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Everything posted by vsb

  1. thanks for playing yeah here in the real world we use accepted definitions of words, especially when vaunting our pseudo-intellectual expertise being critical requires objectivity, while a black and white viewpoint may help (do i like this product or not) it may also hinder (i don’t like all of this product but it’s the best option) i guess i’ll just repeat myself here because if everyone boycotted companies as soon as they found the slightest flaw we’d still be pre-industrial revolution - everyone has different preferences and there’s no way for a single product or company to be “perfect” for hundreds/thousands/millions of different people
  2. mediocre at best, the only one approaching viable is whichever one gains accuracy as you fire - effectively negating bloom the guns are hard limited by a slow ttk and poor initial accuracy, which is not made up for by adding more bullets to the magazine
  3. man you just love to shift the goalposts whether i’m aware of the benefit or not is not the point, it’s whether you’ve said it or not please don’t make up definitions on your own, i promise you aren’t smarter than the people who write dictionaries hate speech requires prejudice, such as against race or religion for example - all hate speech is a slur, but not every slur is hate speech what an absurd black and white viewpoint since you like “insinuations” so much only a bumbling moron would think that you have to agree with every aspect of a company, otherwise they are incapable of operating their business
  4. yeah sorry my dude, i should have known that direct quotes of you saying “you’re benefiting cheaters” actually meant something else i’m ”trying so hard” because you keep bringing it up yeah typically if i don’t have anything to say about something i won’t quote it, that seems like common sense if you're going to try word games at least understand the vocabulary you’re attempting to use - i even defined it for you already off the top of my head? -incapable of meeting a deadline -riot -delays -slow feedback acknowledgement -unofficial official discord -nearly invisible CM -delays -player GMs -what appears to be poor server management -delays -poor grasp of weapon balance -lack of smaller (assumedly) not-engine-upgrade-dependent fixes -have i mentioned delays? -joker store issues -armas issues -delays again i have a lot more super petty gripes but formatting on mobile is awful
  5. no idea edit: i think the general statement was something about integrating stats properly into the ingame UI
  6. bruh its literally the only thing on the page you linked although i guess it should say "has moved"
  7. nice dodge of your conspiracy theory ive been very vocal about mistakes i feel little orbit is making this thing you do where you jump straight to extremes is really weird tbh another dodge, and downplaying your involvement they definitely were slurs - an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them didnt even wait a sentence before trying it again bonus points for the passive aggressive tone "hey little orbit isnt ignoring cheaters" is not supporting cheaters "hey maybe try not being a banana" is not supporting cheaters "hey you're wrong about such and such" is not supporting cheaters also i guess you're right you didnt imply it, you just outright stated it wait here's an implication
  8. a company intentionally implementing not one but two faulty anticheats to purposefully fool their playerbase is a conspiracy theory level reach, im not touching that all permanent bans are manual (although based on anticheat flags) as of the last info the community was given this was actually a typo on my part, it was meant to say "within the community" and not allowing GMs to manually ban ingame isnt my side, but given that both you and i know they don't is there a need for posts? well your first 3 posts in this thread were an immediate attack on another user then you tried a "nice english" routine (btw there were no spelling errors in that post aside from a self-censor) honestly not going to bother going past the first page, but im pretty sure there were some insults thrown around during the whole "spct has standards" drivel i dont really have any feelings towards you tbh, you've been pretty mellow when talking to me aside from a strange obsession with implying i support cheaters yes your original post described itself as "harsh" and i understand the attempt to showcase your displeasure, but resorting to falsehoods (good word btw) when there's ample evidence to the contrary isnt the right way to do it imo
  9. the implementation of 2 separate anticheats contradicts this statement orbits active discussion with the forum community about the cheater issue also contradicts this statement implementing automatic programs is not the least action possible - and it directly contradicts “little orbit is ignoring the cheater issue” the pros and cons of more active GMs have been discussed with the community - again directly contradicting “little orbit is ignoring the cheater issue” - and little orbit has appeared to side with the portion of the community that feels there are more cons since little orbit is not ignoring cheaters, as supported by your very own words above, pointing this fact out is not enabling cheaters we’ve received pretty comprehensive info on server merges, server infrastructure changes, DDOS mitigation systems, plans for altering game mechanics in the future, and probably more that i’m forgetting atm you initial post was chock full of inflammatory language you also jumped straight to personal insults when confronted with responses you didn’t like
  10. here’s hoping it’s not that terminal we can’t afford to lose many more players :^)
  11. “little orbit is ignoring the cheater issue” - not a fact ”little orbit is taking the least action possible” - not a fact “stating that orbit is not ignoring cheaters means you are supportive of cheaters” - not a fact “The only meaningful information delivered thus far, has been how they are developing the EU” - not a fact “I have refrained from personally attacking in a insulting way” - not a fact im sure i could find more if i go back through the thread
  12. i’m not a big fan of pop im also not disagreeing “just because”, you’ve repeatedly stated misinformed opinions as if they’re objective facts
  13. again with the attempts at false equivalency that cheaters still exist is not evidence that orbit is taking the least amount of action possible and whats with the cheap pop music videos?
  14. your “genuine concerns” were A) based on the incorrect premise that orbit is entirely ignoring cheaters, and B) hidden behind an insulting post and an aggressive attitude calling you out on both is not dismantling anything, nor is it enabling cheaters
  15. ah yes clearly you are the expert on my own feelings
  16. if you have trouble using marksmanship mode at close range, no something like the nfas or oca would probably be a better option, as you can hipfire effectively without many accuracy penalties
  17. of course it’s relevant, if the creators of the game don’t make any money then it’s effectively another non-choice perhaps this comes down to poor word choice, i assumed when you said thankfully that you supported the “pay to skip” advertising mechanic seems like the likely outcome here tbh i don’t see microtransactions as inherently harmful, although i do agree it can taken too far - but the free market will regulate itself, as shown by EAs recent losses i also don’t think that regulating every microtransaction model the same way is a smart way to go about it, as i believe it will have several negative effects on the rest of the industry
  18. has anyone said “there are no cheaters”? has anyone said “cheating is not a problem”? i know i haven’t
  19. cqc is close quarters combat - generally regarded as 0-30 in apb reflex sight will make your accuracy when in marksmanship mode worse (affecting mid range fights), but it will give you a larger field of view
  20. if you aren’t good at aiming in cqc then the atac probably isn’t a good choice, as using marksmanship mode is preferred most of the time
  21. as in your original post, this is untrue correcting you is not enabling cheaters, neither is being dismissive of your uninformed opinion what obstacle? your post is still visible, all your opinions can still be read people disagreeing with you is not an obstacle, regardless of whether you’re right or wrong lmao nice try
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