that before, but id quit for years at that point. territory control, the TC sector which got canned was the most fun, enormous clan wars over harvesters..... those were fun. some of the best gaming memories of my teenage years were on this game.... the only truely post apocalyptic mmo. it was a ride, and now its been a long one. happy trails to all.
  2. So Cookie is right, You put the stuff in the CART, and click Check OUT. If not enough G1 on your account it will Say so, then be links to paywall
  3. Hi when you log in in to your account press on My Account near Support then press Account settings and in new window there is button on right side top Get G1 credits. Sorry for my english
  4. Taking into account “wherefore” means “why”, not “where”, this thread has the latent potential of getting an unexpected and likely riveting twist.
  5. My crims both rock kitted out (two slot) fresnos, wheels too...haven't sprung for Diabolos, more of a 70s vibe in the standard wheel kit. I got a one slot in powder blue with a white top and explosives, no custom wheels on that but the plates say BL0WM3. I rarely if ever get it out, usually the Broadwing or Vegas for missions depending on the map. I find the 4x4 Vegas sits too high for my liking, but I've got a fleet of character bound regular 4 slots. Fun to drive. Not pinpoint accurate but fun! Nothing like a bit of body roll... I like old cars.
  6. Do you want to protect yourself from groups of gold players? And if a silver player with a friend or two friends in the group wants to play, what should they do? Go to the area where they are bent? Why then at all unite in groups? I believe that in order to correct the situation, it is necessary to assign a threat level differently. It is necessary to take into account whether the player plays alone or in a group and with which players he plays. It is obvious that playing in a team gives an advantage, the system does not take this into account. This is bad.
  7. Buff Cisco, buff ISSR-a, buff Thumper, buff Cobr-a. ty Edit: And give us account bound CBMP "Arrow"
  8. Invalid account or password, even after updating password. Edit- had to download via steam but it made me a new account, which I can't get to again.
  9. i dont have an account on APB and i dont want one. so you let me to buy G1C coins for fallen earth (i bought 2440 G1C coins) and i dont have a place where to spent this coins. i understand you dont want a marketplace in game. ok. but in game exist rewards points. ofc we cant get reward points because we dont have a marketplace where to spent some coins to get reward points. why dont convert my G1C points (2440) to reward points? i will be more then happy to can buy some wardrobe unlock parts (unlock all doesnt exists). no marketplace means longer time leveling, longer time crafting, and an AH nearly empty. is this your purpose? to make the game harder ? it is anyway. or we are just subjects of a sad experiment, sooner or later the servers will be down again. as long we didnt put real money in game, we canot comment. why do we have reward merchants in game if we cant get reward points? just to remaind us it can be better but it is not? thank you
  10. -Remove R195 restriction for mods -Stop nerfing everything and making meaningless buffs, or overbuffing, OR nerfing one gun and buffing the alternative, usually end up in the same place you started -Stop putting guns into the grave (which by the way creates the problem of 1 gun becoming too powerful, simply because alternatives have been nuked) -Controversial revert the pioneer and espacio. They're genuinely pointless now with the vegas 4x4 still existing and matt himself said in one of the dev streams there's a vehicle counter nade coming YEAH I WENT BACK AND WATCHED THEM ALL, SOME OF YOU SHOULD TOO *cough* 1000 new players a day *cough* -Stop listening to people that don't play the game, or barely play (maybe listen to the streamers that put in working class hours into your game, they might have this thing called, uh, I dunno... experience relative to the current balance and not boomers from 8 years ago when the pop peaked in 2014 who log on once a month and give a thumbs up when the guns they hate the most don't ruin their kd as much) -Bring back 50/50 districts (or more if possible? Who cares about performance impact, game barely runs as it is, and 20 extra people helps alleviate the disaster headache that is matchmaking) -Anticheat, BE is disgustingly easy to bypass, EAC is free now, even if the backend doesn't work, or whatever the problem allegedly was, it was better than BE -More account bound weapons (yes some of us nerds have disposable income we'd instantly waste on those. It's disposable to us for a reason, you'd probably rather have it than idk, the liquor store or something, free $ for some text edits bud, and don't give me any nonsense about it's not just a text edit, you're not building kernals from scratch and the community members that claim it's hard either don't know or don't understand your backend and frontend, unless you've done the silly thing of giving them access to how it works) -Account bound vehicles (more $ for idk, whatever you do with the games income) None of these take a brand new engine to do
  11. nope they're not newbs they're noobs or someone playing on an alt or a console player moving to pc or some returning player who forgot there account info I guarantee there are no new apb players. 3 years ago maybe you'd see the occasional new player but no apb just loses players we don't gain.
