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Everything posted by vsb

  1. that just brings us right back around full circle - do you really think orbit is unaware that the game is not doing well?
  2. but apb loot boxes are about as far removed from gameplay as they can get without being cosmetics
  3. i hope not pretty sure orbit can’t afford cheaper prices
  4. yeah i thought we learned our lesson about timed/scheduled events its a small one one so i guess it’s not the end of the world if it’s missed, but still
  5. lul don’t forget all the legits she banned too and straight up up lying to the community good faith indeed orbit has been pretty upfront about server issues as well if that’s the only information that you consider meaningful then i suppose i can see how you think orbit is no different from g1 what else is there for me to do? your assertion is that orbit is following the same path as g1 when it’s clear (to me at least) that they aren’t, and seem to be intentionally trying not to
  6. context is key, everything before and after “there’s no insidious plan to kill the game” was directly about little orbit and their business practices what does this have to do with my comparison of g1 communication vs little orbit communication? you’re correct that as a CM tiggs should have done more than simply announce sales my point was that mattscott has been just as present (if not more) as tiggs, except with actual meaningful information seeing as i’ve pointed out nothing but common sense, at least in my opinion, i’m not sure what you’re getting at tbh my contributions thus far have been: -little orbit is aware of the numerous issues that affect apb -little orbit is working to resolve many of those issues -little orbit wants apb to be a profitable ip -little orbit is doing better than g1 in most aspects
  7. yah let’s get the forum mods and TGMs into the office for engine upgrade coding what a great idea
  8. are you implying little orbit is ddosing their own services? even if all 500 people still playing bout $100 of joker boxes it still wouldn’t even be enough to pay a single dev giving people back accounts that already own everything they wanted to buy doesn’t seem like the best way to garner sales either i feel there’s a big difference between a CM announcing sales and a CEO posting updates and answering questions from the community at all hours
  9. the han merge also took several months, as did the joker/colby and obeya/patriot merges - there are still unresolved issues from the old server merges, altho the players involved have likely quit by now unless your pc literally doesn’t have a network adapter idk if the quality of your pc affects latency
  10. why would they ignore a problem that’s costing them money literally every single day? your perception of how orbit operates seems off, they’re a business that’s attempting to turn apb into a profitable venture - there’s no insidious plan to kill the game, they gain nothing by intentionally angering the playerbase, and the CM isn’t missing out on coding the engine upgrade when she hosts events the company is actively working on the means to fix many of the problems and they’ve been pretty vocal about how they’re doing so, people spamming “hurry up” isn’t going to change much
  11. i’m unsure how anyone thinks orbit is somehow unaware of the problems with the game, they’re here to make money and they very clearly aren’t making money - that’s a pretty big red flag for any business
  12. well this thread is already aging badly lmao
  13. i didn’t say anything about a merge but it’s nice to know you agree it would be more than a merge, which means more than the 6+ months of time it’s taking to merge nekrova with citadel
  14. there won’t be any player retention with what you’re asking for since it likely can’t even be started until the engine upgrade is released, and once the engine upgrade is released we need a series of smaller fixes instead of putting the whole team on another background project that players won’t see for a year and a half
  15. how do you not understand the difference between balanced and equivalent? its rhetorical i already know you’re dumb
  16. a manually completed one-time server merge is entirely different from a unified login server with regional instances
  17. otw probably doesn’t crash every 3 seconds :^)
  18. then why are you talking about a project nearly as large as the engine upgrade as if it’s a button they can push and have completed?
  19. i don’t think you understand what you’re asking for lol
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