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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i agree that since orbit has taken over there’s been a pretty significant downturn in cheaters, but it’s hard to tell if that’s actually because of orbit making the right moves or because the game is just so dead there’s been problem time periods as well, i remember a lot of blatant activity before orbit announced battleye but after announcing ff was dialed back
  2. apb has had a lot of cheaters, going all the way back to rtw where they turned the anticheat off the punkbuster years when closet cheating was “allowed” because the anticheat was so bad definitely didn’t help then ffbans with its “17000+ cheaters” poured gasoline on the issue, especially considering there’s no telling who was false banned then smaller things in the background, like the district instance system making it easy to keep running into the same cheater over and over, people taking wins/losses more personally because of heavy investment into their character, the small “everyone knows everyone” high school class mentality that apb fosters, etc etc etc at this point its all run together into a disgusting mucky mess that i’m honestly not sure will ever be eliminated, hacking/hackusating is basically a part of apb now
  3. it’s just objectively worse than other options
  4. aside from the fact that orbit has shown themselves to be bad at weapon balancing, why wait until after the engine upgrade? if what they say is true and only so many people are working on the eu then orbit might as well have the others start fixing issues, almost anything to help the engine upgrade release feel different from the current game will be a positive
  5. sorry i had to fake a hosting site because the forums doesn’t allow pornhub links this was in relation to you stating that the fbw and fbw-sd behave differently when firing as you can see, they don’t
  6. not even trolling at this point tbh, just trying to correct some misinformation you've presented
  7. im using the charts for your benefit, since you clearly dont understand the practical mechanics involved
  8. there is not do you see "fire interval" ? thats the minimum time between shots, its the same for both the fbw and the fbw-sd
  9. considering ive used both the fbw and the fbw-sd for thousands of hours at this point, i think i understand how they work if you'd like further evidence, here are both guns stats side by side btw i read through the thread again and you never discussed your suggestions on how to equalize the inherent skill gap caused by natural talent in apb
  10. jumpshooting and quickswitching are gone sprint shooting “fix” made scout gameplay noticeably more clunky and unenjoyable on one side heavy hvr is a better sniper, even after the quickswitch “nerf” on the other side the obir and obeya offer nearly the same functionality and are far easier/more forgiving ca3
  11. the fbw and the fbw-sd are exactly the same gun, other than the pistol silencer reducing recoil
  12. the yukon bug resulted in something like a .45s ttk, regardless of how it was balanced a stat like that is too far out of line to be allowed aside from some pretty specific conditions (like asylum, and even there it’s usefulness is questionable), equipping the true ogre is basically giving the opp free kills the c2 was considered op because of its incredibly forgiving damage dropoff, this combined with the accuracy, mobility, and ttk of a marksmanship smg rendered most other 0-50m options irrelevant - it was essentially an hb2 ntec with a faster ttk
  13. video is always appreciated LOD pop ins are freaking horrible tho, def something that needs major work also what exactly is going on with the lighting around 2:17 ? its almost like a reflection glare that's out of control but its on weird spots
  14. he’s gone either way though, i guess we have different mindsets on this reaction to ban numbers would be pretty significant, i remember plenty of threads about how ff was broken when there were no bans for a few hours (to be fair some of the time it was actually broken) and then then on the flip side all the times “17000+ bans” was vomited out everywhere, probably more repeats of that than the bans themselves as i said ffbans toxicity frequently spilled over, it was never limited to the site/discord - the toxicity might have always been under the surface but visible broadcasts certainly focused it, having an echo chamber that amplified everything was just icing on the cake
  15. friendly reminder that we actually don’t have any rights here on the forum or ingame
  16. it’s technically not breaking any rules
  17. i think that’s arguable at best considering how broad the gold threat category is, but my main point was that these people would then likely just stop playing rather than reboot apb every 3rd match
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