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  1. in all fairness i stopped trusting LO after more then once i saw gms or support threaten players with bans for reporting or asking simple questions. hell i was even told to delete my account via support by a certain memeber here. i think it boils down to the they took up a big project, relized they lacked the funds, and now are stuck in a rut were they can not back themselfs out of so there just hoping to kill both games to get rid of them. lets face it who would buy these games in this day and age.
  2. Anti-cheat slowed down the performance of the game. When entering account data, characters appear with a delay. After entering the password, you need to pause and then press Enter. After the appearance of anti-cheat, freezing of frames before a shot and performing actions became more frequent. I read your messages you are well acquainted with the game, it is noticeable. You understand that there are few cheaters in the game. Explain this to newbies who are thrown on missions with veterans. They won't believe you. This post is toxic, it conveys my shitty mood. I really don't like to see what happens in the game. All actions are aimed at retaining the old population. But the consequences of these actions have an extremely negative impact on new players.
  3. 1. This will make it even easier for the toxic players to farm lower threat players. They will abandon the mission when they get tougher gold opposition. This contradicts your threat segregation suggestion. 2. Player population was steadily dropping since 2012 or so. Currently there's 1 action district filled. There's not enough players to split between threat levels. 3. People have been complaining about cheaters since online gaming existed. I understand its frustrating, but this is an industry wide problem. It doesn't help that we have max rank Bronze players flooding every cheat discussion thread with their conspiracy theories. "Broken" guns isn't a cheater problem. It's a weapon balance problem. It's unrelated. EAC does not seem to affect performance, at least not enough for me to measure. 4. Those ban threads seemed suspicious. They had multiple people claiming to have been falsely banned, who have never posted on the forums prior. I couldn't find much info on some of the artists who were banned. The one I could find info on was banned on another APB account in 2014. Seems weird that they would get false banned two times.
  4. Good change. I have been dying to buy an Account Wide RSA, but the Hunter with High Optic Scope is a terrible choice. Please for the love of god MAKE IT SKINABLE! If you are going to make it as good offer for players, why not go all the way. The Zebra skin just does not match my outfit or my style. Make that change and you can have my money.
  5. I got news for ya, They already do 'Allow' aimbots, wallhacks, teleports ect. They shut off the anticheats n let golds into bronze encouraging bullying of lower threats. The aimbot is just one tool they have, its a matter of not just bots. Most have other players nearby ghosting for em, and or your team mate might be spying for them. Via Discord. Cheating, and or Exploiting is per say an Art form, a skill. Not only the how-to's of aimbotting, but knowledge and manipulation of the MM, running multiple accounts, private communication with like minded players. These people been doing this for years, been this way since before I started, n be this way long after I'm Dead.
  6. I think the 60m dropoff for ACT and having the RSA easier to hit shots in succession means it was directly taken into account in these balances. It's a shame old G1 overlords ever even put tier 3 mods on secondaries, it just throws balance out of wack
  7. What in the nomenclature is this?? A re-roll isn't necessarily a cheater it's someone who max out the levels and start all over again so eg. You max out pick up a star556 and trashing everyone who you can and automatically you being called a cheater who low rank. I do it when I use to play this game often now I just mostly lurk on forum back when bloom was present because you learn something new everytime and you need to learn the game one account or character isn't going to cut it you need more than that. With that said hope it's more clear.
  8. I felt silly so I tried to log in to FE using my old account from back before the original shutdown... it brings me to a different login screen, with an "offline" thing just below the password field. Trying to log in again results in a crash. No surprise that my old account won't work, but is there any way to reset/delete it so I can use that email account to create an account I can use today?
  9. I grabbed it account bound. Got a Huntress out of a gold box as well so money wise it all worked out.
  10. Hello, Can I retrieve my old account? The one I had before the game shut down... Thank you
  11. How many years we've had this style of event now? And how come we still haven't been able to fix the exploits where people get themselves out of bounds inside buildings and whatnot?
