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  1. Sure, you certainly are justified to say whatever you want. How you come across though is another thing. My post isn't being made to complain about support in its entirety. If you look closely and actually read it, you'll see that I provided some information. Maybe, perhaps, someone will find that information useful. I love your use of quotes on the word "lost." Support can look into my account's history and see the login attempts, I'm sure. I provided them with physical addresses in my initial email. You would think they'd be able to use that information to look into it. They also have my purchase history, and in that they'll see that I kept buying JMBs when the nano came out and stopped at a certain point. Geez, I wonder why that is. I did the same thing for the Yukon and other guns. I bought the things until I got the gun I wanted. Also, I'm curious how you remember me from 2 years ago. The people I had issues with at the time seem to have resolved themselves or are even forgotten. Maturity is a fuzzy bunny. It seems you have yet to figure that out. Edit: I love the swear filter replacement here.
  2. I would have to disagree on allowing threat to be easily changed. It should require an adequate amount of games to lose or gain ELO by a meaningful margin. Off days happen to everyone, but it was way too easy to dethreat from unlucky streaks and gain threat from lucky streaks. A lot of matchmaking systems take consistency into account now a days. I would agree that people often threw less back in APB. A reason why could have been because more people actually cared about threat, people could actually see their threat increase, and top players had a reason to actually try and win. At the moment who cares about winning or losing because you basically keep your gold or silver no matter what happens because the ELO grouping is so large.
  3. So, like many of you, I've been skeptical of the new regime and their plan of attack with server lag, cheaters, etc. I was also really curious how their support system would play out. From my experience already, the quality is the same as before. Apparently there's only so much information that is kept on-hand and giving purchase history all the way back to 2012 isn't enough to help solidify claims. Lesson learned: take a screenshot of everything you have before you take a long break with a timestamp in the picture. For those unaware, I took a break for an extended length of time from late July/early August of 2016 until earlier this year when I popped back in-game to play with a few people. My account was compromised and my legendary weapons were gone. (Edit: The people who took the stuff off my account left one email in a character's mailbox. This is how I know it was compromised and that I didn't just forge to claim my stuff from the mailbox.) The items that I for a fact know I had were a Yukon, Ogre, Ursus, Kommandant: Hearts, Volcano, Sitting Duck and quite a few huntresses as well as odds and ends of grenade launchers. LO, I'm not even looking to be made whole again. I don't care about the lesser weapons as long as I can get my Yukon, Ursus and Ogre back. My hope with this post is to make awareness to others and perhaps to get more than a single GM to look at my case. Perhaps a new community manager *wink* could talk with me about this whole thing seeing that I have multiple people who played that knew I had a lot of things. Whether or not this post gets flamed or ignored, I don't care. If it helps a single person from losing items that they spent a ton of time earning, then it proves to be successful.
  4. Actually, thats a fair point Flaws. I do have to acknowledge that Good luck with LO and BattlEye, and congrats on getting so many accounts back.
  5. I think you should reconsider what you believe in and what you do not. If what I was saying all along wasn't true, there would not be mass unbans on all ff'd accounts waiting to happen right after the implementation of BattlEye. I wonder, how many more people need to confirm that FF was used incorrectly and was abused by GM's for their personal interest, like in mine and other cases How far does it go for people like you?
  6. Hello, Since console version haven't received almost any updates in order to fix the game despite many things have been reported to G1, the population is extremely low ( 30 players for EU Xbox and Ps4 ) A few players including me are asking an account migration from Console ( Xbox One and Ps4 ) to PC, is it possible ? Is it possible to see in the future after the Unification project we could see Cross-platform account so players could play with their account on PC and on Console
  7. Here are the standard defenses for dethreating: 1) I only do it because Silver district is full of hackers. 2) I only do it because Silver district is full of tryhards. 3) I only do it because I shouldn't be Gold (as if it's any sort of bar anymore) 4) I have loads of Bronze friends I wanna play with 5) I only use the account I dethreat on when I'm high / drunk I'm sure someone will be along to parade them out shortly. Imo, whilst some of them may be factually accurate as standalone statements, they're all just ultimately excuses. People just wanna stomp on players who are so inept that they barely qualify as mammals. As for policing it, it's down to whether or not it's possible for Little Orbit to extract someone's threat history, and see a repeated pattern of massive threat drops followed by gradual rebuilds and then act on it. Another option is for LO to make a judgement call that someone can't legitimately be R255 and still Green without dethreating and have their GMs manaually sanction such players when they see them. (Although that wouldn't pick up the more rampant "dethreat to barely inside Silver and then hop on Bronze district" problem). In terms of sending in meaningful evidence, you'd probably have to record multiple missions with the same dethreater. Of course, that would just paper over the fact that threat is kinda broken. It doesn't excuse dethreating for one second, but atm, threat as a mechanic in APB is in exactly the wrong place for everyone. It's not detailed enough for it to matter to people interested in it for prestige. Visually, as a Gold, I have the same threat outwardly displayed as the best players in the game. But behind the scenes, the numbers are different. (And the skill level is definitely different.) So there's no bragging rights to be gained by having high threat, since they'll just appear the same as someone who is barely Gold. But at the same time threat is detailed enough that people can track themselves tanking down to the same threat as the average carrot so they can exploit its function as a matchmaking mechanic. They're going to do something with it as per the Q&A, just no word on what yet. Ultimately, if threat is to continue to exist and be a matchmaking mechanic in APB, I think it needs to be hidden. Or least a system whereby you can only see your own threat (and not that of other players, or the district) implemented.
