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Everything posted by vsb

  1. what else would a language be and if anyone says sign language i will slap the shit out of them
  2. idk if thats true or not but you could run the same scripts with various built in mouse software, so idk if that counts or not lol
  3. every result on the first page of "apb cheats" search results is either defunct or a forum where they also don't know of any public cheats
  4. did you actually look or did you just skim a google results page? when i checked a week or two ago there was 1 semi-public cheat floating around, rumors of a couple private cheats, and probably some colorbots that still work the sad fact of the matter is apb is so dead that its really not worth it for most to maintain working cheats
  5. they arent totally manual - the anticheat system flags and temp bans detected cheaters, and then staff decide whether to make the temp ban permanent or not if anything i'd say this system is more likely to result in less people getting false banned, as im pretty sure the staff are likely to err on the cautious side
  6. my advice is take a chill pill
  7. we're talking about vehicles here tho, the only top level play is getting out and having your vehicle push your character model away from your hitbox
  8. probably better off in the long run
  9. because cookie's config works for cookie's configuration
  10. riot premades basically take all the "bad" things about normal mission premades and turn it up to 11 the grouping mechanic for riot is just inherently unfair as there's rarely ever an even number of participants, having premade groups of 4 vs random teams of 3/2/1 is too busted to work if players want to team up with each other after the match starts then i think that's something theyre more than welcome to do, but there shouldnt be built in group mechanics
  11. just mouse over his avatar and click "ignore user" when the pop up appears edit: image in case you cant read
  12. yeah i’m being pedantic now since it’s clear you have no interest in actually using the forums for discussion, might as well entertain myself
  13. it’s actually more ironic that i’m incorrectly using ironic you're just being a hypocrite
  14. it took you 3 hours for this? lots of games have minor toxicity like apb it’s definitely more prevalent in pvp games, likely because other people become “the enemy” and thus slightly dehumanized (armchair psychology), but even in pve games like warframe i’ve had people abandon missions or talk shit because of poor performance/poor build/etc its just the anonymous nature of the internet that people are less inhibited, and for many that just means they suck
  15. as others have said “config” is a pretty broad term, some technically qualify as cheats and some don't atm i think the access configs grant less capable pc users outweighs the (usually) minimal advantages that certain configs can give i find this a very strange mindset tbh having used a fair amount of configs and also having played a lot (including currently) without any configs, i’ve never once died/lost a mission and wondered if it was because my opponent had a config
  16. i’m not sure you understand what yikes means
  17. friendly reminder that BlueB is the same person that once argued that v spamming (rapidly switching shoulder camera angles) while shooting is a broken mechanic that magically increases accuracy make of that what you will
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