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  1. I'm blind in all the ways, so I feel I could benefit from the new crosshairs. And I appreciate that they are taking in account what we are putting out there and requesting.
  2. Hey, if they change the prices of things I've purchased previously, then I want refunds for the price differences. Just kidding No but seriously, I think we all agree that the current armas prices are too high. An account wide permanent weapon costs as much as a AAA game.
  3. Reasonably speaking, like with the example provided before, you would have a lot of butthurt people if the cost of account/character perma weapons got cut in half and the people who shelled out big money got nothing.
  4. Looks nice. Also nice to have my forum account unbanned as previous people were lazy.
  5. There's not cooldown period on mailing to characters on the same account so creating a complete new system for just sending over a few legendairies to your other character seems pointless if you ask me.
  6. Well if they decide to cheat again it is likely that they will be banned. If they want to play legit again good, I think not having access to an account you've spent a lot of money on for years is punishment enough
  7. And some of them probably charged back after bans and I doubt they will get their accounts back for frauds. Let's just hope that Battle Eye will be good. I still remember all the hype when FF was coming, together with post how good FF would be days before it's reveal. Damn deja vu.
  8. I think that those who may of gotten their accounts banned for cheating may of just moved on by now or if they're still within the community, they probably have no reverence for any account they make so they could of simply just forgotten the information to the account or like you said just end up losing it again.
  9. That's right but you can't just keep abusing your piggy till you reach 0. I'm fine with unbans as long as those falsely banned will get their accounts back. Those that hacked and didn't change will get battleyed'd. Matt is a very nice guy and we have to make sure he won't get APB'd.
  10. Are Little Orbit intending to free up all the "taken" names from accounts that haven't been logged in to in for years?
  11. I can understand where you are coming from in terms of achievements and kills/killstreaks/medals and all that being of less value if there are some cheaters unbanned whom through the means that a legit player can't, has gained crazy stats on their accounts. I don't think you should hold too much value in such stats though and while I've always been against any sort of cheater reprieve, I can also understand the need for a full reset to set the record straight and make sure there are none banned who aren't meant to be banned. I only hope some reviews take place and those who were caught cheating without any doubt, will remain permanently banned. We'll see. Some will remember my posts and pleading to Tiggs about BattlEye....so I'm really stoked that we're getting it finally!
  12. I thought every banned account was back, this one, mine, got banned in the previous forum. Or maybe it's something related to password stuff and i'm just rambling dumb stuff
  13. Hello. Will players from Kazakhstan (the country near Russia) play APB? I used to play on the euro server. But already three months I can not go on the server. Creation of the new account too nothing has given.
  14. i realy mad about that info. that cheaters unbanned, i hope you know that all what you do with you charakter make your account precious with Gold killstreak medals and total kills on you charakter information. thats not fair a cheater can look like a CBT Veteran with 100.000 kills and 300 gold Killstreak medals. that messes up the value the precious. Cheater level faster becouse more kills more chash more Exp for the contakts. i could have cheated for years and will be rewarded now. i play since end of 2011 and i have on my account 11 gold streaks medals and i am proud of it. now it is worth nothing. i can understand your taktics about the Population, but now you stolen my Value of my account.
  15. I'll still be on Discord and steam even if they don't, if PVP picks up enough then I'll actively play even without my main account.
  16. Hmmm, got more than that on my lil Xboner uno account and i'm not able to do it. (Nice lil notif sound btw )
  17. How was my title even remotely clickbait? Actually i don't even care. What i'd like is for some helpful ideas on how to get it resolved. I already have an existing account with the email/pass thats non-steam related. So it'd just take me in this account, not the one connected to steam. Good idea though.
  18. i believe if you attempt to log in to the gamersfirst website it should prompt you to send a password reset email to whatever email the account was registered with
  19. I logged into this account a while back but noticed this wasnt my main account i used back in the day. I tried logging in using steam and it say i have an account, but need to change the password to get in. How can i go about changing the password without a Steam Login on the website? Anyone have any ideas?
  20. It's a glorious day. I'm back to my beloved main forum account, after the apertheid of players unsatisfied with the situation we had back with the old Gamersfirst. Aeronaut is also back, that's good! Little Orbit shall triumph in it's endeavours! (Now that i posted this video, i just realised how oversized videos are right now. I suggest reducing them a little Lixil, please. Thanks!)
  21. Hopefully soon, I really want to buy the norseman pack account wide.
  22. I can agree with the legendaries being account wide, and non tradable - but at the same time I think it shouldn't be as hard/RNG to obtain them. Currently, you have to be one rich mofugga, either in game or RL, or get lucky with lootbox RNG while you get loaded down with '7, 10, 14 day' rent garbage you dont want or need. The old login screen returning? I'm happy the new boss wants to see that back. It was that when I first started playing this game - on a PC that mind you - would crash at random when playing because it wasnt up to spec. Honestly I just think the threat system should be gutted entirely. It needs to be more fair and accurate if it stays around. Someone could be decent at the game but 'OH YOU ARENT GOLD GO AWAY' would be the reaction he'd get from clans they'd be hoping to join, in part to get better. Unless you're playing with people better than you, its hard to get better. That's something I learned during my hardcore GTA Online days - I was in a crew with several people who were godlike at PVP - I passively took from them and started to get better in practice the more I played alongside them. I think thats something clans should take into consideration.
  23. Hopefully Legendaries will be account-wide if they're no longer tradeable. I think this is a horrible idea though as the player market is already so tightly bound by high static prices and insane market tax. I love player driven economies, so what they're saying about it all really depresses me. But if I can't mail my Legendaries between my characters, I hope they'll be account-bound then and I hope they'll give notice on what they plan to do here so, if I have to, I can move them where I want them before they're stuck there forever. I miss open markets in games, even if it invites real-money trading from third parties, I think it hurts more to not have the system than to have it.
  24. On chrome, I basically bookmarked the forum but every time I click the bookmark, it goes to the page saying, "We could not locate the item you are trying to view." So whats the proper link I can bookmark, Id prefer if it brings me straight to social page. EDIT: eyyyyyyy my original account is back!!!! My post count has increased x10 which is the original count and I guess my rep got reset.
  25. Dev Package I assume is Devlar, which gave extra health, speed, Car Surfer before there was Car Surfer, and Air Control to Revoe and a couple of others for an event. Old Dev team said Air Control was shelved because you'd have to completely rebuild parts of the districts to account for the extra places you can get to with it. I think they may have pulled the code out of the game completely when Goat got into it. Don't see much else that isn't in the game in that list.
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