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  1. Just to clarify, I was never banned during the weekend, I got wasted and my computer bugged out and thought I was trying to log into my main account I'm guessing. I am very sorry for any hysteria I may have caused, and it was most likely do to the lag and booze. Edit: Oh apparently there was a rogue gm or hacker or something, apparently I'm not an alcoholic moron.
  2. A game coming close a decade old needs old names that have been unused for 2+ years or names that were on banned accounts to be wiped from those accounts and reused. Implement a system like League of Legends, where a name will become available and if taken, the previous owner will be prompted to change their name the next time they launch.
  3. Here are instructions for purchasing G1C using Steam as the payment provider: APB must be installed and ran through the Steam application. Specifically, the game must be installed in the SteamApps folder. Simply "adding" the game to your Steam library manually will not trigger the integration. After launching the game through Steam, you should be prompted to associate your Steam account with your GamersFirst account. This enables single sign-on through your Steam account for APB (you no longer need to enter your GamersFirst credentials) and is required for accessing the Steam payment provider option. Any time you open up the ARMAS marketplace in-game, it will use the Steam browser and you will only be able to purchase G1C using your Steam wallet. Steam Wallet is only available if you use the Steam version of the game and use the steam overlay's browser for the transaction. The G1C purchase options appear as part of the checkout process, which happens when you click the "Checkout" button at the bottom of your shopping cart. You will be taken to another site to confirm your order and given the option to purchase G1C.
  4. Hi there, My name is Oats and I submitted a ticket for an email change to the GamersFirst support website due to the nature of my main email being hijacked. Was curious if you guys check out the APB forums more so than the GamersFirst support tickets, as I am eager to get back into the APB fray and not have an email that's tainted with hacker fingers. Let me know at your earliest convenience! Oats
  5. Oh my... I've got the same problem. I leaved this game almost year ago, at the end of august for a 3 months. Then I've tried to log in but my account has been blocked. When I send a question to the support they just used a copy/paste option to give me the answer. There was no info about ban before in my mail box so I was a bit confused. The answer came quick (copy/paste) and it said that my account has been banned for cheats and they won't do anything with it. I've send next request but their answer didn't changed. They probably didn't even read my mail, just gave automatic answer for a "banned cheater" like me. But some days ago a friend of mine told me about Battleye and LO so I send another ticket. Ticket 2071st (xD). The worst thing is that my brother has been banned as well becouse we share the same IP address. I think I get banned for Advanced Launcher but this is a bit weird. My old wooden PC won't run this game even in 30 FPS so I've entered the official APB forum and found this (Advanced APB Launcher). I've got that from OFFICIAL APB FORUM so that shouldn't be ILLEGAL. But now I've got a new computer and looking forward for that unbanning players. I missed this game. :/ My banned character:
  6. If they were to refund for something bought, I would like to get refunded for the Mikro Kits I bought due to a miscommunication by G1 in the past. They told me that the kttc pack was not account bound, so I bought the kits separately. Then I emailed them again with the same question and they said that it was so now I have purchased them twice.