  8. In reply to OP, I was banned as well and had a large amount of days of premium on my account the day of the ban. I doubt that any of it will be given back when my account is unblocked, and I doubt that it will be that way for anyone else. Technically speaking, it would be difficult to determine exactly how many days of premium each and every banned account had before the time of their ban, so I wouldn't expect your premium to be handed back to you. I would recommend, though, buying a large pack of JMBs when you get unblocked. Those are known to give out a lot of premium days (you may already know this but I might as well still mention it), so you still have an option to get your premium days 'back' in a sense.
  9. Look, no one likes cheaters. But there is no possible way cheating can be stopped. Not in a FTP game where IP bans can be evaded, and new reroll accounts made endlessly and instantly. Just give up. You cannot punish them. You cannot ban them permanently. So stop trying and wasting resources and ensnaring the innocent players with settings that actually work. STOP. Permanent bans are a huge failure and have nearly destroyed this game and turned it into a vicious, ugly, hateful toxic community who can't wait to destroy more accounts. We just need a fair and instant solution. Temporary kicks for suspicious players who exceed the normal parameter settings for a district. And I don't mean someone who gets, what 15 kills or even 28 kills this one time. But someone BLATANT who far exceeds the norm repeatedly. Should get a kick because... either he's too good for school and needs to play in a higher skill district... or he's not human and is using some automation. Either way, the kicks would be that very day and not months later... so the average players get a break. And the above average players should still be beneath the radar... but those too brilliant amazing god-tier players... can get a few minutes time off. And if they are so excellent, they can create their own special platinum district or tone down their cheats, erhm... fantasticness.
  10. But you don't seem to get that banning cheaters doesn;t work when they can reroll, and steamroll the population making exorbitant cash to just buy the best legendaries and rinse repeat on new trainee accounts. Not only does banning FAIL to stop the hacking... it enrages the hacker population causing MORE hacking. And not only that, it greatly diminishes the population. The time I'm talking about... when APB had a &disputed* large amount of closet accounts... and big clans and talented streamers... they did not WANT to lose their hard-earned reputations or investments and thus played gently, and more often then not legit... to AVOID a ban. Well once mad bans happened, people didn't care about reputation and so it degenerated to what we have now. But in the closet days we had a game with 3 million active accounts so... yeah. We need 1. fairness, and immediate kicks force people to rethink... 1. turn off cheats (if cheating) or 2. play in a higher threat, greater skilled district (if legit but too good( and 3... it PRESERVES the population... which in APB has hemorrhaged into near extinction under G1. I don't mean *do better* as in play better. I mean *do better* as in not get KICKED. Why should golds be squashing bronzes in a bronze district? If they get kicked either they tone down their playstyle to be with friends, or they up their ante and play with equals.
  11. Instant Temp Kicks for suspicious players for a brief cooling off is the solution!~ What LO NEEDS to do is for every suspicious player flagged... give them an immediate temp kick from game, and a 15-30 min cooling off time. if they are legit... they must be playing too good for the district average in which they entered. If they are not legit, everytime their program gets them kicked, which should be frequent enough to be comical, they might just turn the dam thing off. In any event, BANS have FAILED. Esp since they just rage reroll instantly... so immediate temp kicks are the solution. the account remains intact, so no reason to rage or even make a new account since... in a short time, you can log back in what's the point? Back in the day, where there were *disputed* a large number of closets... the game was actually good, because cheaters tried very hard to stay under the radar, and games were doable against them if you had some skill. Even if we can just return to that, we'll have our game back. It was this perma-ban witch hunt that destroyed the morale of the population, destroyed the clans, destroyed reputations of the streamers who actually were advertising the game, etc. Plus temp kicks free LO from the significant manpower and time investment of manual review process. Just bring on temp kicks for mischief. I'd much rather see someone with 17 kills in bronze get a temp kick out of mission for playing too good, and still able to log back in after a few minute, then wait months and months and perhaps a year for some blatant rager to get perma banned and reroll in 1 minute.
  12. People keep saying we "got" our account back... We got a promise to "get" them back, hasn't happened for the ones banned for cheating yet.
  13. When were you banned, more than a year ago? how many accounts do you think have been banned falsely, more than 1000? And how long have Little Orbit been in their new job? ...a month! With all due respect, you got your account back but Little Orbit are working to capacity I'm sure to address as many of the community's issues, GamersFirst did a lot of things wrong and some record and details were not finished, saved and may not be recoverable. As @Hey! says, Little Orbit have no obligation to do anything, the fact you got your account unbanned is a miracle by APB standards! Please show some appreciation for their hard work and keep expectations in check.
