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  1. Prevent forum activity until game account has a character over a certain rating (r50 would require all tier 0 contacts completed). Easy solution, albeit requiring extra dev work to get the framework set up.
  2. really though, why do you want multiple forum accounts?
  3. can i merge my 3 accounts into my old account from 2011? cause the only reason i made new ones was cause i had to...
  4. The fact you want to create multiple accounts in order to play a, so you said, "dead" game... is much contradictory. Just saying. Nobody is forcing you to stay on a game you don't like, let the others who do enjoy the game ... be? trust me, you'll get profit!
  5. Show me on the G1 ToS or EULA where it says you may not have multiple accounts.
  6. Except for the part where it says in game right there in the thread title right? Also not to mention that forum accounts are just G1 accounts. By making a second G1 account are you not indirectly breaking the forum rule without even knowing then? The two contradict each other. You make a second G1 account (which is allowed) for a legit reason you now have a forum account attached to that and you've instantly broken the forum rule if going by your's and the staff's rules.
  7. The rules are quite simple when you look at them. There's just been so much time for people to venture outside the intended limits rules are based on and with the unbanning of all forum accounts when they introduced the new forum, things got even more complicated. If you use several different accounts without identifying yourself as a single person, there's no problem anyone can see. However when you start to have forum accounts like Account, NotAccount, CouldBeAccount, CertainlyNotAccount, MustBeAccount, etc... you're pretty obviously either trying to steal identity of another user or blatantly breaking the one-account rule knowingly, as you've clicked "I agree" at some point earlier. Enforcing the rules however is a whole another level of bother... The risk of getting things wrong are high.
  8. As of now I've made multiple posts to mention about 2fa and wondering what happened to it. About 4 months ago, we had the first Q&A with Matt Scott. I personally sat down and watched every minute of it, then later I spent numerous times going over the whole VOD. ^ This is what I am specifically referring to. There has been no sort of status update on 2FA since this was mentioned in the Q&A. There has been nothing on the admintracker about 2fa, nothing on the forums, nothing in blogposts. (That I have personally seen) Just recently the blogposts and communication were centered around UE3.5 (If I have missed something please feel free to show me, because I haven't seen nor heard anything upon this subject since then) Now I'm not gonna say moving to UE3.5 isn't a bad move, but I'm genuinely curious what happened to 2FA and it's status. This was January 31st 2018, almost 9 months ago. Who is to say this won't happen again without 2fa being added? Multiple times accounts have been breached on here - most games utilize two factor authentication now (and have been for years) Account security should be a priority before UE3.5, at least in my personal opinion - especially considering this year there was a serious account breach that even emailed everyone to reset their passwords. I'm honestly more concerned that people haven't brought this up at all and it has had 0 traction since then. Nobody even I know remembers Matt saying this from the clip, I had to specifically go and clip it just to prove to people - so I have decided to make this thread to bring more awareness to it.
  9. Thank you, I appreciate the link. I understand where you're coming from that it can be annoying, it's not really good in terms of QOL, but it is objectively just a better thing to have. It personally doesn't bother me, since I prefer to not be worried about my account ever being compromised than being annoyed at putting in a temporary code upon login.
  10. My previous password was like: b)Fj*Z%<4BgT Good luck cracking it. 2FA is needed only for banking accounts, emails and other personal stuff which can get you in REAL trouble in case of leak/crack. Steam introduced mobile auth in 2015 yet people still getting scammed in 2018 WITH 2FA enabled. 2FA won't magically save you from "hackers" if you're dumb.
  11. It's very common that people use the same mail and password across several sites, so if just one of those gets breached, your credentials would become available for every service you used them at. You could try checking this page, and then consider if you've been reusing your login anywhere: https://haveibeenpwned.com/ Even if you have throw-away mail, and unique password for each account you create online, the regular user doesn't, so any compromised account will take up alot of time and resources for support. APB doesn't even have a multiple attempts lock-out, so it's quite vulnerable for brute force attacks.
