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Everything posted by cowhorseman

  1. if you o see the most tryhard of tryhards go against oca when he's playing with his friends. little shithead will do anything in his power to kill you each and every time no matter what
  2. if this version of apb is f2p and not even a good f2p why the fuck would i want to see a v2 at 60$ that feels like saying "this pile of trash is cooler because i poured gas on it and lit it on fire"
  3. did you play pre ammo box fix? what (crims mostly) players would do is drop a large ammo box spam the ever last hell out of frags into an area nad you would be forced to die because you can out run 5 smart people chucking 1 nade per a second
  4. they gave that skin to all accounts activate due to the fact getting the skin normally was largely unfair for most
  5. what if your like me and have no friends. who am i to invite?
  6. maybe by the power of grey skull we can have more players in this game. lets hope to god there more then 12 with shitty mics
  7. maybe now it would be over priced shitty "trap" remix's of every fucking song that has existed on this planet. or leboyce spams eh? eh? eh? also most of you on the market have no talent and they sound like shit (fight fight fight)
  8. https://ibb.co/pJq8Hgx https://ibb.co/bFH4B6z https://ibb.co/ZNKmvGd https://ibb.co/8mKZHrJ https://ibb.co/m5x7Kvh these should give a better view into what i mean. you can see that the sparkle effect does not lap over right when swapping shoulders with the gun. and yes i know there crappy what do you expect from someone gaming on a office pc they can't upgrade
  9. i see no reason to bother with it's state they seem to be busy with there other project and pleasing there lap dogs when they cry. go find something else until the engine update comes out. then come back for the week that 25% of the pop came back to look at he fancy graphics then go "wow i remember why i stopped playing this"
  10. cowhorseman


    you shall hail glory to our ham overlords B R E A D
  11. cowhorseman

    The N-tec

    if i wanted lore i'd read the wiki. if the wiki wasn't more useless then fallen earths before luka came along
  12. cowhorseman

    jump suit

    can you add the jump suit from that one bundle (https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&catID=65&subcatID=303&productId=2983) i would like one for one of my players. of course unless you have at some point i haven't been to social in like 3 weeks
  13. i didnt see no thigh socks for males and females (some guys iv'e meet on here would love to wear those and knee high socks)
  14. i really so no point in fixing anything because all the vets are just going to sit on the forums and cry like the little assholes they are, and the fact of LOs blind fire past with fix things makes me think it would once again be a blind fire attempt to fix this. like how do you keep out dters? take away threat levels? well then everyone is in two servers and you end up with match's like 5 255 gold's vs 5 very real t's and you know what happens? they quit never to bee seen again. tbh it should not be by threat level it should be by rank number. and even ten armas and jt would fuck that up because a rank 9 could still buy a ATAC with mods still leaving it inbalanced. then what else to fix it? throw some more gun fixs gun nerfs on it? is there a line were you can win without pissing offf the cry babies of this game? why not give us more maps and rotate them with a new match making system, i also think an issue of "cheaters" isnt cheating it comes from the fact that some of these maps have been played so much you can basically know were and how a player will be coming from and what he will do and you can already prepare to counter it. been called a cheater for that countless times because i've played fin so many times i can drive around it without paying much of attention as to were i am going which well gives me a upper hand on newer players, but if it wasn't fin everyday or every week it would prove harder to learn all the points make it harder to over power new people and a new threat system would make it more broke up and fair for old and new. of course i'm also half patootie rambling my ideas in a fashion that works to me but more then likely makes no sense because i'm bad at conveying ideas
  15. clearly you must be new here. we vets and long time players are use to going 2-3 years without an update. how long were we on a 2016 feb build of the game?
  16. why pretend to be someone your not in game. im a giant pleasant fellow irl, im a giant pleasant fellow in game. i see no reason to be nice because that gets you screwed over. so back to slamming people into walls with dump trucks while spamming shitty leboyce tunes
  17. i should just make a shirt that says "unpaid taxs" thats the scarist thing out there
  18. cowhorseman


    your not entitled to shit you spoiled brat. learn with a no slot oscar or use the trail discaount and pay 20ish dollars for one. and don't say shit to me becuase your not wasting your money on a gun that you wont know if it's good or not like i did (VAS tin solider) so quit your bitching and get to spending or don't not like mods make the game easier you can still kill people with zero slots and oscar works real close to sr15 with no mods just a two round burst and not a semi
  19. cowhorseman

    Why Buff Ntec????

    well shit it's gonna piss them off but cr762. way to high kill time and it's abused by hackers and something you can do in game which with it's low bloom can lead to it being a laser beam death dealing lmg
  20. cowhorseman

    Why Buff Ntec????

    they need to fix many guns. AND A CERTIAN GM I WONT NAME HER deleted a post of mine because i gave very clear statements as to why said gun was broken and that they need to fix it. same with the rest of broken guns that need a rework. like corsair needs one r2 needs one said gun that made gm lady mad and so many more. infact most of the jmb guns you can get are not worth your time cheaper to buy stock versions of them + they come with 3 slots not 1-2 free slots with a fixed mod that can some times force your hand in play style
  21. eh true. if it's anything like how the rest of the guns are handle it would be like a blind baboon with one hand is firing it
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