  7. They invested to keep our game alive and now we make demands? I didn't put much thought into voting but... There you go: I don't mind. I spent my money and had fun with it. It's a bit bitter if I see that it's gonna be cheaper - but I got to enjoy it for a longer time in return. This is like the same thing as buying an AAA game on release vs. when it's $5 on Humbe Bundle. It always happens eventually but I got to enjoy it longer. And that's fine. The company does milk it that way to some degree - but if it's good game... Who cares. Hopefully they will put it toward a new game. That being said: I'll gladly start spending money when prices are lower. I have like 70? acc bound perm weapons/10? legendaries and basically all that is left are reskins or some special things like some weapon with a silencer. But: I'd love to have *small* something exclusive - it shouldn't be very special or big/important (probs not a title tho xd), like just an accessory or something. Or like one special reskin of a weapon/skin - doesn't have to be good/super new. (think of something fun like a STAR reskin 0-slot.) I would totally understand why they wouldn't want to invest time/money into this (for now). Or like some bonus credits (think like 5% of what one spent) And I don't like the concept of some of the current loyalty rewards: the reskins are cool and nice and a good idea, but think of the M1922/AMG 3-slot that are unobtainable otherwise - those are not just reskins. Or the friend/ignore list extender. It's not like that costs anyone lots of storage. (Or does it? Correction if needed pls) But ye: Something, like a nod of the head. Like... probably it wouldn't be for APB anymore if noone spend a thing. Would be nice. Although not necessary anyway. However... a refund/refund of the difference? No. That doesn't seem fair. They invested to keep our game alive and now we make demands? (Yes, I am aware I asked for something too... I'm a hypocrite)
  8. And that would be a computer from 2010. Which by most standards would be a turtle. So running windows 7 on that cutting edge Core2Duo with 4gb of ram and omg the latest directX 9.0c! Don't forget that video card with 256mb of ram! Devs don't account for everything and as long as it is not interfering with the gameplay why cry about it so much. Did the devs ever care to take into consideration color blind people? Nope! And that is really shit in a game where its is just Red vs Green.
  9. Name: weissraider From: Italy Preferred faction: crim Likes : Porn Hates: Gamersfirst Phrase: nice hack, report video, bye bye account. (the next phrases are about my mother and cannot be shown)
  10. Obviously 1 false ban is too many, but if there were 16999 legit bans and 1 false ban I highly doubt LO would unban everyone to "increase" population. Obviously Matt Scott felt there were enough false bans to justify unbaning a significant portion of the bans. How does it support what you said at all? I think it's pretty obvious he spent time reviewing bans per his statement. It isn't possible to review every single ban nor is it needed. I would hope that reasons were given for the bans and he was able to sort through those reasons. For example, if FF flagged 1000 players for "violation x" and he deemed "violation x" to be a false flag, he has just "reviewed" 1000 accounts. If no reason was given for the bans you can point to his statement that bans were handed out inconsistently and at the discretion of the GM/CM. He felt there was enough evidence in his investigating the bans that G1's anti cheat measures lacked integrity. He said he spent weeks, not a couple of hours pursuing the list. Why don't you have an issue when Tiggs doubled down on FairFight and said that anyone caught by it was cheating 100%. She basically said anyone who claims they were falsely banned were liars and convinced community members of that. She knew what she was saying was false. Again, you were shocked by his statement....I wonder why......
  11. IGN: xxd3sxx (for now i will back to my old account soon) Time played: i played apb from 2014 but i stop play it and i back now and i have 210+h play on steam only old apb i spend alot of time on it but i just back before 2 weeks country: saudi arabia why?:as i said i just back im looking for active friends to play with
  12. But giving back to some players might encourage them to SPEND MORE.. And i am one of those players, i spent 100$ on AIRMECH after their support went out of their way n helped me when i fuckedup. I spent around 700$s on Warframe because Rebecca was a nice person and their support was amazingly cool,once i made a fuss about how LAG destroyed a potato and asked support.They checked the logs n found out that i was mistaken... Instead of a copy paste reply, i got " The logs says you are mistaken but i have added the potato to your account just to make you better + something about player sentiments " Im not gona lie, G1 SUPPORT HAS HELPED ME TREMENDOUSLY in the past. I have got refund for over 5 weapons in the past , changed to different weapon and one time they gave me permanent ATAC WATCHMAN because i was being nice to them....... Things like these made me wana spend more on APBR... Im not saying LO owes me anything, im just sharing my experience !
  13. Salvick

    Link to the old forums

    That's actually because of ninja-bans where they just blocked an entire account from accessing every single feature of the forums. A regular ban should allow you to at least browse or use your private message system. You have two choices, use private browsing or delete the history log including active sessions.
  14. I think I'd just be happy with ARMAS prices that don't feel like they're taking my arms, legs and eyes, while also stabbing me for good measure. When the base price of an account bound weapon is $60. You know there's a problem.
