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Everything posted by vsb

  1. do you even read the threads you post in or do you just prefer to vomit misinformation everywhere?
  2. idk what you posted but that’s not how name and shame works
  3. do you really think the 500 people left spend enough money to actually make a profit of apb?
  4. neither does he, i think
  5. i’m kinda curious who op means so we can all laugh at op but i guess asking him to name and shame would be against forum rules
  6. they look about as good as the palm trees growing straight out of concrete around the wf cruise ship
  7. double post, but this is a really good shot, other than perhaps a little more bloom i'd be pretty happy if the engine upgrade brought this level of lighting
  8. they posted screenshots because the community has been foaming at the mouth for them honestly im surprised there's even an attempt at gfx improvements beyond what comes from the engine, anyone who really expected 3.5 to magically look perfect is a dumbass who hasnt understood what the engine upgrade is meant for
  9. holy flipping screenshots batman nice to see these finally delivered - my screenshot request would be anything up really high and looking across the district (fin or wf), i’m curious to see how long distance rendering looks the performance benchmarks are slightly concerning as 3.5 needs to run almost perfectly imo, this is one thing that has consistently been stated as a reason for upgrading i’d like to commend @SKay for working during all his birthdays on benchmarking, that’s dedication
  10. this is a separate issue but no, a sense of progression being integral to enjoying a video game is not a problem at all - it’s a core mechanic of almost every game ever made, especially within the rpg genre that apb draws heavily from
  11. dont forget that all cash is duplicated for every team member, so assuming the same amount was gathered a group of 4 would still have double the cash of a group of 2 it makes it basically impossible to win if you have a smaller group, especially since i think there's still a bug where a team with the most bribe money will win even if they're eliminated via death
  12. but you unlock an ntec within like 10 missions, what use is an osmaw in comparison? the progression is definitely not optimal currently, but removing it completely via insta-unlocking everything removes incentives to actually progress at all
  13. vsb

    Star LCR

    im kind of surprised orbit didnt use "rarer" weapons like the lcr or temptress for the initial joker store permanent options way back when they first bought the game i also suggested orbit release 3slot variants of preset and retired weapons for an easy cash infusion, but at this point with the population tanking it probably wouldnt make much of a difference
  14. he literally gave his specs and benchmarks in this thread, try reading
  15. aside from the fact that most weapons are unlocked within a few missions, what is a new player going to do with an osmaw besides blow themselves up?
  16. did it let players know something was being done? or did it just contribute to the paranoia? because i saw a lot more people saying “17000+ bans” and “apb is cheat infested” than people saying “g1 is doing something about cheaters” but maybe thats just me
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