  12. While i agree with everything that you are saying. I do not believe somebody would purchase something in order to make it worse. I believe their heart was in the right place. and tried out some new features that the community just didnt take to. I too would have given people accounts back as an olive branch. Even though it annoyed me no end to see certain names who got away with cheating, cheat selling and griefing for years. Yet players who stayed through all the mess hoping to see change didnt get rewarded for any of it. Threat segrigation worked and servers were full,why was this ? Mainly because it was Players Ungrouped Vs Players Ungrouped, the oppertunity to have fun, casual players vs casual players. Whilst silver servers were pre-made teams. I will give you an example. I have been playing this game since G1 took over. I only ever play Play Ungrouped. There are players that i only ever see in Social District. I have only ever played against them and never with them. Now if i start a new character and i go into a team. All the golds /abandonmission and i am left 1V1 . I created a new character the other day, the golds abandoned mission 7 times in a row. To make it even, just switch off this feature. G1 switched off 1 v 1 pretty much over night All people want from this game is a little fun and fairness. There is the other group of players that dont want the fairness as it gets in the way of their fun. Cheating, well thats just out of hand now and gone beyond a joke.
  13. The nerfs on the ntec5 and the nhvr 762 was only beneficial to fake gold players as well as silvers and lower threat rank players !! You literally killed all the chances for old good gold threat rank players to enjoy the game taking all the fun away from them when they are playing with those weapons... I suggest as well to add another threat rank above gold and maybe even another one above this one, because you really shouldnt be taking into account the opinion of players that complain about the game without even having reached the highest threat rank and beeing able to maintain themselvs in that rank... Those are players that don't have what is necessary to give such a game changing opinion !!! I'm not the best player but i think i'm in a pretty high level of gaming in this game and i have friends that share the same opinion as me and they always play equally or better than me !!
  14. I say He's Hiding. Hasn't come to work since putting in the Super Excellent anticheat, that was bypassed by golds 12 hours later. They if there is a 'They' refuse to, can't or won't fix the joker voice. 'They won't fix MM or update about it. They won't upgrade the amount of joker tickets for jobs after letting Golds invade. You want me to 'Feed your 'Smooth Aim friends, You need to Pay. That said, I know full well They won't do a thing and have 0 expectations. Staff/GMs have Lost my respect. n I don't care if you ban me for hacusating, account don't matter cuz game don't matter, cuz full of hackers n foul mouthed punks.
  15. Well as far as the incident being to far away from report date Im a daily player and I reported the next day when I logged in. I knew something was wrong right off the go because I got the TOS crap and was like hell no someone else logged into my account on a diffenent PC and IP. Then as soon as the intro was done and old character I hadnt played on in years was selected not Misty my daily. I reported imediately. Someone else made a coment about not using the authentication thing. I tried it at one time but was having trouble with constantly waiting on the authentication being bugged and not being able to log in most of the time it would keep saying wrong code even though it wasnt and then lock me out for so long so I disabled it.
  16. Good luck on that. Even after proving an account i lost i was mine they threthen to ban me for trying to steal it. Oh and support: i got that account back becuase i got access to it's passcode. Up yours you useless bunch of coconut crabs Only thing you can really do now is bite it and change your password.
  17. The forum team is not able to help provide details regarding your account status, you will need to contact our support team on https://support.gamersfirst.com/. ~@mayii
  18. you can try logging into the market full email and password like enteremailhere@email.email with password 1234password if still not working type one handed that might help i some times fat finger other keys with password or account names
  19. BlatMan

    The grenade smoke is suppose to disrupt your view. They need to tweak it so it has less impact on performance. Same with vehicle explosions. You shouldn't need a current day flagship GPU on a 10+ year old game just to get normal fps. Ignoring a player needs to remove all their symbols. Only the base colors should be rendered for clothing and cars. Since you're talking about settings. They need to remove the administrator account requirement to launch the game. Move all the temporary game data, like the asset cache and logs, to the Windows %temp% folder. Move "Config" folders to the user's %appdata% folder. Doing so will mean Windows will automatically clear out old APB logs, and players who share a PC can have separate graphics options. Players won't have to put their system at risk by running discord or other apps as an admin when they want push to talk to work in game.