  15. Would love to get back the G1C i spent ON, then again ATLEAST Refund for stuff i spent on HAN server would be nice... Then again, Even giving back extra G1C spent on armas after the prices gets adjusted would be really nice.... I talked to support and they said ITS NOT SOMETHING THEY WOULD DO... Soo all hopes down the drain, even letting me refund weps for Half G1C would be nice... ( have like 20 account wide weps that i NEVER EVER EVER EVER use,eg: havent used things like Whisper for 4-5years)
  16. I do the same. It happens rarely but if I get put up against opponents that are not supposed to play against a max rank gold, I'll try to give them a chance by using a gun I really can't play, or bust out an ALIG or something. Sometimes a Stabba, but it's something. The problem is you can't lock golds to their own district. Aside from the fact that there's not enough players to do this, it comes with its own flaws. The real solution to this mess is a bigger district, and better matchmaking. The reason you get matched against opponents who are clearly not on your level of skill mainly is because the system didn't find anyone closer to your skill. (Skill referring to threat and rank.) I wholeheartedly agree with you though, I myself brought a few players into the game. And being the "smart" person I am I made an alt account to make sure we'd get decent matchmaking as my friends are bronze low-silver tier. (When they used to play). Aside from the fact dethreaters are actually a common thing, I did not become gold immediately after three missions, even with decent K/D/A's, and I'm a fairly decent player who demolished with the star. Things have definitely changed though, being gold after three missions was a very common thing, so I understand why he brought it up. Did they enjoy the game? They did, because we were playing for fun, and that's a pretty hard thing to do with all the current issues.
  17. Poperon

    Link to the old forums

    That happens if you dont sign out from your account. Thats reasonable, since we cant use that forum anymore
  18. Thats awesome news Lixil. But as many users may have already mentioned it around here, i will do it again: While GMs are needed to be anonymous for obvious reasons in game, any forum volunteer to be a Moderator should/must be visible to others. For example, Poperon (hey me) became a Forum Mod. I would get a *volunteer title* and my name would still be the same to anyone, so it would be easier to respond any action out of the rules. Thats what we had during the start of the old forum, back on 2011. (Voerman era) If GMs decide to help on forums too, they must get a proper forum account, separated from their main account. I know this may seem obvious, or that you may have clearly thought everything thru so no gaps are left behind, but these serve as suggestions for now.
  19. If you think the threat is the reason why new players don't stick around, you are so sorely mistaken I'm tempted to give you some icey-hot. When you make a new account, you're a Trainee. You can then join a green or a bronze district. A new player will literally achieve GOLD after winning THREE MISSIONS. You think that's long enough playtime to now know the game and get locked to Gold? With your logic, that would make even more players leave. "Congrats, you've achieved gold because you did good. We're moving you to the Gold server with other players of your skill level." *Goes Gold* *Proceeds to get absolutely completely and utterly destroyed even harder then he would against low silvers and fake golds* *Uninstalls and tells everyone the game is pure trash* Congrats, your change just killed the game even more then before.
  20. Just because you've been waiting years doesn't mean it has any truth behind it. Just like people think G1 was lying about the False Bans, who's to say LO isn't? Unbanning all the cheaters is a move to get population back into the game. They bought a DYING game and I'm sure it's not hard to look back at the records of certain banned accounts and see that they used to be swimming in G1C. It could also just be a blanket excuse since it'd be much easier to just unban everyone and give a very touchy subject as the reason. I believe there were false bans, but I in no way believe it was "A lot" in the sense that it was a giant margin. Constant re-rolls, account sharing, account selling/buying, and so on all fell under FF. It wasn't JUST for cheats. Then you had people who were openly and extremely racist, bigoted, and just downright disgusting in terms of trolling. You had people who'd purposely grief and harrass streamers (Which some deserved to be banned, not all of them) and then you had people who'd literally call GM's names and disrespect them, which winds up in a ban. LO also stated that a lot of the bans didn't really have any notes or reasons attached to them. That doesn't mean the ban wasn't justified. That can't be answered unless we had a time machine, but I'm willing to bet they're lumping in a lot of the "False" bans in with those. As for what constitutes as "False" is completely subjective as well until we hear it from LO. As we've seen, LO is giving off the impression that they want to taper bans with mutes and temp time-outs before straight up banning someone's account. Just because LO thinks someone being toxic and mouthing off might warrant a few days mute, doesn't mean G1 didn't think they deserved an outright ban. You can argue that aspect till the world ends, but at the end of the day it was G1's game and they were free to do with the player base as they see fit in terms of that.