  12. Hello, English is not my native language and I'm using a translator. Well, I migrated my brasilian Hoplon account to here and bought my weapons. So I stopped playing for a while and when BattlEye started, I decided to play again, but my bought weapons were gone. Last Sunday, 1 week ago, when I went to play they were there and today they disappeared again. What is happening? Am I in the right place to ask for this? Please, I need a solution. Thanks
  13. Hey Little Orbit, When Gamersfirst still had the game I asked the support why I can not upgrade this weapon "Agrotech ACES Rifle R&D III" to account, they said that it's a promotion [Guerra Libero LE Bundle], so you can not update it. But now is GamersFirst no longer the owner, do you think you can do something there? that means I have to buy the weapon I already own ?
  14. But you can't just look at this one case. You would set a precedence which could vary very much from future cases. It's just how bundles work. Having said that it has been requested in the past to add account lifetime for bundles - could be one compromise.
  15. I have money on my steam account but i cannot use it because i have an old steam account linked it has been over a week with no answer on my support ticket. I am LITERALLY trying to pay you people but i cant because no one will SIMPLY unlink my steam account.
  16. Why do people want others banned so badly? I understand if it were a game you need to buy, but if you get a cheater banned, they'll just make a new account and continue for a month or two until the slow anti cheat picks them up again.
  17. To wait for ticket response for 30 days? On a cheat report you dont get a response. At least not one telling you about the fate of this dude's account.
  18. Yeah, moving them for symbolic "1$" is more effective honestly. You cant use the MP for characters on the same account. Ahh... thanks friends.
  19. heh no... cleared out C00ky and used the MP to send it all to my old account (CookiePuss) once that character was all modded up, I was just mailing the remaining mods to CookyPuss I think Im just gonna play on the one account for now.
  20. I wouldn’t cast it aside so easily, I personally received spams of cheat websites and the guy that was spamming it was in the opposition the next mission. He was throwing grenades onto my precise location over the friggin building. I have recordings of it, but yeah, not every thread of this sort is the usual “boo hoo he plays better than me, cheeturr” thread. Also, I don’t see why a player with thousands of hours would feel the need to get a complete new account, since you claim the ones with such incredible skills all have playtime advantages.
  21. It's not so much the cheater really, but how part of the staff is being introduced into a position of favoritism by the most elitest players... the group which shats the hardest on the new and weaker players, all day, everyday, and yes even sometimes resorting to "cheats" or "exploits" to be the best. If LO staff would be brave enough to undergo the baptism by fire that we all have endured... even if they played as true bronzies... how endearing they would be to us... how we would respect them so much more... and rather than learning the game from the "skewed" perspective, if they actually made anonymous accounts... they could be the eyes and ears for MattScott so proper changes could be implemented which are desperately needed to save this game, and it's new population. Something the staff will never learn, playing as playthings of handlers with ulterior and selfish agendas.
  22. already have atac 3 slot whats necro'd, and got the colby account, love it.
  23. If you're playing using the Steam edition and have connected your Gamersfirst account with Steam account, I think you can buy using Steam wallet using the in-game Steam overlay.
  24. Hi all, Autumn Assault has been a flawed event at best. We are working on patching it one more time before the event ends, but various QA issues have prevented us from implementing a lot of the feedback that players have provided. I assure you that the feedback is being collected, and we're going to make a number of change so that GMs can run these events in the future with better results. We change the reward on the event at the last minute (and apparently didn't announce this on the forums), but the 1st place player gets an account bound skin for all their characters. I understand the appeal of 250 joker tickets, and that reward was implemented before we started modifying the event to make it somewhat more fun. But given how bad the event is, we have started asking players who have won repeatedly to not continue participating so that other players can get the skin. GMs have been announcing this request in District Chat at the beginning of the event, and then periodically repeat this request. We did announce the change during Kriosasacil's event, but there was some miscommunication on our end, so it wasn't clear. I can see why he was confused. I have reached out privately to him to apologize. Thanks, Matt
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