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Everything posted by vsb

  1. seamless instance transfer is not possible on the current engine unless (assumption) added via excessive custom coding - the very same thing that causes many of apb’s current issues
  2. you cannot possibly be a real person, this amount of willful ignorance is off the charts the difference here is that you aren’t saying “stop cheating” in district, you’re saying “player x stop cheating” - given your earlier statements i doubt you understand the difference so just trust me that there is one
  3. the only way to truly solve matchmaking issues is with the phasing mechanic, which is off the table until 3.5
  4. who to believe, thousands of negative reviews over several years or one nerd that still plays apb?
  5. “i don’t have this problem so it doesn’t exist” good job bud
  6. yeah its just not worth wasting 20 minutes of gameplay if you're going to risk it by fighting, especially on jericho where riot matches are so hard to start
  7. have you seen riot? i don't want orbit anywhere near the rest of the UI lmao
  8. as far as im aware you (or a member of your team) needs to survive until the match ends to receive full standing rewards
  9. 2FA disables trade locks, or at least that was the plan at one point
  10. flareguns are massively annoying when used properly honorable mention to spotter mod even tho it’s not a weapon
  11. yeah i'd like to give the benefit of the doubt but the last time i saw someone use it they wanted to report a bronze i had seen go hard negative a few missions beforehand
  12. because player A has claimed that player B is cheating, you quit a mission - if other players start quitting as well then player B will experience subpar gameplay, worst case scenario they just stop playing apb for x amount of time in this case griefing is not cheating, as no unfair advantage is being gained over the opponent btw if you're the moron who spams "team watch then /report player x" in district then you arent fit determine anyone but goat level silent aimers are cheating
  13. congratulations on writing the dumbest sentence i've seen all day this is exactly why name and shame is frowned upon
  14. espacio needs to be awd (and maybe add some weight), a “heavy” vehicle that can be pushed around by sportscars is ridiculous
  15. i get that we can speak any language on the forums, but why does yood’s incomprehensible gibberish count?
  16. if hackusating was bannable ingame 90% of the population would have been banned from apb in 2011
  17. first choice says buff all cars to vegas level (which i disagree with), or at least that's how i read it
  18. i personally think encouraging "stealth" gameplay makes matches pretty dumb
  19. poll doesnt have an option for "complete rebalance" scuffed laughs in pioneer
  20. i assumed by classic br you meant just removing the player controlled map closing, so extra lives/respawning would remain wider was probably the wrong word but the skill gap in br modes (imo) seems far more noticeable - a singe life (or very limited lives) and gameplay almost entirely dependent on aim skill
  21. sounds like you live in the wrong country
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