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  1. Would it be possible to change the subject line to be more descriptive for e-mailed weapons, vehicles, purchased items, etc? Currently it shows [purchase] and I think [rewards] (I'm at work and can't verify this right now) for when you get items from joker boxes and from other methods. The problem with this is that if you have lots of e-mails (I have 15 pages of emails), some from joker box purchases others from account weapons, etc I don't believe there is any quick and easy way to see if the weapon is a permanent item or how long of a lease it is (i.e. - 10, 30, 180 day lease). For permanent items, can we at least change the text to read [permanent] or something along those lines? And maybe add something to the body of the e-mail that tells you if the item is a permanent item, account or character bound, or a lease for x amount of days? Part of the problem is that when you buy a pack of joker boxes and open them, it does so in one action and you don't see what you get. You have to go back in to game and check the e-mails to see what you opened. And then you can't tell if it is permanent or leased without retrieving the item. Back in the day, when you opened joker boxes, it was one box at a time and it showed you on the same screen what you unboxed. Thoughts on the above? Merged. Also came across [gift] last night. Still, no way to know whether or not it is a perm item account wide, perm item character bound, or a lease of x amount of days without retrieving the item. If changing the subject line is too cumbersome, it would be super helpful if the body of the e-mail explained the length of time and whether or not it is character or account bound. For the subject line, I was thinking something like: [PERM, ACCT] [PERM, CHAR] [LEASE, 10 D] [LEASE, 30 D] [LEASE, 180 D] And, nothing fancy in the body of the email is needed as you can see what the item is in the subject line, as well as by clicking on the attachment (but not retrieving it), just something along the lines of: Permanent, Account bound Permanent, Character bound Lease, x days Anybody else have other subject line and email text naming suggestions on how to differentiate between permanent - account, permanent - character and leases?
  2. Amayii


    I have moved this thread to the PC Bug and Tech Issues section of our forums. Error 11002 can have 2 causes: The account is not verified (via email) The password has expired, if you're not able to change the password on the account or the linked account directly, you can contact our Support Team so they can work with you to resolve this. ~@mayii
  3. Hello! My friend got hacked and can't get any access to his email or to his account on APB. Is there any way that he can get some help to change his Email and username/ password even though he can't access his email?
  4. I support this idea, this would make all those character slots useful that i don't most likely never use, we could farm tickets faster assuming that JT's are mailable between characters on your own account at least. Another thing of course are rewards from rare daily activities, Nanos and STAC 10 should be made mailable between characters on you own account including JT's and $. Better idea would be that you get rid of all these difficult rare activities and give these rare weapons as rare rewards after missions, this would give everyone equal chance to get all these rewards regardless of skill.
  5. I tried vpn, same thing nothin changed.. I tried using repair tool with gamersfirst client...nothing i tried restart router...nothing i never had any similar issue with apb, until this crash today, and permanent loop of the message i screenied. I can access my char list... so after i fill up psw and username, game lets me to the char list to choose from. I choose char and then proceed to enter game, n thats where it keeps instantly breaking to the message above. I am still waiting to fix itself, i dont know what else i can do really.. I think its due to corona virus and some server locations , server being down and people from LO dont know it because they work from home. But its weird that only me has this issue yet, at least nobody else got this today.. Its driving me insane -_- world server is down for me, but login server is not. I got char at citadel and jericho, both give same message. I tried creating entirely new 2nd account to login, its same message. So it has to be for world local servers for east europe not working
  6. Definitely do a support ticket. Your account is likely locked in an instance that isn't "up" and therefore likely cannot be released. This happened about 3 years back when G1 still owned the game, and they had to go in and manually purge peoples accounts from the hold.
  7. I thought you earned 100 or so JT when you purchase joker boxes now. Purchased 13 of them, no JT in my account.
  8. The HVR is a hard weapon to balance as it's meant to do high damage and very accurate. You said it yourself that low walls which cover the hit box provides cover, but that as a issue is something that affects the map and not just shields. Maybe movement from cover could have more bloom reworked for snipers too, I don't know. Deplayable shields are just that... a shield and can provide very good strategic options. Ok a few things could be reworked but jumping with medium items or dropping and picking up large items to help a player move faster is another issue. I don't know what G1 were thinking with car surfer! Blocking passages with shields could be done with any deployable if it's the right size. It may be frustrating but an exploit is something which gives an unfair advantage, something like putting a bag out of bounds. There needs to be a level of consideration for player's ingenuity and adaptability. I would suggest that all deployables have a equip time cool down just like when you pull out a gun or reload.
  9. The main reason I play APB is the weapon variety. Virtually unlimited loadout combinations to try! But now I can't test new weapons because I'm out of locker space. Please consider selling (or gifting) weapon locker extenders. Some players create hoarding accounts to store their legendary weapons, but that's a hassle. The problem could be circumvented by making permanent ARMAS purchases unlocks at contacts (w/ free purchase) instead of objects added to the locker. Thank you for considering this. Keep up your good work!
  10. Vasco14

