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Everything posted by Amayii

  1. This is the official Little Orbit twitter: https://twitter.com/littleorbit But there is also the Fallen Earth twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenearth The Fallen Earth twitter is also linked at the top right and bottom of your screen. ~@mayii
  2. Okay, those only seem to direct to the download page in general if you are signed into a Gamersfirst account. If you aren't signed in it directs you to the account creation/login pages. I'll bring this up with the team and see if we can get that sorted out. ~@mayii
  3. Would you be able to detail for me which page/buttons you're specifically referring to so that we can possibly address those as quickly as possible? ~@mayii
  4. Thank you very much, but with that said I'll be moving this to the off-topic section of our forums. ~@mayii
  5. I have moved this thread to the Game suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  6. I have moved this topic to the Off-Topic section of our forums. I wish you the best in sending the poem to them. ~@mayii
  7. Amayii

    Suggestion to LO

    I have moved this topic to the Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  8. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, I have alerted the team of this and they will be working to resolve this as soon as possible. As for the reasons/causes, until we have an official statement any reasons posted are purely speculation. ~@mayii
  9. As with all things, they must come to an end at some point. For the current version of Fallen Earth this day was today, a final update was posted by Matt Scott. Stay healthy and possibly we will meet in Fallen Earth 2.0 (should that be the name). ~@mayii
  10. Sadly that was indeed the end of it for now. Matt Scott just posted a final update for the current FE. ~@mayii
  11. As Matt Scott just posted, this was sadly the end for now. I'm sorry we weren't able to deliver a final fireworks show for you all. ~@mayii
  12. I have moved this topic to the Creations section of our forums. ~@mayii
  13. I have closed the topic as per OP's request. ~@mayii
  14. Amayii

    Remove refurbishing

    I have moved this thread to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  15. I have moved this topic to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  16. I have moved this thread to the General discussion section of our forums. I'm very sorry for the delays in our support response times. This is something that is not acceptable and we are working to bring down those times as quickly as we can, you can track our progress on: ~@mayii
  17. I'm very sorry for the delay in receiving the appropriate messaging regarding the topic. Sadly life forced me to focus on other things for a bit while I was in the process of handling that fully. ~@mayii
  18. An update was just posted on this, I'll be locking this thread as a result. ~@mayii
  19. This issue should be fully resolved as per For anyone that missed out on the trial discount due to this, be sure to submit a ticket for that as soon as possible with the correct title/info. ~@mayii
  20. This issue should be fully resolved as per For anyone that missed out on the trial discount due to this, be sure to submit a ticket for that as soon as possible with the correct title/info. ~@mayii
  21. The activities reset on the Monday morning, at midnight in PT (Pacific Time). You can always press F6 (the default key for that) to bring up the Fight Club scoreboard which also shows you when it will reset. ~@mayii
  22. Sorry for the delay, It has been announced: ~@mayii
  23. I found the relevant question from those discord messages. It was transcribed by @UubeNubeh DaWog for which I would like to thank them. ~@mayii
  24. I have locked this thread as per OP's request. ~@mayii
  25. This is a good reminder that anything you hear as a rumor should be carefully considered and fact checked. I have moved this thread to the Off-Topic section of our forums. ~@mayii
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