  12. Heya, welcome to the Feb Crafter's Market and Destruction Derby! For those of you new to market, it was established in beta before auction was created (nearing 12+ years now!). Almost always on the first Saturday of the month, it was the main way crafters sold their wares. Now, it's a way for the community to get together and have a little fun! I do welcome crafters to come set up a tent and sell your wares, we usually get at least a raid full of people. This month the market will be located in Rest Stop S1, (north of the town, south of the pvp zone) to accommodate our event Starting at 1PM CST (GMT-6) on Feb 5th Market Site: /waypoint 4119533 3736891 All level players, and GMs are welcome to attend! For events, I'll be hosting a combat buggy demolition derby, and the usual trivia. The tournament will be hosted inside the pvp zone to the north. Players over level 15 will receive a de-buff, but that shouldn't be a problem for participants and spectators. I'll have tents setup for ramps, and campfires to mark the bounds. Do be careful heading around the left side of the zone, Project 432 and his handlers aren't too friendly. I won't be handing these out the vehicles advance, but will have many ready for the event. Combat Buggies will be handed out to as many people who meet the requirements, and want to participate. It'll be first come first serve, but I will have enough for everyone. Requirements to participate in tournament: Already have a combat buggy (I'll throw some ammo your way) Must be lvl 25 with 55+ dex, you'll receive 3 dyes, a combat buggy, and ammo. Rules for the derby are simple: Be the last buggy standing to win a prize. If your buggy is destroyed, head to the sidelines and wait for the next round. **Don't go past the marked play area or you will be disqualified** Spectators can watch from the opposite side of the fence, or on top of the satellite dish. Trivia will be announced in region, first to answer correctly wins a prize. All my trivia is fallen earth related, some questions easier than others. I'll also be doing /roll for items in the main team. Contact me if you have any questions, or would like to donate towards the event. Hope to see ya there! -Op Hooligan aka Hoolicodone
  13. Apologies - fixed them. You'll need to click on the most recent registered accounts.
  14. There are a lot of people ITT saying 'no', or my favourite: Who plainly haven't a clue what they're talking about - the truth is that a reasonable chunk of LO's financial information is freely available online. Little Orbit (Europe) Ltd - b/s £155,280 in the red on 31 March 2020 Reloaded Productions Ltd - b/s £174,615 in the green on 31 December 2020 These numbers don't tell the whole story and are subject to interpretation. For instance, RP Ltd was owed an intra-group loan £223,142 as of 31 December 2020 by a related company which may be any of: a) Little Orbit (Europe) Ltd; b) Reloaded Productions Inc (its parent company, registered in California); c) Little Orbit Europe LLC (its ultimate parent company, also allegedly registered in the US but I couldn't find any record of it); or d) Muse Investments Inc (a holding company owned by Matt Scott became a PSC of LO (Europe) Ltd in 2019, also registered in California). Without this loan on its books, it would be £48K in the red as well, though I hasten to add that it would then be subtracted from the liabilities of one of the other group companies which would even things out, but would also raise the question of how that particular company raised the money to lend it to RP Ltd. Maybe it's ultimately part of an outside investment (in which case the creditor liability just passes up the chain), or was raised by selling the IP rights a few years ago but that is pure speculation. I'm not an accountant, but I am a (non-US) lawyer so I am presenting the information with only a basic level of interpretation. Corrections are therefore welcome. There's also a further Delaware corporation that was converted out of California in November 2020 (Little Orbit Inc, previously Little Orbit LLC). If you want more detailed information about that company including the annual report you can pay the $20 fee, but given how recently it was registered I can't guarantee that there will even be one or that it will contain anything useful. Some information can also be gleaned from the filings relating to ongoing court case between LO and Descendent, where (from a brief skim of a few of the filings), it looks as though a settlement was reached over a year ago which required LO to make a number of phased payments which the Descendent devs claim have been missed in part. On the other hand, it appears (per one of the e-mails filed) that LO considers that it has demonstrated that it has $1 million in funds available. All of the actual numbers and financial statements are redacted or unavailable, though. I'm also going to pre-emptively respond to those who might say "see, it's impossible to see LO's financial status because of the US' opaque filing requirements" by saying that although we don't have the complete and comprehensive picture, the game would not be able to continue to operate without disruption if its UK portion became insolvent. You can certainly get a flavour of its financial position (analagous to a canary in a coal mine) if not the complete picture.
  15. When I do that, a message pops up saying "invalid account or password" even though I am entering the right info.
  16. If you are referring to login into the launcher, username is the email address you used to create the account
  17. How do I make myself a username for FE because it never asked and when I go to account settings, there's no "make username" option or something like that.
  18. things are clear for me i just post wih the intention to actually move something..anything..if something can move at all anyway enough with my sht dont wanna get angry some of the staff so i get my account ban or some sht
  19. First thing I'd do is a password reset, on both APB and your associated Email. If you login with Steam, reset your Steam password too. Someone named "AK" spammed phishing links in one of my Discord servers. Another member clicked it and the next day had to recover their Steam account. If anyone sees someone with a name that starts with or is close to "AK" posting link in Discord, ban them from your Discord server and report them to Discord support.
  20. u should be able to make new account or use old, doesnt matter u start from ground, all stuff wiped. i dint have commander aura so sent a request, which was managed in 2 ? days during christmas and i had commander. wouldnt say thats lazy
  21. And now I am receiving "Invalid Account or Password". Wonder whats next?
  22. your fourm account should be the same as your in game account. you will have none of your old stuff so it will be a fresh start if that doesnt work good luck with support, they try to not help you as much as they can
  23. I believe all our old accounts were wiped when they had to redo the database.
  24. I just now found out Fallen Earth is back. I can't remember my login information. Can I get my old account back? Thank you. Merged. Can I use my forum account to make a new FEC account? Thank you.
  25. We know it's you Matt. Stop trolling from your fake account and get back working on the engine upgrade
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