  20. My friends and I have been discussing this for a little while, but how difficult would it be to finish and release the midtown map that as to my knowledge is more than half done? I feel like this would be a huge move to bring back a lot of players and give the players a new environment to play in. (Also as a former map maker this to me seems like by far as the easiest way to refresh the game play experience for the community. This ties into the idea of un-restricting contact progression to specific districts , with population so low on N/A servers players end up being "stuck" in a specific district and not making progress if you don't have a contact in that district, this could be easily managed through the tab in game where you pledge to contacts through the "J menu". Lastly, isn't it time to do a database name wipe? Specifically for banned player names, or decade old inactive no login accounts. Thoughts and feedback would be nice, especially on a new map/district.
  21. Every Tier 1 contact requires total standing of 7,500 to max out. Every Tier 4 contact - 180,375 to max out. Every Leader - 288,750 to max out. Every Specialist - 716,300 to max out. Pray tell, how do you imagine this would work? As in, how would you execute the part with boosting/skipping? Are there any limits to who can be skipped? How many skips can be bought/used per character/account? Would the price vary depending on which contact is meant to be skipped? Doesn't this essentially remove half of the game (R195 -> R255) if someone pays to skip their Specialists? Hard pass from me. I get that APB's monetization is largely "pay for convenience", but taking it to such an extent feels like a bad idea.
  22. Developers of APB Reloaded I despise you, it's been 3 days since I received the ban, but I still can't log in to my account via steam. I used to play APB with a friend and I even did it, most of all I liked the customization in your game, and now everything is ruined, it's unclear why I was given a ban that has been hanging for a long time, and I didn't even break anything, I just downloaded APB through steam and that's it, while people are sitting with with macros and cheats, I get banned for nothing, I don't have the strength anymore, I did so much for that account and you just took it and erased it, we had a lot of planned things with a friend, but you took it all away from us, destroyed it. If there are people who will say that I used otherworldly software, you do not understand what kind of despair a person is that he played by the rules, followed all the laws, did not offend anyone, and still gets banned. Now I'm sitting with a bottle of beer, and I've already stopped hoping for the restoration of my account, I don't care anymore, I don't care, this game has already been erased from my life for me. Utter despair enveloped me. And I just wanted to play with a friend, go on missions, compete with symbols, but alas, you destroyed these actions, I can only say that I will never enter your game in life again, even if you unban my account, I will never return there again because you have lost my respect, goodbye.
  23. As I said before, games like CS GO and R6 have proper matchmaking BECAUSE they have thousands of players at any given time. Can't do that in APB. Default matchmaking algorithms are bound to be bad if you only have 40 players on. Also YES, fixing the matchmaking IS a good thing. It's just REALLY hard to do in the game's current pop state. Just imagine that none of the teams can be balanced so the system tries to pit whoever can against each other.
