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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. NotZombieBiscuit

    Table Concept

    At that point this is getting far too overload with information. There is a nice balance and this is not it. Honestly the current amount of information on the board is about right.
  2. Should shut down the game on April Fools but not bring it back. Or do that stupid teamkill event. Please don't do that.
  3. We live in troubled times, these are troubled times, we live in troubled times, you live in troubled times Thus far G1 has done the most, though they have also had the most time with the game. (This excludes the entire building of the game by RTW/only post release changes)
  4. Imagine having dual citizens in the American Government that funds a false state/country with billions to a supposed 'ally' that is not in the interest of their own people. Hmm. Imagine 2% of an ethic population owning 54% of the media. Hmm. Imagine being kicked out of 100+ countries over the entirety of history and never stopping to think maybe you're the problem. Hmm. Imagine subverting every host nation your heritage has ever been a part of. Hmm. Imagine destroying a societies traditional moral values that hold it together eventually leading to the destruction of a such a community that you are a part of until it becomes a degenerate mess all in the name of some money and control. Hmm. Imagine being able to switch your ethnicity for one agenda before going back to the other agenda when it suits your own interest despite the obvious hypocrisy. 'For you but not for thee'. Hmm.
  5. TLDR: Jews Grug hear 6 long nose tribe die in holobunga Seem not possible Grug no see smoke hut Long nose tribe want Grug pay berries Grug see long nose tribe put berries in water hole Son drink from water hole now son want to pick berries with wife and daughter Grug just want son back
  6. Yeah, I miss kicking silvers and people I don't like instantly.
  7. That is like 30% of the missions?
  8. It is still a patch. Just backend stuff.
  9. Mmm, maybe hitting towards 1,000 mil to be honest. Though with how much legendary weps have dropped in price probably not anymore. 100+ weps slotted with 2-3 mods each in all of them. Too many legendaries and multiples that I have to stock them on alts. All the dumb themes that sell for too much. Random clothes and symbols. The amount of vehicles. Money on hand. Misc. Also you gotta learn what net worth is.
  10. People thinking that flawed matchmaking systems will be better than the current one despite the current one being the same system that every other game uses that they praise except the difference being APB does not have the population to support it.
  11. We already went over this last time you posted it. It is your own fault you died there.
  12. Not really. That is likely the best the system can come up with due to the small pool of players to choose from. The enemy team also likely has the option to call backup. Plus knowing you most of those golds are probably low gold while the silvers and high silver.
  13. Imagine having a better OBIR as a secondary. What a world. Oh wait we live in that world.
  14. At least hit reg isn't as bad as it used to be back in like 2013-2014ish days.
  15. Final Fantasy 14 seems to be holding as the best classic styled MMORPG currently. Monster Hunter World is pretty nice. The Division 2 recently came out as is the best looter shooter mmo styled.
  16. Well this thread is a bit of a waste then wasn't it.
  17. No it is not harder for Enforcers. It is just semi-random what points are selected and neither get harder ones overall. Sometimes it can unfortunately select annoying ones though.
  18. He isn't wrong though. It does not fall in line with the rest of the game's aesthetic.
  19. A lot of the time I will keep car spawners up on purpose to manipulate spawns for the enemy team. It is pretty easy to sort of camp then and get a free kill wave or even know the direction a respawn is approaching because of it. It is not always the best option to destroy the spawner.
  20. NotZombieBiscuit


    It is not a European Union server. EU stands for the European and surrounding area geographically. Like HAN was for Asia/Oceanic and NA is for the greater Americas.
  21. NotZombieBiscuit


    You play on an EU server. EU is made up of many different countries that speak a multitude of languages, not just english and russian.
  22. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
  23. No kissing though, unless if you are trained in proper medical aid greater than a basic first aid course.
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