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Everything posted by GhosT

  1. Imo the regular vegas, jericho and bishada should be the fastest cars in APB. Not the 4x4 vegas and the pioneer, which are already the best cars for every situation.
  2. If they're on your team, just run into their nades until they get kicked, they'll eventually stop. If they're on the enemy team, you have nothing to fear about because the only thing they ever kill are their teammates.
  3. That gun is a defensive play weapon, is very limited on range, suffers hitreg issues due to too many pellets in a short timeframe, and has a windup time. The only district it becomes useful in is financial defense missions, other than that it's a very situational weapon and you'll be using your sidearm a lot more. It isn't even all that good in asylum, which even plays in it's best range, but loses out to others due to the windup time. I really, really don't understand how people think it is overpowered. It's fine the way it is. Sure, it sometimes screws up the hitreg for everyone in the vicinity and the FPS of people with bad/mediocre PCs, but that's not the guns fault. BTW, default N-FAS 12 is deadlier than the True Ogre.
  4. Didn't matt say that he liked it and that it might come back?
  5. Funny, considering that's coming from someone that purposely tried to get as much negative karma as possible.
  6. Tiggs was looking for translation volunteers a couple years ago, but never made anything out of it. Perhaps Little Orbit will revive that program when there's time.
  7. Depends on how they're using their Battleye. It has the ability to detect and ban for macros.
  8. Debatable. I think it's fine when fighting anyone that doesn't use Clotting Agent 3. But when fighting against someone using CA3, the moment he starts healing (by missing a single shot for example), the scout becomes a 3 shot kill. In my opinion it could use a damage buff from 550 to 600, if they nerf the N-HVR to something lower. 650 on a scout would make the N-HVR obsolete if they'd nerf that down to 750 or something. Personally I'm fine with the current scout jumpshot accuracy, it's more close ranged and actually counterable that way.
  9. Can we do something about the russians in citadel? Or the italians? Or the germans? Or the frenchies? Or the turks? Or the ... Almost no one has problems with them on citadel, but you guys get one foreign country and you bring out the pitchforks and torches. If anything, you should be grateful with that dead server you guys are sporting.
  10. Yes, let's make the scout overpowered again. Though they could increase the accuracy a little bit so you can more or less reliably hit something that's not too far away, but we certainly don't need people jumping in sprinting speed sniping people at 90m with pinpoint accuracy, while peeking over walls or cars higher than your character. That gun broke quite some missions.
  11. GhosT


    Thing is, FF was server-side only so it's actually impossible for it to pick up things like a radar or a wallhack, unless you're stupid enough to constantly aim at people through walls.
  12. GhosT


    I honestly think this shouldn't have been announced and just randomly implemented, so the players that cheated for years would suffer consequences, rather than giving them more than enough time to uninstall everything.
  13. Oh damn. This was faster than expected. You guys are doing great work so far!
  14. Just because you can't ues it. It's hard to learn (harder than the N-TEC) but once you did, it absolutely melts people. It's almost a yukon at times. Stop avoiding and play some citadel with me, I'll show you.
  15. Bloody Mary and Hitchhiker have the same firerate, but the BM has one less shot to kill, which technically makes it the faster one out of the two. Bloody Mary also has 5m less range, it doesn't have better range. Hitchhiker is a little more accurate, but has the same effective range as the Jersey Devil, which makes the Hitchhiker the best one on range. Speaking of recoil and accuracy loss, I haven't really noticed much of a difference when firing all of them.
  16. Glad that someone else posted the UL-3. It's my favourite secondary and it packs quite some punch once you learned how to use it. By the way, the bloody mary is the worst UL-3 (in my opinion at least). Jersey Devil has a faster equip time and 10% more fire rate, it shreds people on close range and is still lethal at ranges up to 30m. Hitchhiker comes with a 32 Rnd. Magazine which is amazing, but all in all I think the Jersey Devil is the best one. I don't know why the Bloody Mary is seen as the "best" one. Is it because it has a silencer? Or a red skin? Or one less shot to kill, which doesn't really matter on such a high rate of fire weapon in the first place?
  17. People will still continue to post them in social because they get more attention here.
  18. Yeah, was a GM. They're doing that quite often on citadel.
  19. Easy fix. Raise the general payout per mission, but lower the percentages of premium so there isn't such a huge gap anymore, and premium users would get just as much as before.
  20. Those aren't even growing out of concrete, which the waterfront ones are. Literally no grass or soil around it whatsoever.
  21. Hot damn, I never thought that I'd ever see someone that shares this opinion with me. I do find it quite "pay2win" when you can nitro the hell out of every objective while free players can't spam nitro as much as premiums. Same story with the field supplier, but that mod became obsolete with the superior deployable ammo box.
  22. Yes? It doesn't make any sense to put palm trees on such a shipping dock, nor does it look good imo.
  23. But it's a shipping dock, and they're perfectly aligned so people have obviously put them there. And that's one of those shipping docks that look like man created concrete islands, without any nature under it.
  24. When do people learn that people have certain fields they're employed in? The dude managing the anti cheat systems isn't going to do anything regarding graphics or the art style.
  25. Not really a fan of the engine upgrade graphics, everythings so oversaturated, many buildings have been retextured into bright colors, there's palm trees growing out of concrete - AT A SHIPPING DOCK! Not to mention that the game looks absolutely awful now that they removed the baked shadows, so there are absolutely no shadows under the bridge in financial or inside buildings, because that whole thing is a "shadow" already.
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