    Gioco Crash CLIENT

    @Undicix11 Penso che il tuo problema sia che qualcuno ha già effettuato l'accesso al tuo account, quindi quando provi ad entrare in un distretto il gioco si blocca. Prova ad accedere nuovamente al tuo account. Se ciò non risolve il problema, ti consiglio di contattare l'assistenza. https://support.gamersfirst.com/hc/en-us
  11. The Yakuza: Oni Bundle (Account Lifetime) contains clothing found only in the Preset Clothing categories, and Preset Decals. If it is not found there, then please open a ticket with Customer Support. В комплект Yakuza: Oni Bundle (время жизни аккаунта) входит одежда, имеющаяся только в категориях «Предустановленная одежда», и «Предустановленные наклейки». Если его там нет, откройте тикет в службу поддержки. Apologies, I do not speak Russian Извиняюсь я не говорю по русски
  12. Finger crossed costumer support can help you out there. I have a lot of friends that had the same issue as you. As long as you got proof of ownership for the accounts, there might be a chance after my understanding. Best of luck!
  13. Since you reset the password on your account, I would then assume your steam account is tied to a different account. If you are unable to make a support ticket through the Support Portal, send an email with all the information you have directly to support@gamersfirst.com. ~@mayii
  14. owzzy


    Whilst you're at it, please give me an option to buy an account-wide CBMP "Arrow"
  15. Hi, this is a suggestion that has prolly been proposed a million times. However, here is my take on it. 1. Appoaching any kind of inventory kiosk (mail, ammo vending machine, vehicle spawn machine) allows you to press a hotkey to access the Loadouts menu. Alternatively, accessing the Inventory and heading into the Loadouts tab will lead you there, too. 2. Within the Loadouts tab, you can view, select and edit your loadouts. You can also add new loadouts if you hit the "+" symbol at the bottom of your loadout list. Here, we wanna view the "Edit Item" menu options. 3. We'll choose the "Rename" option. 4. Let's rename it. 5. Hitting the "+" to add a new loadout or choosing the "Edit Loadout" option will lead you to loadout editing window. In this current version, outfits, player titles and equipment items cannot be bound to a loadout yet. However, you can freely choose your weapons and their mods, aswell as character mods. The loadout menu should be easy to navigate and to edit, especially in the heat of a mission. You have everything you need to change your loadout within seconds, no more fuzzy menu navigation. Hope you like it! Give me your comments and suggestions, that'd be great!
  16. I do use both Authy and Microsoft Authenticator, because hotmail/outlook/xbox requires microsoft account, which requires 2-step verification from their authenticator. if there was a way to activate it on Authy i would do that.
  17. So I'll describe the situation real quick: 1. Get your account "secured" with 2FA 2. Fuck up your phone 3. Yours account not yours anymore 4. Write to support *As there is no option to unlink 2FA by yourself. *And here's were the trick starts, first of all, to send ticket to support, you need new account as you can't get in your main. 6. Ticket completed, now you have to wait unlimited amount of time till support will react to your ticket & prey god so they unlink 2FA from your account simultaneously instead of asking dumb questions that will react in 1-2 extra weeks of waiting till you will be able to get your account back. *The thing is that it's already third day from the moment I posted my ticket & still got no answer, just want to belive that it wouldn't take them month to unlink 2FA from my account, as it's not serious. Something needs to be changed in system of 2FA
  18. Hello guys, I was playing APB few years ago, and stop playing because there was many cheaters, now i wanted to play again, but i cant get my account back. The bad thing about this is i no longer have acess to my email account. Cant reset password, but i got there something about 200+ gold criminal with good equipments, so i dont want to play from the start. So please help me to figure this thing out, so i can play again. When i try to reset my password it writes me this : ,, We've discovered an validation error with your email. If you have an issue receiving it please contact us at support@littleorbit.com for more assistance.“ What can i do please, if i dont want to start from the very beginning? Thanks for fast reply and for helping me to solve this problém. Tried to write to official support, but nobody replied for 2 weeks, so i dont know when i will get reply. Chavi
  19. Yes, I only have one account, and my steam account didn't interfere (I wasn't always using steam)
  20. Hi all, I get a notification that says "in order to protect your account you are not able to mail attachments from this computer for 25hr 29min" whenever I'm trying to send a mail or when trying to buy something from the marketplace. I'm worried as I haven't gotten this before, does this mean someone from a different IP has connected to my account? Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask I'm just a bit worried
  21. Hello guys, i came back from a long time no playing and i'm already playing for 2 weeks and i'? Still blocked from Buying things on market or trade with other players. Add information: My Account was never shared, i used to play on hoplon (BR Server). How can i fix it?
  22. Akito

    a small problem

    this is scarily accurate to my own situation, I would be like 15-20 minutes into a match and BOOM, instant disconnect. I've re-installed the game about 7 times this week along and still no fix, and as Ive said above Ive tested my connection (even reset it a few times) along with cleaning out junk from my system (even though its new lol I just wanted to make sure Im covering my basis), ive heard ppl also encounter this problem if they have steam overlay enabled but Ive already disabled steam while playing the game overall (my original account is bound to gamersfirst so i dont really need steam) I have no idea how to fix this lol
  23. I care about the shame that comes from having gotten the Euryale on multiple accounts.
  24. I recently bought a little bit of G1C (like 5$ worth not much) I planned on using it for customization but it has yet to show up on my account. I have already submitted a support ticket @GamersFirst but no response has occurred in the last 3 days. I was wondering if anyone else had the same problem and can help me.
  25. I double this, pls yes. Speaking of bank account... well I don't really support the idea, ability to transfer money from character to character will have the same effect imo
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