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Everything posted by Sadira

  1. my latency's been amazing, idk what you're talking about
  2. certain names that will literally be gone forever my heart
  3. Sadira


    having different temperatures of food, especially with sweets, goes well together like a warm fudge stuffed cookie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream goes down smoothly
  4. Sadira


    ......and he hates ice cream cake
  5. Do you expect them to fix years of damage in only 3 months? oh ok
  6. does this mean i can start playing missions again
  7. you really shouldnt be playing if its going to cause problems this bad truly. not trolling. you should seek some help, and also maybe invest in a punching bag, yes.
  8. it was taken away because people kept abusing it with chargebacks
  9. It's just a thing that happens sometimes when you disconnect from game not properly. The game still thinks you're logged on, hence why it's telling you 'currently in use from another client'. I'd give it like 15 mins for you to be "fully" logged out.
  10. There's some ambulance drivers too that still have 'Realtime Worlds' on their clothing. ;-;
  11. I definitely would pay for outfit slots in an instant.
  12. The surveys are still there, but it's such a huge pain in the butt trying to get any that 'deem' you 'eligible' that most of the time they just cancel the survey on you. @Neonis was attempting to do some for at least an hour the other day to try to get some G1C, and many surveys kept just basically kicking him off saying he wasn't eligible. Absolutely frustrating for him.
  13. Less than lethal is REALLY hard to do, especially if you're not very good at the game. Arresting isn't the ideal way for enforcers to make money, since they'll probably waste their time attempting to arrest - and probably would have made more money just doing missions regularly in the time you waste attempting to do arrests. Turning in cars is REALLY slow (even in a full district). This is coming from someone who has been doing it a lot. It's not easy to find actual cars marked as Stolen. (seriously, all I ever find are cars that other enforcers took) You have to keep consistently driving around the district and hope also that Stolen cars don't get blown up, or are not being currently used by anyone. Again, in the time you take trying to find cars, you can easily make more money from just doing missions normally. This is why enforcers are at disadvantage compared to criminals - where they can just make money freely, and easily. No skill required. Enforcers have to actually try much harder if they want to use other means to make money.
  14. they did EU earlier today, they just did NA like an hour ago
  15. i dont agree. dont speak for everyone sorry, but that's just dumb. why should crims get an easy, risk free way of making money. and meanwhile, enforcers have to bust their asses for money, which is HIGH risk.
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