  21. Oh... you missed the point entirely. "a lot" is subjective What is a lot of money to a rural farmer in china vs what is a lot of money to Donald Trump? (small loan of a million dollars anyone?) What does Matt think "a lot" is? Is it the same as what you think? And how do you know? And as I pointed out, it is unlikely that Mr Scott himself even knows an exact number. Honestly it just sounds like he is saying "Its not the way I would have handled things" which makes sense since he isnt even giving GMs the power to ban. And if you think LO bought this game and is making decisions for reasons other than to make a profit, perhaps you should get a bit better acquainted with "reality". But regardless, I assume you will be getting an account back whem BE arrives. Good luck to you.
  22. Well thats kind of the thing. We dont know what a "lot" means. 1% (170+ false bans)? 10% (1,700+ false bans)? 50% (8,500+ false bans?) LO lacks even the support crew to handle 2,000 support tickets. Even after they started using a copy paste reply, they still have only gotten through hundreds since the acquisition. Matt himself said they were not prepared. There is absolutely no way they could go through 17,000+ bans individually to know who was or wasnt banned falsely. So I would guess that even Matt does not know the exact number of false bans. I just mean look at any game that runs BE. People still claim false ban almost all the time. Just like APB does now. I do not expect that to change once BE arrives. This was a good statement. I was both shocked and alarmed to hear it, as I think a lot of people were. But there is something you need to keep in mind... LO is a business, and no business can run at a loss forever. We can assume LO spent what was no small amount to acquire GamersFirst and all of it assets. They are running multiple development teams on multiple projects. They also appear to not have the money to hire GM's or forum moderation staff as they are going the volunteer route. But regardless, LO will only have so much runway left before they either start making money, or they are in some real trouble. APB allegedly hasnt made a profit in over 2 years, and our player count is abysmal. LO will need to boost player count and of course player spending dramatically, and quickly. Can you think of a better and or cheaper way to do that than by unbanning 17,000+ player accounts? Im not saying Mr. Scott was in any way misleading in his statements. In fact everything he said is undoubtedly true. But this is not his first rodeo. You can be sure he chose each of his words very carefully. And I think some of us players are reading more into those words than he originally intended out of our desperation to feel some hope for APB. I play APB daily, anywhere from 4 to 12 hours. I've spent thousands and thousands of dollars on this game. Ive given away tens of millions of dollars in game to try to convince new players stay long enough to get the hang of our game. I want, just like all of you, for APB to succeed. I also care about the players. I know how much APB means to some of us, and I know how devastating it will be if LO doesnt pull through, if APB finally dies. Im simply trying to keep everyone's feet on the ground for now. To keep us focused. To make sure we all hold LO accountable for what theyve promised, for what theyve done, and for what they will do. I apologize if Im upsetting anyone, Im not trying to.
  23. But Matt never said anything about exactly what was wrong with how G1 handled bans, or even the number or percentage of bans that were false. Not to mention unbanning 17,000 accounts can only help LO increase the player base, and bring in money. Follow the money, as it were. That being said, Im sure we will still hear the same "false ban" stories when BE is here. They exist in all other BE games.
  24. While I doubt they were clueless when they walked in, yes APB was in a sad state. And we certainly shouldn't hold them accountable for anything but what they've said and what they've promised.
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