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Everything posted by vsb

  1. its not even the 25th for them yet bro, take a chill pill
  2. hitboxes interfere with projectiles, likely as a built in feature so you don't blow yourself up
  3. of course personal skill plays a role, if you dont understand the limits of gameplay skill youre also almost definitely unable to understand who is ever so slightly exceeding those limits i rest my case
  4. i thought this already happened, isnt everyone free to play in bronze districts now???
  5. typically wouldnt "im so bad at this game" and "everyone must be hackers" be mutually exclusive? feels like most hackusators vastly overestimate their own skill level
  6. there's a character mod that helps prevent being run over, valzipram tablets
  7. https://support.gamersfirst.com/hc/en-us
  8. i'd imagine orbit is responsible for both charge and chargeback processing fees and too many chargebacks might have certain banks declining further business with orbit
  9. im sure a passive aggressive thread will really light a fire under him
  10. what? it takes like 10-20 minutes per gun to achieve a macro that eliminates recoil at the optimal rof, muscle memory doesnt develop that fast, especially across the 25+ individual weapons and then it never has to be thought about again, which probably also helps with aiming since it frees up some of the limited brain cells a dedicated macro user has i think people vastly overestimate the amount of macroers (just like they do cheaters) but saying a macro gives a smaller advantage so who cares is a super dumb take
  11. reaction times are irrelevant here because you arent reacting to the next shot, youre predicting it, consciously or unconsciously thats why such a small time discrepancy is so easily noticeable during actual play
  12. percs got their ltl potential nerfed, which was the only issue they had remote det now has a proper cd kevlar still sucks whats wrong with explosives?
  13. then just dont play if its not fun, if enough people dont find it fun then maybe orbit will revert no-seg
  14. an extra star and an nfa arent going to ensure anyone sticks around
  15. i disagree with some of your dmr av opinions but im just here to point out that you said the pr1 was objectively better and then pointed out two situations where its not objectively better, one of which is the entire reason behind the guns existence
  16. as long as the symbols arent colored i have no idea which g1 dev thought up the genius idea to use red symbols in a game where red name tags means enemy, but they should have been fired on the spot
  17. super doubtful anyone gets banned solely based off reports, especially not just from 5
  18. why would they nerf low yields further when they're currently almost completely unused?
  19. it just doesn't sound appealing - i like losing because i tried my hardest and the opp was better, not because the game decided i only get 10 bullets for the whole mission
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