  24. the disadvantage lasts until you die as long as you continue playing missions as you were, therefore it has a theoretically infinite duration we're just going in circles at this point, because enforcers being intended to reach bounty more often for the same mission gameplay as criminals is still poor game design there is no need to consider the entire picture - a successful ltl takeout requires a stun and an arrest vs a successful lethal takeout that only requires a kill, and players that are arrested still receive a grace period before they are completely removed from combat the only mechanic i can think of that compliments enforcers being p5 is the ridiculously small boost to kill rewards yes all of those were intended, other than the xmas contacts which was likely a bug - little orbit owns the game, whatever the original creators intended for the bounty system is irrelevant once little orbit modifies it a bounty can have a large (negative) impact on a mission, this is not equivalent to the outcome of a mission being decided as soon as bounty is earned understanding how to use modifications and aiming at an enemy are basic game skills, that doesn't mean spotter's advantage is acceptable for that level of engagement 2d radar is considered a wallhack even tho it doesnt show players through walls yes i think the bounty system is more poorly implemented than the spotter modification, no i don't think the spotter modification is balanced - yet again these things are not mutually exclusive you spoke as if bounties were automatically free kills, i guess we're both spinning things around i can get more objective then - having an out of mission player being able to participate in any mission is an unfair mechanic, as it entirely disregards the game's attempt at matchmaking most enemies won't allow you to just walk away from combat i've already addressed the "assumption" there's no contradiction here tbh, bounties can hang around or they can blast through an area i simply chose the highest potential option which is something that needs to be taken into account for any balancing, but even one extra person fighting against you regardless of matchmaking is generally unfair there's no need for anyone to specifically hunt you down for this to become a problem, the nature of almost every mission requires players to move throughout the map how am i wrong? if the bounty system is intended to balance "too good" players, then allowing players that are not "too good" to receive the same balancing is a failure of the system you're quoting my summarized list of different explanations in this thread about what the bounty system is "intended" for, obviously i'm going to use the word intent when discussing them the quote doesn't mean they are mutually exclusive as stated above there's no need for anyone to chase down an n5/p5 player, just being vulnerable to 40 people instead of 4 is a significant risk increase and the rewards are not proportional over time is the same as "in the long run" but we can disagree if you want i'd argue a slow steady increase in rewards over years is the opposite of high risk/high reward mechanic values not being optimal is a system failure, to use your previous example shotgun rayscaling was a failure because damage was frontloaded - a value that was easily changed and yet it was still a failure factionkilling is not intended so im not sure this example makes sense, but i'm all for fixing this uneven punishment
  25. What a heap of *...., to put it as politely as I can The game is 10 years old, it's lower than ever population because: 1) age, hello the game is a decade old and has terrible performance despite being an old game. 2) the game never got updated as promised for 6+ years, player-bases have patience, but not limitless patience. 3) APB has a LOT of troubles with cheaters and when LO took over the spiral restarted itself with all the old ones coming back cause of having access to all their primary accounts again "2nd chance". (I know friends that quit over simply seeing names they knew got banned for GOOD reasons, back playing on their main accounts and hiding behind "false ban excuse" of a few legits among hundreds of cheaters unbanned. Funniest part is how you mention current player-base dwindling, and as far as I can tell, with each patch lately, LO has listened to someone who only gives them half the story And yet they implement the changes and suffer the fall-out and realize too late they should revert it. Imo problem is the people they are listening to atm, they're the ones speeding up the death of this game. APB isn't CSGO, as another user kindly said it. APB is about diversity and combining a lot of different cool things, into 1 complete game. APB "competitive" should not be FORCED down the throats of every player, the game itself always had clans that went and organized their own rules and tournaments. The population being tiny now, doesn't mean everyone should adhere to your way of playing APB, and while you're trying to force it, you're just killing the game that much faster. Bounty changes. Grenade supply changes and general focus of eliminating "explosives spam" even though, i don't friggin' see any explosives spam, but i see a lot of NTEC spam:) Weapon changes that wasn't needed. I can already predict next moves, if they keep listening to the same few people... "nerf remote deto, its too strong" (even though it's used by like 2% of playerbase, while all tryhards use spotter lel) "nerf volcano pls, it kills us when we are hiding with JGs behind corner" "nerf grenades, they are too effective at clearing corners! don't let ppl refill them either" (oh wait, this change already happened, indirectly mega buffing JG's even more than they already were) @mattscott I don't know if you play the game as an actual player and tried missions... if you do/did, you would see yourself whats the truth... what do people use (abuse) 95% of the time versus what's only used by very few players effectively and in-effectively by most.
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