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Everything posted by Yeedman

  1. shouldn't you be for med spray considering you try to use kevlar?
  2. Hey everyone, today we're meeting at the parking garage next to the Praetorian building where Ty Durrant resides in. Thanks
  3. ursus is the most valuable one personally i'd just save for one of the permanent weapons
  4. Hello, today we are meeting at german fortress in gold Financial. Thanks
  5. Hi everyone, today we are meeting at the pier in gold Waterfront.
  6. yeah, we barely ever post on the forums, mostly because it's my job and i'm extremely lazy. i could try and make it a habit however. here's the link to wq's discord btw where we talk about where to meet etc http://discord.gg/bwjAAZb
  7. ugh, so again it's only for clothing? kinda disappointed once again ngl
  8. i'd like to remind yall of oscar if you think ttk is everything
  9. Yeedman

    Casual Server

    interesting idea i'd love to see something like this when and if the population rises, right now there's just no pop for it
  10. i've heard the temptress is gonna be with the new contacts, however i'm not sure i've heard it from an official source ffa r&d iii you can just buy from other players so it's still obtainable ffa bullshark is on legendary weapon leaser in joker store and also a random reward in jt packs on armas
  11. energizer was removed before g1's release already, in like 2010
  12. still aint got most car kits on joker store and garage space is so limited, smh
  13. nah it's for both factions if you want to override that limit, use the trade system
  14. Hey everyone, today we'll meet at the ferry in gold Waterfront.
  15. Pioneer still the top choice. But if you want to save a bit of cash, T-25 isn't that much worse anymore
  16. Hi everyone, today we're meeting at the construction yard in gold Financial.
  17. I dunno, the Dolton Fresno is the car with the highest health in the game atm (1450 compared to Pioneer's current 1350)
  18. you're getting dislikes because you're posting things that most of the community finds dumb, for example you want pioneer's health increased and concussion grenades removed i hope you realize this lol
  19. Yeedman

    Dislike me

    true ogre isn't powerful anymore because of the shotgun nerf it's funny tho because it drops everyones frames
  20. not a bug, they just haven't reset trials
  21. 4 slot 4x4, colby .45 ap, act44 gm apart from that i'd like to know what you are looking for
  22. apb has a 145fps cap so no idea how you are getting 160fps
  23. ranks mean nothing skillwise because new accounts and characters can be made about green districts, i wouldnt mind seeing them go and new players being automatically put into bronze districts through the basic district select, even at silver threat
  24. you're just not worthy enough for it. dm me if you want to know more of our faith
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