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Everything posted by VanilleKeks

  1. The go to car for any above average player is the Pioneer, not the vegas. The only car I think needs a nerf is the pioneer and then buff the other high end cars to be on par with vegas or something
  2. As I said in the other thread, I would take it down until its fixed (preferably after 3.5). It will take months to make it good and I don't see it doing us any favors being the new "frontline" of APB in this state (The BETA tag only gives so much lenience). I'm glad that you are considering this option, I respect it when people own up to their mistakes.
  3. LO is a great company, technically they are doing the right things. The problem is that they focus on the wrong things imo.
  4. I would like RIOT to be put on hold and the resources used to develop it put towards the engine upgrade. Once we have the engine upgrade at a stable state, please re-introduce an improved version of RIOT as a seasonal event or something similar. I do not think having this as a permanent game mode is a good idea.
  5. I don't wanna be that guy but keep in mind that this person most likely bought all the visual and audio assets etc. and then coded the game on their own. It's still impressive but making those assets is also a ton of work.
  6. But when can I pay 20 bucks to have my NA mains transferred to EU?
  7. if i remember correctly, during the big patch day when someone pointed this out originally, lixil said that the team is still working on it and that ping should go back to normal once done. I don't think they moved the servers either.
  8. hEY i JUST started working for LO and i found a fix
  9. Put in in a new modified TDM mode in asylum and call it mayhem mode or something. If it isn't active 100% of the time I can see it being fun. Leave baylan out since that map is already a semi-unplayable mess when it goes above 30 pop, don't want more chaos in there.
  10. I am probably one of the most vocal people against de-threating in this whole community. I absolutely despise these people. If you are curious as to where I'm sneaking around, look for any of these characters in Fightclub (I do not play missions anymore). I got nothing to hide h0mie. Also in twelve days I'm moving countries and won't have a PC that can play APB for a while anyway :^) Thank you for the post, since I have now had the chance to "defend" myself, feel free to lock this thread.
  11. You can pick-up weapons in action and fight-club districts and it completely messes up any coherent form of gunplay. Oops
  12. I've had a stack of 40 suits yesterday in one game. If that thing had no CD I could camp in the fog forever.
  13. dont know but some people are in social, myself am stuck loading into social though
  14. Well since I have criticised this in detail before: TLDR GM program is essentially useless at the moment and the application results seems to be based on your connection to LO.
  15. Can I just say that if you expect 3.5 to be anything more than a new workbench for LO you will be disappointed. It's gonna take months after 3.5 to actually make the game good.
  16. Goof aside, this would actually be nice, but it ain't gonna happen. All the twats just gonna quit a few weeks until their stuff updated and no real progress will be made by EAC swap unless they actually have some secondary measures this time around.
  17. macros can give advantages in some situations and be a downside in others. In the end the optimal solution is to properly learn the gun.
  18. @MattScott Can you make a comment on human countermeasures for cheaters? I don't know how BattleEye messed with you behind the scenes but from a players' perspective, a big issue has been that the people who manage to slip through can just rampage forever. With /report or GM interactions seemingly not yielding any results.
  19. So who's going to magically quit the game next patchday and return after a few weeks?
  20. Please fix this, it should be very easy to do Thanks
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