  14. you should be thankful for getting your account again instead of saying that is not enough. at least they are doing something for us and giving us a second chance
  15. It should be easy to reset the account to the status a few minutes before it was banned.
  16. For staff to try and somehow find out how many hours each banned account had left of premium is not realistically possible. Little Orbit out of a gesture of good will could offer all banned accounts like a 3 day premium code to redeem.
  17. We are accepting applications for our APB and Fallen Earth volunteer programs! The primary focus of the team is simple: Making sure that players are following rules as well as helping them out. The members of this group are sociable and well suited to help the community grow in a healthy way. Requirements: ⦁ MUST be 18+ ⦁ Has a deep knowledge of APB ⦁ Has general knowledge of the Terms of Service ⦁ Has a friendly and professional disposition capable of handling both positive and negative situations that may arise ⦁ Has the ability to be objective and patient when handling issues in a fair and consistent manner, free from discrimination or favoritism ⦁ Can manage a conversational level of the English language Duties: ⦁ Making sure the dialogue between the users is friendly, respectful, and in accordance with the Terms of Service ⦁ Making sure the game being played fairly and in accordance with the Terms of Service ⦁ Assisting players in the game, be it to fix technical issues or share game knowledge ⦁ Reporting any activity that is against Terms of Service to a specified place you will be getting access to once you're a team member ⦁ Using your GM powers only for good and neatly reporting their usage to specified staff members A good candidate would also have: ⦁ Have previous experience as a GM or any equivalent position ⦁ Knows more than one language that is a big part of the game's community How to apply: Your application should be in the text field of the PM. Do not send us any attachments. 1. The SUBJECT of your PM should be “Application: APB GM” 2. Why do you feel you are a good fit for the GM position? (2-3 paragraphs max) 3. List all of your accounts and characters you own. 4. Tell us if you were ever banned in the past and why. 5. When did you start actively playing APB? 6. Roughly how long do you spend playing APB each week? 7. Do you have any previous experience as a GM or any previous experience with similar projects? What Happens Next? We will be reviewing your applications over the next few weeks to identify potential candidates to join the volunteer team. If you are selected, we will contact you and schedule an interview over Discord. What if I don't hear back right away? It probably means we have yet to review your application. We are usually dealing with a large number of applications, and it takes time to go through all of them. Whether you are moving forward to the interview stage or not, we will make sure to let you know the results. Thank you for your patience! Note: We take note of applicants that react poorly to not being selected. This will hurt your ability to be considered in the future. So what happens after I am selected and pass the interview? Congrats! Shortly after the interview, we will contact you to let you know if you will be joining our volunteer team! You will need to sign an NDA before we introduce you to the team. You will go through a training period with a well-seasoned mentor by your side while you get the hang of things before becoming a full-fledged GM. Let's continue to build up the APB community together. I look forward to reading your applications. If you’re interested in joining the program, please send your application to @Ritual via personal messages ONLY! Looking forward to hearing from you!
  18. Instead of this, can you focus more on the people who don't have access to their accounts due to the password change? Still waiting on a reply and it's almost been 2 weeks. I feel as someone who's account wasn't banned at all, I should have some kind of priority since I just need the damn email changed.
  19. There were a couple ff banned accounts that became bugged after they started doing the Punkbuster unbans in late 2016. These accounts became accessible to login to but if they tried to join any district they would get kicked by FairFight. There was also another issue where at times FairFight was disabled accidentally and any of these bugged accounts became fully accessible while FairFight was disabled. I know a couple people who’s account had this bug and can now play on their accounts again and I play on Jericho. My guess is that FairFight is either not working properly on Jericho or is just completely disabled giving these players access to their accounts again. (Side Note) Don’t know if this is really relevant but as far as I know all of the accounts that had this issue were banned in 2014 so my guess is that they were manual bans from our previous CM that were put under FairFight, not going to name names but a certain player’s account who got banned for sniping summit 4 years ago and got manually banned by Tiggs under FairFight got unbanned from this bug.
  20. I feel like I wanna share some key elements I´ve received from Selali through the support here, regarding the unbanning of accounts. => "When that happens, we will put out a 2nd response to let you know to try logging into your account." (they will message everyone, preferably through email, once they are unbanned) For the statement regarding notifications, @CookiePuss => "The unbans will be completed automatically" => If at that time you are still unable to log in, please respond to your ticket so that we can look at your case specifically. (Nobody´s gonna get locked out / ignored as it seems)
  21. If any of you are asking for account checkup, or a checkup why you were banned in past please send a support ticket.
  22. I just wanted to jump in here and comment about this. We are not doing unbanning for any account that was banned for cheating. We are reviewing accounts that were banned for other reasons so, yes, there are a few accounts that are being unbanned. Even if they say that they were banned for cheating and now have their account back, it is not true. We are still following this post: Selali
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